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Myths and Mirths

Posted on Wed Apr 1, 2015 @ 12:07am by Lieutenant Commander Steven Wyman
Edited on on Wed Apr 1, 2015 @ 12:08am

527 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Wyman quarters
Timeline: MD 1 1900 hours


It wasn't often that all three of the Wymans were able to sit down to dinner as a family. Some engineering conundrum was usually there to keep one or both of of the parents away from the table. As such, it was usually Gwen and only Gwen.

Though, now, she also had the puppy there to stare up at her with its big, sad eyes.

"Gwen, don't feed the dog from the table. That's just going to encourage her." Ceridwen chided. The last thing she needed was the dog begging every time they sat down for a meal.

Gwen, for her part, just nodded and pulled her hand back to the table. She was completely lost in thought and hadn't even realized she was lowing a piece of food down to her furry counterpart. "Mom? Daddy? Can I ask you something?" she asked wistfully, moving her mashed potatoes around with her fork.

The two adults exchanged a worried glance. Both of them were dreading the day that they would have to give Gwen "the talk." If that time had come then the two of them were woefully unprepared. She was only seven, after all! Finally, Steve swallowed hard and set down his fork and knife. "Yes? What is it sweetie?"

Looking up at her parents, the girl wasn't sure how to ask such a silly question. Finally deciding that the direct route was best, she blurted out, "Are faeries real?"

The sigh of relief from Steve and Ceridwen could be heard from as far away as Cardassia Prime. Wiping a bead of flop sweat from her brow, Ceridwen tried to hide her adulation. "No. No, sweetie. Faeries aren't real. They're just old bits of mythology from stories. Mostly northern European folklore, like Welsh, but also other cultures."

"Why would you be so out of sorts over something like that? It's a typical kid type of question. Heck, we all reach a point where we're asking about San... OW." Steve yelped as the business end of Welshy's boot connected with his shin bone. She wasn't about to let her husband's big mouth ruin at least a couple more years of fun Christmas.

"But, one of the Captain's kids said she saw a faerie on the promenade. Near the gardens. And she talked to it and everything." Gwen figured that the cat was out of the bag at this point, so she may as well lay all of her cards on the table.

"Eviess t'Vaurek saw a faerie, you say? Well, it sounds like she has a very active imagination. And imagination is a great thing. If people didn't imagine - Humanity never would have reached for the stars, developed warp drive, encountered new races." Steve beamed.

His wife could only sigh, as if she had heard all of this before. "Yeah, yeah - boldly go where no one has gone before. Thank you, Admiral Roddenberry."

OFF: This just got really meta...


OFF: Nothing.

Lt. Cmdr. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer

SCPO Ceridwen Wyman
Engineer's Mate

Gwendolyn Wyman
Just a curious child

And the still unnamed dog

And a guest appearance by the narrator. Because why not?


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