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Special Delivery - Love on the Rocks, Part 15 (Part 1 of 2)

Posted on Wed Oct 28, 2020 @ 5:40am by Lieutenant T'Lul & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma
Edited on on Wed Oct 28, 2020 @ 5:41am

1,893 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Main Hangar Bay
Timeline: MD 10:00

:: Earlier - Evening of MD 3 ::

After sending Maritza his apology he called up the product line for Origin, the company he had just ordered his new yachts from. As he moved from ship to ship he was impressed with the variety of vessels they had to offer and the thought occurred to him that he did need to update several of his transports. Taking not of several models of freighters and transports that had peaked his interest several options began to take shape.

He spent quite a bit of time comparing features and capabilities and once satisfied with his initial selections he sent the data off to his corporate headquarters to see what he people thought would be the best options for updating the company’s fleet.

He was about to close things out when an accidental swipe change the screen from space vessels to aquatics. Taking a few extra minutes he scrolled through a few of their seagoing vessels until he came across one particular model. "A sea going pyramid...interesting."

Opening up the model to review the features multi- deck, multi-cabin, each side had its own deployable sundeck. The perfect place for relaxation. Leaning back, his wheels began to turn. He had always had a nose for opportunity and the idea of opening a series of convalescent or recovery centers for those with stress...he snapped his fingers he had the perfect test market right in front of him.

However with Maritza's current state he doubted he would get any proposal approved. No matter he sent in a rushed order for two of their oceanic pyramids to be delivered anonymously to Deep Space 5 in care of Commander Telamon and Lieutenant T'Lul.

:: Present Day ::

The large ship hauler dropped from warp as it approached the space station. "Origin's transport Satisfaction to Deep Space 5. Requesting permission to dock."

"DS5 to Satisfaction. You are cleared to enter the main dock." came to reply from Traffic Control, "Proceed through Delta Gate and take berth seven."

"Acknowledged. If it's not too much trouble please have..." looking at his invoice padd to get the names right, "...Commander Telamon and Lieutenant T'Lul meet us at that location so they can take delivery."

"Understood Satisfaction. Deep Space 5 out." After closing the channel the flight control office opened an all within the station. "Commander Telamon and Lieutenant T'Lul, please report to berth 7, docking section delta."

Amia was just leaving the crèche having dropped off Liana and was making her way to Main Sickbay to start her shift. She stopped off at the Promenade to pick up the usual round of exotic coffees, juices, shakes and iced drinks for those she knew she would be working with and balancing the trays on her usual hover trolley, set back off again to return to her route towards Sickbay.

She just about got to the doors when a request came through to ask her to go to docking berth Delta Seven. "Damn their eyes" she muttered and handed over the trolley, asking one of the others to distribute the contents. She took her own with her and set off with some disgruntlement. ~Why can't these people sign off their own cargo? And what's it got to do with Sickbay... we don't have any equipment on order, not at least that would arrive by such a remote, obscure way.~ she thought, put out to be waylaid on the first handover period of her day.

T'Lul was reviewing some of her notes and observations on emotions. Occasionally, she would shake or nod her head as if having a discussion with herself. Her review was interrupted by a call that she had a delivery. T'Lul did not recall ordering anything and she had hardly been on the starbase, so nobody really knew her. This was a mystery. She called back =^= Are you certain that you have the correct individual? =^= T'Lul asked curiously.

=^= Your guess is as good as mine Lieutenant. We were just relaying the request from the transport.=^=

=^= Curious, =^= T'Lul replied. =^= I shall be there shortly.=^=

[Section Delta, berth 7]

Once docking had been completed, Jameson stood out the umbilical waiting for the two officers.

T'Lul strolled interestedly into the docking bay. "I am here for a delivery," she told Jameson without preamble.

Coming off the bulkhead he had been leaning on. "Greetings, and you are?"

The Vulcan responded simply. "I am Lieutenant T'Lul."

Nodding appropriately, "Greeting Lieutenant. Well as soon as the Commander arrives I will take you both to our cargo hold."

"Interesting," T'Lul replied. "I am quite certain that neither of us ordered anything together."

He shrugged with a subtle grin. "All will be revealed in the fullness of time Lieutenant." Motioning to the docking lounge, "Care to have a seat while we wait?"

"If you wish," T'Lul answered as she headed towards the docking lounge. Again, small talk.... Why is it that people feel the need to fill in the silence?

Taking a seat the Origin rep look across at the Vulcan. "Hopefully the Commander will be here shortly. I'd hate to be the cause of any...lengthy...disruption to your schedules."

Amia was only minutes away and on her arrival she acknowledged T'Lul and greeted her warmly.

Then she turned to the other person waiting there. "Do I take it you're the person who summoned two Heads of Departments without explanation?" she asked, her doctors' straight face firmly fixed as she looked him up and down.

"I hope this is of super-importance not to have been put through the proper channels - Has whatever you're delivering been scanned/quarantined/checked properly for the safety of the Station and it's inhabitants, only we had a cargo that was very dangerously mutant recently and it nearly wiped us all out!"

Amia was pretty sure in her own mind that the checks would have been very tight and thorough but she asked the question anyway, just so the Orion and his mysterious behavior would give some thought to how close to the line he was sailing by turning up and making demands on such a large, heavily populated and recently threatened station the size of a large city.

Standing at her approach as she ranted on. "My apologies Commander. Rest assured nothing has been off loaded and is completely isolated until it meets the stations requirements. If you will both come with me I can show you your merchandise."

He led the pair aboard the hauler, one of the few ship in the Origin fleet the could transport something as large as what awaited the pair, let alone haul two of them. As they approached the hatch he turned and walked backwards. "To address your earlier statement Lieutenant you are correct; neither of you ordered anything from the Origin Corporation."

Stopping before the door he lift his tablet. " 'To be delivered to the Federation station Deep Space Five, in care of Commander Telamon and Lieutenant T'Lul. For the betterment of the station's company and crew. The frontier can be a hazardous and stressful place. These yachts can be deployed on the planet's surface and provide an excellent platform for the recovery, relaxation, and decompression of station personnel. Humbly provided, Anonymous.'"

Opening the hatch he took the pair into the massive hold. The two craft, held in place by multiple stabilizers stood before them. "Feel free to go aboard to look them over if you like."

T'Lul looked at Amia and wondered at the gift. It was rather expensive and elaborate. Few could afford this. But why would anyone even do this? It made little sense. T'Lul raised her eyebrow at Amia and asked, "Who has the resources to do this and what could they want in return?"

He shrugged honestly. "That I cannot say ma'am. I am just an Origin representative here to deliver, ensure the proper installation of the stabilizers, and to oversee the deployment. While such philanthropy as always been rare, it has happened. Perhaps it is just as the note says it is; a gift."

"But a gift normally presumes a preexisting relationship, such as one of relationship, familiarity, or of generosity to a cause. This is none of those, which implies that this 'gift' has an ulterior or secondary motive. It is that nature of most beings," T'Lul informed everyone.

Watching the pair look up at the craft. "Assuming of course that none of those relationship do not exist."

"The fact that it is signed 'anonymous' almost completely eliminates that final possibility," T'Lul explained. "Someone that was a generous donor normally would want it to be known who gave the gift so that future gifts could be solicited from that person or that there be a legacy granted to a person, such as naming a building or the like."

He stopped himself from continuing the debate even though she was assuming their benefactor wanted attention or recognition. Motioning to one of the crew who began moving an antigrav lift into place. "Please go aboard check over the craft."

"After you" Amia motioned for T'Lul to have first look and followed her inside, looking around with curiousity but still waiting for the second shoe to fall, as it were. "There's never any such thing as a free lunch, let alone two" she said softly to T'Lul as they climbed aboard the closed of the vessels.

"Indeed," T'Lul responded in kind. "Hence why I am seeking the motive and price." The Vulcan walked on board the craft. "I wonder just how large this is." Before waiting for a response, she asked the computer, "Computer, how large is this craft? Also, give an overview of the amenities."

"Origin's Ra yacht line transformed traditional forms of watercraft to the absolute geometry of a Tetrahedron. A three-based pyramid provides fundamental stability and enclosure. Its form produces a pure, precise, logical and mathematical platform on which the upper hull assembly rests.

"The Tetrahedronal design creates the appearance at high-speed of levitating over the water. This effect is produced by a Hydrofoil Small Waterplane Area Ship or HYSWAS hull, that is comprised of a single vertical strut onto a single submerged torpedo hull. The vessel will lift out of the water at speed on side-mounted adjustable hydrofoils. Long distance, smooth travel through rough water at high speeds will eliminate heeling and slamming in rough waters.

"The hull has two working waterlines for its operation. At low speeds, 0 to 30 kph, the craft sits gently onto three underbelly hulls. At high-speeds, 31 to 100 kph the hydrofoils rotate on the lower submerged hull, creating the effect of the vessel mysteriously raising the triangle out of the water.

"Above the waterlines this particular model is composed of 3 decks. Deck 1 houses the bridge and control systems. Deck 2 houses crew quarters, storage, and medical bay. Deck 3 houses a central communal area surrounded by 15 fully equipped cabins, with individual safety features. The cabins are encircled by a lounge area that can also serve as recreational or exercise areas. Each side is equipped with a deployable sundeck, ladder, 3 deployable shades.

"Equipment options include: sofa's, deck chairs, tables and chairs, paddle boards, individual or multi-person water craft, scuba equipment, and a variety of deck games."


Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor

Commander Amia Telamon
Chief Medical Officer

Geral Lasuma
Owner - Lasuma Enterprises

Representative - Origin Starcraft Corporation
Played by Geral


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