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Job Requirements Part 2

Posted on Tue Mar 31, 2015 @ 9:06pm by Captain Tam "Demon" Haican & Commander Caden Aldrex & Sebina Haican

1,113 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: DS5, Haican quarters
Timeline: MD01 1915 hours

After the two men entered the Haican residence, Tam gestured that Caden sit where ever he wished. As he did so, he moved over to the small bar, located at the rear of the room, and grabbed a medium sized bottle of dark amber liquid and two tumblers. After moving back to the sitting area, Tam sat on the edge of his couch and poured two fingers of the liquid onto each tumbler. As he handed one to Caden, he commented, "Hope you like Earth whiskey."

"Academy milk? Yes, I remember it well," the XO quipped. He took the tumbler and studied the amber liquid, silently reminding himself not to overdo it. "So I take it young Sebina is not acclimating well to life on DS-Five?"

Tam took a sip of the warm liquor and then sighed. "What she is not acclimating to is her current life with me." He looked over to the other man. I assume you've read my personnel file?"

===Meanwhile, somewhere on the station===

Sebina was angry, more than angry. She walked without watching where she was going. It didn't matter. It was not as if she was going anywhere. She would never get away from this damn station. And if she would, it would be to go to another ship or station, or wherever those high ranked uniforms thought she should go.

She was mad at her father too. He just went along with it. With every order that came in she imagined him shrugging and doing what he had been told. He didn't care how all this made her feel. She hadn't even been here for a day and he was already leaving her alone.

Sebina stopped for a moment and sighed. She had stopped next to a window and stared into open space. Some shuttles flew by, going to wherever. Lucky them. Going away from here. She wished she could be on one. Though it had to go to Betazed, or Earth, or any other planet. No more of these metal boxes.

Suddenly she wondered if she could just hop on one and leave. As a stowaway. Shouldn't be that hard. She just needed a good plan..

===Haican residence===

"Mostly your service record," Aldrex admitted. "It's the only part I care about. Although I did catch the part about your wife. I'm very sorry."

Tam looked over at Caden as he replied. "Not just my wife. My son was murdered as well." He got real quiet as his eyes moved down to the coffee table, though he wasn't seeing the table itself.

The XO nodded somberly. "I'm very sorry," he said again. "It's tough being a single parent, I'm sure. Have you considered taking some time off to be with her?"

Tam nodded and looked up at Caden. "Actually, Sir, I was about to put in for two weeks leave, to begin as soon as the prisoner transfer mission is completed."

Aldrex nodded. "Sounds like a fine idea." He shifted forward and set his drink down on the coffee table. "Is Sebina going to be all alone while you're off on assignment? If you need someone to check in on her my wife and I will be happy to do it."

Tam nodded absentmindedly at first, then the words hit him. "I'm sorry?" A look of relief started to cross his face. "Commander, I...I don't know what to say....Thank you...I do sincerely appreciate that!"

"Hey, no problem. Does she have any friends? Maybe she'd like to join us for dinner one of these nights. It would be a shame for her to eat alone."

Tam shook his head sadly. "No, she doesn't have any here. All her friends are at our last assignment. It's part of the reason that she's angry with me."

Aldrex nodded sympathetically. "Yeah, Starfleet can be tough on kids. But that's no reason why she can't enjoy herself on a station like this. We'll help her get settled in, alright? There are plenty of kids her age here."

Tam looked genuinely relieved at that news. "Thank you, Sir. I appreciate the help. I just hope that she doesn't fall in with a bad crowd again. At our previous assignment, she, and a group of her so called friends, managed to hijack a type two shuttle and fly it around the station. It took every favor I had to keep her out of juvenile detention. She doesn't know that part, of course. Deep Space Five is our last chance. Command has already warned me that if she pulls anything like that again, I'll be charged with whatever her crime is and dishonorably discharged."



By now Sebina had made it to the entrance of one of the shuttle bays. She saw people from Security, Engineers and loads and loads of people coming in and going out. Security seemed strict and they seemed to be checking everyone. But Sebina saw families too. Pretending she was hurrying after one of them might be her best shot.

The teen realized she needed to make notes for her plan. For this to work she would need a good and eleborate plan. Getting off of a station like this wasn't that easy. She would need time and a lot of information. But next time her father left her, she would leave him too.

Suddenly she saw that a bunch of the Security officers were relieved and some new people took their place. Changing of the guards, a perfect moment. Sebina noted the time. She would stop by here more often. Study their schedule, learn their ways. This was going to be her way out.

===Haican Residence===

Tam and Caden ironed out the details of Sebina's care while he was gone. It was then that Tam had realized that his daughter had not returned yet, which started to worry him. Though the chances of something bad happening to her a station run by Starfleet, that did not necessarily mean that nothing could happen. Standing, he addressed Caden. "I appreciate the talk, Commander, and the offer to help. If you'll please excuse me, I need to go and find her. She is very clever, gets it from her mother, and I'm worried about what she may be getting into.

The XO stood. "Of course. Let me know if there's anything else I can do."

Tam nodded and thanked the man. Once they parted company, out in the corridor, Tam reached out with his mind to locate his wayward daughter. Sebina...Please come home...we need to talk honey.

Lt. Cmdr. Caden Aldrex
Executive Officer

Sebina Haican

Capt. Tam Haican
Bravo Assault Wing Commander


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