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Pre-hunt Festivities (part 2)

Posted on Tue Oct 22, 2019 @ 10:56am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Civilian Jason Haines & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval

1,174 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: - IKV Cha'Dich



"No sooner had I turned to call out to my friend than the sun was blocked out and I threw my friend to the side as I dropped and rolled to my right, the creatures claws slicing my uniform and my flesh.


"As I rolled back to my feet I was facing a creature over 8 meters of muscle, claw, and fang with redish and black striped fur, it's leathery wings spread wide. When it roared...a sound that would make a Vulcan Le-matya run in fear and it's breath...that of Fek'lhr himself.

"Standing my ground I drew my arms wide. I returned it's roar with one of my own as I began to move to my side. Smelling my blood, it crouched low preparing to strike.

"A phaser beam leaped out from off to my left, striking the creature in the shoulder. It howled and leap on my crewmate it's long claw piecing his shoulder pinning him to the ground.

"Moving fast I ran up a deadfall and leapt into the air as the creature prepared to dispatch my Lieutenant. Landing on it's back I sank my blade deep into its neck at the base of it's massive head. No sooner had it was over. Our team feasted that night and I skinned the creature.

Latanna, and Kalara pounded their mugs on the table in response to the tale.

Jason followed suit with his, trying not to stick out like the sore thumb he was.

Standing in the midst of his fellow Klingons the Ambassador turned back to tje head table as he scanned to face of the young warriors. "Perhaps history will repeat itself for one of you. The fates are smiling on us this day! Once again I ahead
Into the unknown, with a Federation Lieutenant, who's name is also Jason."

Turning his head to his guest. "Do you believe in fate Lieutenant?"

"The universe spins in too odd of a manner not to believe", Jason said. "If it weren't for fate, I wouldn't be here today."

Nodding as he stepped quickly to raised table. Drawing his D'k tahg he turned to face the assembly. "The fates have spoken..." raising his blade high, "...Who will join their metal to mine?!!

As he was the one asking for this, Jason made sure he was the first to stand and raise the D'k tahg the Ambassador had given him. He wasn't going to let the Klingons think that he was here to use them. He would hunt with them and if they bled, he would bleed with them.

With a nod from his father, Enozi raised his blade into the air.
"I shall join you in the hunt!"


As the assembled warriors roars, the various fires glinting off of blades held high. Charghwl'IH stepped to the group of youths this hunt was intended for as his aid approached with a ceremonial gin'tak spear, placing it in his outstretched hand. Whom ever he chose would join his hunting party, the rest would be assigned to the others. He paced the group looking intently at each young warrior. He knew their lineage and achievements thus far, but he was looking for something more. A fire, a hunger in the eye, that desire to prove they were more than just a bio.

Kalara was female, and almost too old to be considered a youth, but she was eager to prove herself as a skilled warrior. She would not dishonor her house by letting blood-lust cloud her reason. She would hunt, and keep her catch alive.

The room had gone quiet as the selection was being made, and the silence was broken as the base of the spear was slammed down onto the table before the young Klingon he had selected. "YOU! Kalara, Daughter of Primarth...shall join me on the hunt!"

Kalara grinned. "You honor me and my house, my lord." It had been three generations since a member of her family had been invited to a hunt.

Releasing the spear to the selectee. "Take your place at my table."

Kalara took the spear and stood, proudly following him to the table of honor.

Looking to the other young warriors. "It was no easy decision as all of you were equally worthy. Each of you will be assigned to one of the other hunting parties, all lead by one of my greatest warriors."

Return to his place at the head table he pickup up his mug of bloodwine, lifting out to toward his warriors. "Eat! Drink! For tomorrow we hunt!"

Jason banged his mug on the table for the selectee. Despite being human, he knew what an honor that would be. Although he didn't mind the Klingon food, in fact some of it he had grown to like, he could do without bloodwine, but that was not something he could avoid. He just hoped he could get back to the station without getting too drunk, too sick, and not lose too many feats of strength. Although he was pretty strong by human standards, most Klingons out stripped him.

Eshova had watched the Lieutenant during the festivities thus far and was curious to see how he would do during the rest of the feast. She was sure he would least she hoped he would.

Jason filled his mug and took some of the food he had eaten the other day in his initial meeting with the Ambassador. better to start with the devil you knew. His eyes darted back and forth watching all that went on. Many thought the Klingons were still uncivilized, but as he watched the interactions, there was a distinct social paradigm at work that those outside the culture probably wouldn't understand. Not like he could understand in one sitting, but he could at least recognized that it existed.

Latanna topped up Jason's mug of bloodwine. "Drink up, lieutenant. It'll put hair on your chest."

He smiled at the Klingon woman and replied, "Perhaps, but I try not to waste my testosterone growing hair."

He took a reasonably big draw of his mug. He must be getting somewhat use to the bloodwine as it wasn't making his stomach roll too much.

"You have me at a disadvantage", Jason said. "The Ambassador told you all my name, but not yours. What is your name?"

"I am Latanna," she said. "Sister to Kaylara." She nodded to her sister. "She who will join the hunt. I prefer to stay here to help...celebrate." She took a long swig of her mug. "Tonight, we eat, drink, and celebrate. If the hunt goes well, we will celebrate its success." She filled his mug again. "Tonight, I will show you how Klingons celebrate."

For him, there hadn't been too much to celebrate lately. Perhaps letting loose a little wouldn't be a bad thing.

(To be continued...)

Ambassador Charghwl'IH
Klingon Ambassador

Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer


NPCd by Annara Tessaro

NPCd by Alanna Wells


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