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Meeting new faces.

Posted on Tue Mar 31, 2015 @ 4:26am by Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter & Lieutenant Saria Rex

910 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD 2 1920 hours


After his long shift and being crammed into a Razor for check flights all day Kyle was happy to stretch his legs and go for a walk on the Promenade. He'd only stopped in at the Dilitium Chamber so far and hadn't been able to see much more of the Station yet so he welcomed the opportunity to get a better idea of his new home. He found himself not really watching where he was headed while he took in his surroundings as the crowds swarmed all around him. Looking up at one of the many shop's marquees he accidentally bumped into another officer almost knocking her over. He quickly grabbed her arm to try to help her balance realizing what he had done. "Excuse me, I'm sorry for that ..." He quickly looked to her collar device. "Lieutenant, very sorry for that Lieutenant."

As the deep blue-colored lieutenant almost spun her into a pirouette, Saria held onto the officer to regain her balance. "You got some quick reflexes there, Wingman." Saria remarked, chuckling, as she peeked at the man's division color. "Don't worry, we almost had a nice dance here right on the promenade."

Kyle couldn't help but smile at her lightheartedness about the incident. "Still I apologize, I should have been paying attention to where I was going."

While Saria still clung to Kyle's arm, she got a good look at him. Black hair, hazel eyes, the rank of Lieutenant. Human, as far she could tell. She slowly let go of Kyle, and moved her right hand in front of him, offering him to shake it. "I don't think we met yet. In that case; I'm Lieutenant Saria Rex, Chief of Science aboard the station." Saria smiled at the Lieutenant.

Kyle reached out and shook her hand. "Pleased to meet you Lieutenant Rex. Lieutenant Kyle Carter, I'm the new CAG, only been here a few days so far. Just making my way around the station so far."

"The CAG, huh?" Saria remarked.

"Commander of the Air Group, but you can call me Loki, it's my call sign." He said clarifying just in case she wasn't familiar with the term. "So Lieutenant, what's there to do on DS5?"

"Yeah, yeah. I know what a CAG is. It's just been awhile since we had a new one." She chuckled. "...Loki? So you're a real trickster then." Saria teased.

Kyle shrugged at her question. "You could say that, my friends from back in flight school would definitely say that."

"Well... there is a variety of things to do aboard the station. Eating, drinking, gambling, sporting, relaxing... pretty much everything to suit your needs."

"That's kinda what I'm seeing, a little bit of everything on board." He nodded in acknowledgment.

"...we also had our fair share of bombings, hostage situations, assasinations, plots, riots... but they didn't really suit our interests at all." She added, dryly.

"So definitely a little bit of everything then." He said with a smile. "Not sure I'd want to partake in those activities, but good to know it's around." He joked. "So where's the best place to eat around here? I was in a cockpit most of the day and then got pranked myself by an old friend. Kinda hungry now."

"The Box" Saria blurted out. "Or you might know it as the Box of Delights, an establishment run by a Bokkai lady."

Kyle nodded with a smile then quickly switched to shaking his head with the smile still on his face. "I have no idea what that is or where. What kind of food do they have? I did have lunch at a Bajoran cafe here too it was really good. Have you been there yet?"

"Deck 142, can't miss it. Has a really big sign hanging outside." She said. "They have all kinds of stuff there, just ask and they'll get it for you."

"Sounds good, guess I'll stop in there tonight." Kyle answered back.

"Shall I walk you there? I can only imagine that the sheer size of the station will confuse you somewhat." Saria offered.

"Sure that'd be great." Kyle accepted. "It's hard to deny a pretty lady offering to escort you some where, but I'd be remiss if I didn't tell you my first duty assignment was on Starbase One. The size of the place isn't the problem, just getting my bearings."

Saria blushed. "You flatter me, Lieutenant."

"I wouldn't say it if it weren't true." He complimented her again.

"Well, Starbase One is somewhat close to civilization. We're at the terminus of civilization here." She chuckled. "We used to have more people aboard than on the nearby colony of Ivor Prime, not too long ago."

"Somewhat close, yeah, maybe a stone's throw away." Kyle added. "What's the station's population now?" He asked as they fell in step together on the way to the Box of Delights.

"Almost a hundred-thousand, the majority being Starfleet personnel as you may or may not have noticed." Saria replied. "Your patrols aren't going to be too interesting, I'm afraid. Just some civilian ships, freighters, and cruiseliners for those who wish to come to this corner of the Federation."

"After the talk I had with the XO he seemed to think otherwise. he wants us to extend patrols out to keep a better eye on the sector." Kyle informed her.



Lieutenant Saria Rex
Chief Science Officer


Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter


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