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Fri Mar 20, 2020 @ 10:21pm

Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok

Name Scaliontis Lovok

Position Chief Engineer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Romulan
Age 38
Date of Birth 2354

Physical Appearance

Height 5’9” (175cm)
Weight 195lbs (88kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Pretty average Romulan, though a few scars, and fit. Unlike most Romulans his hair is always untidy.

He has a memorial tattoo on his forehead in his parents' honour.


Father Code name: Malakam (since a Tal Shiar agent his real name was stricken from all records)
Mother Code name: Flora (since a Tal Shiar agent her real name was stricken from all records)

Personality & Traits

General Overview A very independent man, considering he had to look after himself after age 10 for many years
Strengths & Weaknesses He will help those less fortunate than him as he had lived that life, sometimes giving too much leaving himself vulnerable.

He was taught by his parents to be unseen, the art of being unnoticed when the situation calls for it. Sometimes it can war with his heart when it comes to others suffering or helpless.

Since 13 he has been a self taught technician, though has received training in various forms till turning 26. It was a survival thing.
Ambitions Avenge his parents ever since learning they were killed by the Tal Shiar, especially that they were on their way to joining him.

The last time he spoke with his parents they made him promise that he would live a full life filled with adventure and peace. So he working on fulfilling that promise.
Hobbies & Interests Before turning 22 there wasn't time for pastimes and desires as survival was his main drive but after 22, however, he developed a liking to board games, chess mostly but he played many during his Academy days.

He enjoys swimming after 22 as it was pretty much non-existent concept when he was growing up without his parents. He'd learned swimming, with a survival twist to it, in a small pool during his childhood but that was more parentally controlled than fun.
Languages Rihannsu, some Klingon, some Andorian, some Vulcan and some english

Personal History Scaliontis had the somewhat misfortune of being born to two Tal Shiar operatives who had fallen in love both off and on the job. Luckily his birth and subsequent 10 years of childhood was on Romulus but hidden from his parents' superiors as they'd use him against them.

Some of the other low level operatives who had children were often stashed away so Scaliontis wasn't alone but only when off duty did the parents be there.

It was a merry time till he was 7 years old where his parents started teaching him how to take care of himself and most of their intelligence training to keep him safe. Though young he grudgingly learned what they taught, some of the technical tutoring was with toys that looked like devices and weapons but in a way that the internal mech was exposed, so he'd learned to recognise parts but they were colour coded and so on.

Many of the kids learned similar lessons in survival, occasionally together. Their parents knew one day that the Tal Shiar would look for them.

He thought it was a game of 'pull apart and put back together again' but really they were teaching him to build, repair and jury rig stuff together to aid in his survival.

When he turned 10, they had a security breach and many of the now former Tal Shiar operative parents fought to get their kids to the escape shuttles, Scaliontis' were fighting and he saw them killed just as the attendants dragged the children into the shuttles moments before launch.

He cried the whole way to the new safehouse like many of the children did. Their new home became Nimbus 3 in the city of paradise. Where the Orion syndicate ruled and most of the children were hidden as the attendants looked after them for additional 6 years give or take before allowing them to discreetly join the city's population. The attendants also taught the children enough Klingon, Andorian, Vulcan and Human english as there were mostly those species living and working on Nimbus 3 congregating in Paradise City.

Scaliontis had put his technical knowledge, which had been given extra attention by the surviving adults. Like most of the children had different focuses that they wanted to know better and so tutored so they all could get jobs. Scaliontis became the local bar owner's technician and just fixed things enough that he'd would continue to get work there. He even landed an apprenticeship with the city's tech guild who mentored him while on the job.

Being 16 at this stage Scaliontis began to notice his attraction to his own gender and fooled around a bit with other inclined guys, both older and younger them him. At one stage he found himself being used by the Syndicate both professionally and personally, he could easily spot being manipulated by he needed the money. They were supplying it so he played along until after turning 19 that he met an older man by the name of Andronikos Jaesan who later he found out at 22 that Jaesan was a Starfleet spy charged with espionage of the Syndicate on Nimbus 3.

They'd begun a relationship and the lie did hurt Scaliontis but considering he too was being used by the Syndicate gave them a common ground. They worked the rest of the year on ways to ruin the Syndicate's operations on Nimbus 3.

A virus seemed the best option and so the duo had infiltrated the local nightclub which the syndicate used as headquarters for their operations on and around Nimbus. They succeeded in deploying the virus but as they were on their way out Scaliontis got caught and snatched out of Jaesan's hands as he transported away.

The 22 year old Scaliontis suffered much torture for a few months before being released to work for the Syndicate, but they never discovered the virus until Scaliontis triggered it upon secretly stowed aboard a transport that was bound for Earth after a few other stops.

He was discovered attempting to steal food in the crew's sleep hours and brought before the transport's captain. Scaliontis pleaded for them to take him to Earth, after much discussion and questioning the captain agreed provided he earn it by working for the journey to Earth.

Later that year he was dropped off at Earth and he, almost as if it was planned, ran into Andronikos who immediately pleaded forgiveness for not extracting him earlier but knew he'd get out. The two made up after much of Scaliontis' anger was expressed and then they carried on from where they left off.
Service Record Scaliontis joined Starfleet Academy at the beginning of the next year and graduated at 26. He focused on Operations and Engineering subjects, specialising in damage control and maintenance protocols and procedures. Though he did take a leadership course parallel with the fourth year subjects.

Upon graduation he was assigned to the USS Crazy Horse for 5 years as a junior maintenance/damage control specialist. Received on the job additional training for power distribution and generation, computer systems and transporters operational protocols. Because seriously the Academy only taught the basics and on the job training gave more.

Promoted to Junior Grade and applied for assistant chief engineer training, he was accepted and transferred to the USS Thunderchild as their assistant chief engineer was soon to be made a chief of another starship, at age 36. Scaliontis was trained by the assistant chief before their departure after 2 years, but requested to be transferred to a starbase to gain a different kind of experience to a starship environment.

He got accepted to Deep Space 5 as their new Chief Engineer since there was already an assistant chief. He, like it again was planned, ran into Andronikos again on DS5. He was an intelligence officer, he was doing analysis and processing work nowadays. The two received separate quarters on the same deck which was grand.

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

Serial Number TM - 149 - 5382 - XRZ
Security Clearance Level 4
Duty Shift Alpha

Personal Data [Admin Use Only]

Quarters 32-07 East
Office Deck 1153