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Pirate Island Adventure (Part 6)

Posted on Thu Oct 24, 2019 @ 11:44pm by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca & Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann & Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok & Civilian Jason Haines

1,163 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: MD15 1800 hours


Now she wished she hadn't let Brianthe talk her out of her old one-piece suit. She wasn't as concerned with how it would behave when wet. Still, she waded out until it was deep enough and swam about ten feet and back, standing up when she could put her feet down and stand.


"Alright", he said after watching her, being rather clinical. "You swim heavy with your arms. That's going to change with scuba. It's almost all leg and it will be a lot less effort. It takes a little to get use to when you first start doing it, but soon switching between the two styles will be almost automatic. So, let's see how long you can hold your breath underwater."

She nodded and waded out until the water was shoulder high. Then she took two deep breaths and held the third before ducking under the water.

Although he was in a very grumpy mood, Jason remember something his dad had done to him when he was first learning. His dad claimed it was training, but in reality it was a prank.

Moving up behind Alanna, he tickled her in the armpits underwater.

Alanna didn't think she could suck in more breath, but she still managed to gasp when he tickled her. She stood up, coughing, then smacked Jason on the shoulder. "What was that for?"

"Owww", he said in mock pain. Compared to what he had been threw lately, this was a love tap.

"It is part of training. Sometimes when you are diving fish come up and nibble", he replied with a serious look on his face. The serious look melted soon and he started laughing.

So, Alanna dunked him under the water.

Jason fell into the water in an exaggerated fashion as she pushed him in. Although it was the holodeck, Jason found being immersed in the 'water' very relaxing. He let himself sink to the bottom and just sat there. Every so often a bubble broke the surface.

"Not funny, Haines," Alanna said. So she left him there and swam out to the reef.

Jason could barely make out her words and he just smirked. As she moved out, Jason broke the water a bit just to get some air and then dove into the surf and swam after her, but underwater. When he caught up with her, he tickled her foot just a little before surfacing.

This time, her foot jerked a little, but she maintained her stroke. She stopped before she reached the reef and tread water. "You are incorrigible."

"You say that like you just found that out", he replied smiling as he tread water as well. Every so often he touched her foot with his.

"Good point." She was glad he was feeling good enough to play. "So, do you think you can teach me to scuba dive?"

"We'll see", Jason said. "Follow me."

With that, he went back under the water and it seemed like he was almost out of sight in an instant.

Alanna took a deep breath and followed a little more slowly.

Even though the water was clear, without goggles or a mask it was a little tricky to see, but Alanna was able to find Jason. He reached his hands out to her.

She put her hands in his,not sure what he intended next, but willing to follow his lead.

He made a motion for her to close her eyes. He knew this part was tricky. His dad had done it with him. At first he thought it was his dad being a jerk, but there had been a number of times when it had saved his butt.

She closed her eyes.

When she closed her eyes, Jason flipped her in the water and gave her a spin, then let go of her. Being disoriented in the water was a possibility. He wanted to see what she did. He moved away just a little, but stayed close enough to help her if he needed to.

She opened her eyes and looked around. Then she breathed out just a little and watched which way the bubbles floated. Once she'd oriented herself, she kicked up to the surface.

Jason followed her back up to the surface. Smiling he said, "I think I can teach you how to scuba dive, maybe."

He winked at her.

Alanna grinned. Then she jumped on him and dunked him again.

Jason was mid laugh when she shoved him into the water again so the laugh came out as more of a "blurbp"

He grabbed her waist and pulled her in with him.

She wrapped her legs around him so they would sink or swim together.

Although they had been through hell recently and Jason had a level of rage he had never had before and was having a hard time controlling it, the water helped soothe his mood right now. He pulled Alanna closer and even though it was awkward underwater, Jason kissed her.

The kiss broke when Alanna needed to surface for air.

Jason surfaced and after a moment said with a smirk, "That was a rather wet kiss."

After a pause he said, "Well, do you think we should let the others know where we are or do you want to just keep swimming until we go off the edge of the world?"

"I'd go off the edge of the world with you," she replied, her eyes meeting his. "But maybe we should spend a few minutes with the others first."

Jason kissed his finger and then 'beeped' he nose.

"Well, maybe we'll be lucky and they will have made a picnic for us."

"If not, we can arrange one," she said, striking out for the shore.

Jason swam after her, his stomach actually growling. He wasn't sure if he was really hungry or if he had just psyched himself into it.

Alanna smoothed her hair back out of her face as she waded out of the sea. She could see the others farther down the beach. She took Jason's hand and the two walked back to the group.

"Did anyone pack a picnic?" Jason asked with a smile.

Thankfully it didn't take long before the 3 couples were together again. Scaliontis shook his head. "I'd figured we'd all go to the Mess for dinner once we were finished here."

"I could go get my picnic set," Andronikos said, his hand still holding Scaliontis'.

"You have a picnic set?" Scaliontis asked slightly teasing.

"Yup, remember our 5th date?" Andronikos asked gently squeezing Scaliontis' hand.

It took a few moments but the Romulan grinned. "Right," he flushed green.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann
Chief Operations Officer
Deep Space Five

Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok
Chief Engineer
Deep Space Five

LTCMDR Andronikos Jaesan
Starfleet Intelligence


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