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Signals & Noise (Part I of II)

Posted on Tue Oct 22, 2019 @ 9:35pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Ensign Calaban Bel-Asher & Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann & Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok & Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas

1,526 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Pangaea Portal Complex
Timeline: MD11 1900~2100

Previously on DS5 calling....

Sovok glanced to Maritza. "You do keep your minions in the dark, don't you. How very Vulcan."

"Your opinion of my methods are of no concern to me," Maritza replied, just as drily."

"I didn't think so. Shall we get this charade over with?" And with that, he grabbed Scaliontis by the scruff of the neck and hurled the Romulan bodily into the two marines shadowing him and they all went down in a heap. In completing the move he pirouetted on one foot, grabbed Alanna by her blonde hair, and the two disappeared through the portal.

And now the continuation

It happened so fast, Alanna didn't have time to do more than gasp in surprise.

Scaliontis was in a pile of bodies with the marines and they all were trying to get up. "Stop," the Romulan said forcibly. The marines did and Scaliontis managed to extract himself without hurting the marines.

The Romulan then realised what happened but his head hurt so much and his hand went to the point of impact. He felt a bump with some wet, there was a few other bruises but not as painful. He looked to where he was talking with Sovok and both the Vulcan and Alanna were missing.

He went to the portal and decided to go through anyway but simply walked through the obelisks, it took a minute for him to register the fact he was still in the same chamber. He turned to see Soran and the marines. "Damn." He said with pain.

Soran had started running the moment she realised that Sovok had turned on them. But unlike Scaliontis she had been much further back, and as she sprinted forward, the statue had swung its hand up with the grating of stone on stone and caught her arm in an unyielding grip. "Endieendiġe heo, you will becwael."

Soran glared at the empty space that Alanna had been dragged through. It looked like her people were trapped, and she had no way of getting them back.

Scaliontis saw the sentinel come alive and grab his commanding officer. He went to her but stayed out of range of the sentinel, or so he thought he was, "Are you okay Commander?" He asked, his anger and panic at what just happened with Alanna played across his face.

Soran glared at the sentinel. "Let go." The statue released her without speaking and resumed its original stance. "Yes, Thank you, Mr Lovok. Are you hurt?" She was grateful her Chief engineer was a Romulan. Being thrown around like a ragdoll could have killed a less robust species.

"A headache but I'll live Commander." Scaliontis rubbed at his head wincing every time his hand touched the bumps and bruises. "Though the marines broke my fall. I'll go get a medical team, or bring them here."

He glanced to the portal were Alanna was taken by Sovok and growled. The portal had closed again and the fact that the Sentinel intervened meant that maybe this was something out of their control.

The Romulan glanced over at the marines and saw they did need medical attention but he couldn't take both. He walked over to the one that was slower than the other. "Ok Sargeant, easy," he cooed as he assisted the somewhat bulker man to his feet and got under his arm.

The other marine seemed less in urgent need so unless the Commander was going to help Scaliontis thought it best they wait for the security team's return and hopefully they would have intercepted Sovok on their way back.

Scaliontis helped the injured marine to where the Commander stood. "I'll be back in a bit Commander with your permission?" He waited.

Soran tugged on her jacket, pulling it into line. "What have you got in mind?"

"I'm going to help this marine to the medical station, since we don't have transporters, I was thrown into him pretty hard so I want to help him, with your permission I'd like to hurry?" He pressed then added. "Since we don't know how to activate the portals we are kinda helpless on this side." Scaliontis said a little fast. "Hopefully Sovok and Lieutenant Wells will be intercepted by the security team and Lieutenant Haines on their way back as its up to them to get back."

"Belay that." Soran said as Zhao and the marine Lieutenant Sh'Zera arrived "The marines can manage themselves. I'm having the Romulan Core brought down. Its the only thing we know that's got anything even close to a link to the other side. Then you and Mr Hartmann are going to find away to try and force that portal open."

Hartmann, normally quiet around the Skipper, spoke up to the order. “Jawöhl Kapitän. We’ll figure it out.”

Scaliontis was a little annoyed he couldn't help the marine, but transferred the marine over to Lieutenant Sh'Zera. "Feel better okay?" He told the marine. "See ya soon."

The marine grunted back in thanks and they left. Scaliontis wondered why there was no other science officers around. He also recalled that they'd have to connect the Core to the nearby sensor and communications array to use it. "I'll do my best," he said to Soran.

It was a tense forty minute wait, before Kivan Ta'Gas arrived, along with Ensign Bel Asher, followed by two marines pushing a huge antigrav cart with the Romulan computer core weighing it down, and another two with other bits of equipment.

"Mr Kivan, Dr Bel-Asher" Maritza nodded as he arrived. "Twenty minutes ago, Dr Wells was kidnapped by Chief Inspector Sovok. The portal has sealed itself behind them. The computer core is the only thing we've got that has even the hint of a ghost of a link to that world. I need you to work with Mr Lovok and Mr Hartmann to force that portal open so we can get her and our Away Team back. Any questions?"

Calaban Bel-Asher shook his head. "No Ma'am." He opened his backpack and started pulling out several padds with all the Pangaea data on it.

Scaliontis joined Bel-Asher and Kivan. "Ensign, Lieutenant," he greeted the new arrivals and gestured for the marines to put the Core by the other equipment in the chamber.

The Core had no external functional parts so they had to connect it to Send and Receive type devices for them to use the Core. "I had a thought a while ago but I didn't want to voice it while Sovok was here. Since Deep Space Nine's crew encountered the Mirror universe and multiple scans of those from that universe were logged in the station's computer."

He looked at each to see if they followed his words. "A quantum resonance signature was noticed when compared with our universe's versions of those same people. I wanted to suggest we scan for our people's quantum resonance signature once we send a transmission on the same frequency the first one was sent to the Core on. What do you two think?"

Hartmann snapped his fingers. “Like old-fashioned radio; if every person in this quantum reality’s atoms, quarks, etc vibrate at a particular frequency, all we have to do is ‘tune in’ to that frequency, and we’ll find them as easy as finding classical music on the scanner.”

Calaban started handing out the padds. "This is the quantum signature for us, and for the Vulcan's." He gave Maritza a nervous glance. "I, er, took the liberty of scanning them several times as they wandered around..." His pads showed the steady oscillation of two different quantum signatures. Beneath them was a crazy chicken scratch of apparently randomly changing signal. "The bottom one is Pangaea's."

He picked up yet another padd, and flipped it round to show them. "This is the atmospheric scans from the night the core picked up the signal. As you can see there was a high density of tachyons and they seem to be colliding with a stream of Chronitons left over from the temporal anomaly a few years ago."

Scaliontis read the padds. "Maybe the portals need the planet to be in a state of flux to operate, so it is easier to breach the dimensional barriers..." He trailed off as if he was thinking out loud how they worked of course no way of confirmation unless they met a portal creator but that won't happen so he shrugged.

"We could throw the frequency of the transmission it received back at the portal. It might trigger it to open or make a crack that we can scan through." The Romulan said to the others before turning to Soran, "We're really not sure what will happen Commander, it's your call." Scaliontis said with an unsure smile.

"Not doing anything doesn't get us anywhere," Soran replied. "Let's get started."

To Be Continued

Lieutenant j.g.
Kivan Ta'Gas
Assistant Chief Engineer

Commander Maritza Soran

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

LTJG Scaliontis Lovok
Chief Engineer

LTJG Erich Hartmann
Chief Operations Officer


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