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Pirate Island Adventure (part 3)

Posted on Tue Oct 22, 2019 @ 10:55am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca & Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann & Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok & Civilian Jason Haines

1,109 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: MD15 1700 hours


"Anyone wanna splash around in the water?" Scaliontis asked the group.

Andronikos was already on his way to do just that. "Yeah."


"I've never played volleyball," Brianthe said to Erich.

“Well, what do you like to play?” He replied.

"I know a number of card games," Brianthe said. "But I also like learning new things."

"I'm fine with swimming," Alanna said, peeling off her sundress.

Jason smiled as Alanna 'showed off' her bathing suit and said, "There is nothing that says they both can't be done. After all, a day at the beach combines both a lot of times."

Alanna had no problem spending more time on the holodeck with Jason. She held out a hand to him. "Come on, let's check out the water."

Erich averted his eyes. He had no interest in a woman so obviously spoken for, not to mention the equally lovely swimsuited venus beside him, but better to play safe than have Jason or Al think he was leering. He found his gaze wanting to crawl along every inch of Brianthe’s figure, in particular her legs, but willed himself to be civilized.

“What would you like to do Häschen?” The German said to Brianthe, adding his native tongue’s term of endearment at the end, which meant ‘bunny’.

"We could swim with the others now, and perhaps go for a walk later," she replied. "Do you like swimming?"

“As long as I cannot see any unfriendly looking aquatic creatures, yes.”

Scaliontis put his 'cape' with Andronikos' one and ran into the water after his boyfriend. The two started the whole chasing each other and kicking up water at each other.

"Computer, please add a swimming course of various simple challenges." Scaliontis ordered after he caught Andronikos and managed to ground him. The two were laughing wrestling, as the course was being created after the computer chirped acknowledgement. Andronikos pinned his Romulan to the sand and after trying to struggle Scaliontis huffed and then slowly lifted his head making their lips meet.

Andronikos seemed to lose a little concentration as his body began to react to his boyfriend. Scaliontis wrapped his legs around Andronikos' and rotated enough to help push him off. Scaliontis got up and bolted into the water with a dolphin dive before quickly looking around for the start to the course.

Andronikos groaned with annoyance as he had to adjust himself but the water was partially covering him so the others didn't see and he got up. He found his Romulan swimming fast for the start to the course. "Get back here!" He called and ran after Scaliontis.

They both were in the prime of physical condition, though Andronikos was older, but Scaliontis did have scars nearly all over that the 'cape' had concealed. It showed he had a hard life prior to Starfleet.

Brianthe watched the two men run down to the water, but when they began sporting, she turned to Erich to give them some privacy. "I think those two may be the only dangerous creatures in the ocean, but we can go elsewhere, if you'd rather. She put her hand on his chest. "I don't surf, and I am only mildly familiar with this type of obstacle course. We can try it if you wish, or sit under a palm tree and watch."

Erich sheepishly shrugged. “I fear I am more interested in eating fish than pretending to be one. Palm tree it is.”

Into the air, Hartmann stayed, “Computer, one Earth palm tree, wide leafed, about 20 meters from surf line.”

The computer chirped acknowledgement, and a palm tree appeared from thin air, giving off some comfortable shade.

“Shall we?” Erich motioned to Brianthe as he laid out a blanket upon the sand for her.

"Thank you, kind sir," she said and gracefully sat on the blanket to watch the others compete.

“I hope they don’t go out too far; I’d be unable to guarantee your virtue. You see, I hear that a beast roams these beaches.” The whole sentence oozed mock horror.

"I trust both will be well handled with you around," she replied, chuckling.

His eyes went wide with the same mock dread as before. “I cannot guarantee that the beast is not myself madam; it is only thanks to my iron willpower that I do not kiss you like a teenager with a curfew seeing you wearing that suit.” He was only half-kidding; he had just enough self control not to savage her. But the lady was so lovely, her voice so melodic, her form so graceful, her scent so intoxicating, that the ‘just’ part of the sentence was tepid and ephemeral at best.

Brianthe was growing more enchanted by Erich's wit and personality. She leaned forward coquettishly and whispered. "I was hoping they were one and the same."

Hartmann has to adjust his sitting position so as not to give away his...physical reaction to her words.

“Only the most brutal of torture could make me admit to it.” He said hotly.

She chuckled and ran a finger down his cheek and smiled.

The German leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss, their lips softly embracing. It took a great effort on Erich’s part for the perfectly temperate kiss to turn aflame, such was the sweet taste of Brianthe’s lips and the soft and inviting flavor therein.

Erich's soft kisses had a greater effect on her than any other man that sought her attention before. When the kiss ended, she rested her forehead against his cheek. "A, Sir Erich, I believe you have enchanted the poor gypsy girl."

“Oh no you don’t madam; don’t go blame this on me. I was seduced and not in my right mind.” He teased.

"Not in your right mind, perhaps," she teased "But I have not yet begun to seduce you."

Mock incredulity filled the man’s face. “You mean this is only phase one of your plan?! How can I retain control of the better angels of my nature under such a barrage? A man can only take such an assault for so long before his defenses crumble and he is forced to surrender?”

Her bell-like laughter seemed to dance as much as the sparkle in her eyes. "My dear Erich, that's the idea."

(To be continued...)


Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann
Chief Operations Officer
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca
Deep Space Five

LTCMDR Andronikos Jaesan
Starfleet Intelligence

LTJG Scaliontis Lovok
Chief Engineer
Deep Space 5


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