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For his own good 2 - Love on the Rocks Part 13

Posted on Tue Oct 27, 2020 @ 9:43am by Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Civilian Sha'rae Astare & Lieutenant T'Lul

1,547 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Deep Space 5
Timeline: MD 9: 1500

"My schedule is filling but I have not completed my review of crew files. So, I could potentially meet with him later today."

"Perfect. I will ensure his schedule is clear. Thank you again."

T'Lul watched as Sha'rae left. Given her new "patient," she decided that she would do some research on him before meeting with Geral.

Now the conclusion

Geral was in his office sitting at the piano as he played halfheartedly. Thus far the day had dragged on and on and nothing seemed to make the time pass any faster. All his attempts to figure out what the hell had gone wrong the other night had failed. All his attempts to contact Maritza went unanswered...her yeoman, though sympathetic, had told him to stop calling. Getting up he moved to the window and looked out over the activity in his shop below. Thinking to himself, ~maybe it's just over...I just wish I knew what was going on.~

T'Lul strolled into Geral's shop. She had not purchased any merchandise from his shop, nor had she been here before. While Vulcans could lie, making a rouse plausible was also required. At the moment, she did not have a particular idea but Sha'rae had suggested complaining about a sale. T'Lul found a candle holder. Perhaps I could use this for holding my mediation candle. It was bronze and had some intricate designs on it. She went up to a clerk and purchased it. She walked out.

The metal was soft. With her Vulcan strength, she pressed a dent into it. This should work. Five minutes later she walked back into the shop and walked to the clerk and said, "I would like my money back, please. You have sold me a defective item."

While returns were rare a defective item was even rarer. Management was constantly pushing Mr. Lasuma's insistence on quality control and attention to detail to prevent this very type of thing.

Remembering the officer she smiled warmly and reached out for the parcel. "What seems to be the issue?"

"I bought this candle holder but the metal is clearly made of some fabricated material. I held it and look at this dent." T'Lul showed the other side of the candle holder that had been bent in by her pressure.

Her smile faded slightly. "Ma'am i can't issue a refund from damage that was...self inflicted. Unfortunately softer metals and Vulcan strength don't make the best combination."

"I assure you that if this was of any quality, my hands could not have damaged it from merely holding it." The Vulcan tried to furrow her eyebrows to make her look angry and failed spectacularly. "If you are not going to cede to my claim, then I would demand to speak with the owner of this shoddy establishment."

Geral had noticed the beginnings of the exchange from above and welcomed to the distraction. Approaching the pair from the side, “Is there a problem?"

"Yes," T'Lul responded simply. "This is a defective item and I am seeking recompense."

"Well I assure you Lasuma's doesn't deal in 'defective' merchandise. You are?"

"I am Chief Counselor T'Lul. I am certain that you are aware of Vulcans well-earned reputation for logic and integrity."

Upon hearing the name he knew exactly who she was. "Ah yes Lieutenant, but as you will no doubt agree reputations can be a fragile thing, and never entirely what they appear to be."

"Indeed. Perhaps we could discuss the recompense somewhere that will not cause this store's reputation to suffer further."

"By all means," leading the Vulcan through the store and the interior part of the cafe. After a quick lift to the next level they were on his office level. With a gesture he directed her to his office.

"Can I get you anything, some tea perhaps?"

"Tea would be acceptable," T'Lul responded with a small nod for acknowledgement. She started looking around the office, making note of its decorations.

His hand hovered over the call button. "Hot, iced...?"

"If it is a black or an orange pekoe tea, then I would prefer that it be iced. Otherwise, hot."

Depressing the padd the response was immediate. "Yes sir, what can I get for you?"

"One iced orange pekoe and an iced black sweet tea."

"It'll be right up sir."

Now with their drinks on the way he looked at the counselor. "Now what can I do for you?"

"To be more specific, someone hired me to come to you. This individual believed that you were 'not yourself.' It was suggested that I would not be able to see you but for doing something that drew your attention. Hence the small bit of a scene downstairs."

Leaning back in his chair he knew exactly who this concerned citizen was and a subtle smirk grew on his features. Taking a deep breathe through his nose he released it slowly as his elbow rested on the arm of his chair and his finger ran back and forth over his lips.

Taking another breath, his hand dropped as he exhaled in a huff. "Well I'm not one to have my people waist their money. So...", spreading his hands with a gesture, "...where do you want to start?"

The Vulcan settled in, making herself at home. "Perhaps it would be more appropriate for you tell me why you believe that I am here and why you might require my assistance."

"I don't, which is a response you hear regularly. I have faced far worse the misconceptions and over reactions of Captain Maritza Soran. I know that the certain people in my employ can be protective of me, even over protective, but that is what I pay them for."

"When you are not confiding in people that you normal confide in, it is not likely a misconception. And, tell me why you believe that the Captain is overreacting towards you."

"That story would take some time to tell."

"I have been hired to be here, Mr. Lasuma. I have the time and the patience for the story."

"Well for me to tell that story I would have to go into events involving the Captain. Things she would probably not revealed to someone under her command. I would not want to violate her trust."

"I can assure you that whatever you tell me is confidential. Whatever may be revealed would never be able to be even revealed to her without your express permission. That is the nature of counseling," T'Lul advised. "Sometimes it is quite difficult for the counselor because when multiple people tell multiple stories regarding the same people, there are different perceptions and it is up to the counselor to work with those perceptions regardless of the counselor's ideas."

While he agreed with her, her points were not entirely what he was concerned about. "That is all true and your confidence is expected as a part of your position as well as appreciated. My concern is that what I would have to reveal, to provide context, may reveal information she doesn't want others to know."

"I appreciate what you are saying. However, whatever you reveal will be confidential, as well. The Captain will not know that you have revealed anything. IT would violate my oath to reveal that information to her or anyone else. So, you have no reason for concern."

He took a breath as he considered her statement. "Very well, I just hope the nothing said here will color your perception of the Captain." That said he began the layout of the history of his relationship with the Captain is order to provide context to his...dilemma. As he closed with him being kicked out of her quarters he explained how she refused to explain what had happened in the few moments they were apart. The only thing he had managed to get from her was a slap to his face. If anything was bothering him it was Maritza's drastic shift in actions towards him.

"Tell me more about this Gevran and the bet," T'Lul instructed Geral. Perhaps she could get more insight than the Captain gave her. "Based on your telling, that seems to be a point of contention for the Captain."

"It was. One that I thought I had explained to her. Some time ago I went to see Gevran and during that time he told me that there was a bet going on within his circles concerning our relationship. He was under the impression that I was only trying to whew her for some business ploy. I allowed him to maintain that misconception and as Maritza and I were already dating I took a part in the bet. And it had nothing to do with sleeping with her. They were betting whether or not she would toss me out an airlock.

"However, in Gevran's little show on the promenade he stated otherwise. It seems that she was willing to accept the word of a known underworld figure than someone who has done nothing but try to help her and her crew...who has stood by her...who has protected her...who..."

"Who what?" T'Lul prompted, already knowing the answer.



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