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Fri Apr 3, 2020 @ 5:49pm

Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann

Name Erich Georg Hartmann

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 25
Date of Birth 22 DEC 2368

Physical Appearance

Height 71 in
Weight 200 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Germanic-looking, with mildly pale skin, a straight nose of normal width. Thin lipped. Close-cropped black hair. Blue eyes. Of average muscular build. Clean-shaven at all times when able.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Karl Gustav
Mother Marie Helga (nee Eisenhoff)
Brother(s) Felix - 27
Sister(s) Anna - 29
Other Family Erwin (KIA, Dominion War)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Old-fashioned in his ideals about how to act and behave; he considers himself a gentleman of the classic style, his word is his bond, and he unreservedly gives his loyalty and respect to those who have earned it through rank or experience. Time in the Reserves has made him slightly more blunt in his manner of speaking than typical of Active officers. Prefers to see the good in others, and has trouble accepting that others might be duplicitous. Intensely cares for his subordinates, but keeps professional distance.
Strengths & Weaknesses Mildly multi-lingual, with his best language being conversational Klingon. Knows smatterings of words and phrases in Andorian, Bajoran, Cardassian, and Romulon.

+Warm, caring, and open to others.
+Disciplined due to years in the Reserves.
+Fairly intelligent; excellant knowledge of history and cultures due to hobbies.
+Vast knowledge of protocol and etiquette
+Physically fit

- Shuts down emotionally when embarrassed
- Obeys the letter more than the spirit of laws
- Very trusting to a fault
- Blindly obedient at times
- Slow to ask for help
- Prone to self-loathing over his mistakes
Ambitions To earn a command, marry, and have children
Hobbies & Interests - Ancient Cultures, History, and Mythology
- Racquetball
- Reading
- Exploring alien cuisine
Languages German, English, some Klingon

Personal History Erich as a child was quiet and unassuming, the child of career Starfleet Officers. His childhood to him was one full of wonder and amazement, as his parents were assigned to several research outposts, stations, and vessels. Although his parents were excellent Officers, commended for performance several times through their careers and serving with accolades and distinction, neither of his parents ever rose above the rank of Lieutenant Commander. This was due to their unwillingness to take assignments that would separate them, no matter how prestigious or advantageous to their career. As a result, they missed the majority of major Starfleet conflicts and operations, such as the Dominion War and Second Klingon War.

Growing up, Erich's parents taught him to value his heritage, and when alone, his father and he would speak German to each other, as his father’s father had done to him to keep the language alive in the Hartmann line. Being the son of a linguist helped Erich learn a few smatterings of Klingon and Romulan, and his Mother’s culinary skill and insistence that the family try at least one alien recipe every month, ensured Hans had a wide palate and appreciation for alien cultures.

Erich knew he wanted to join Starfleet since he was a child; while other children went outside and played cops and robbers or were Arkalian Snowbeasts hunting for hexapumas, Erich was on his imaginary bridge, giving orders, and always saving the day at the end. He was overjoyed when his parents were stationed at the Utopia Planetia shipyards, for he would always sit in his Father’s office after school and watch the starships being constructed, dreaming of one day serving aboard one.

When Erich was 14 and started at Pavel Chekov High School in New Berlin, Luna Colony, he immediately joined the Junior Starfleet Cadet Corps (JSCC), a youth group of high school students that practiced close-order drill and had a curriculum of “previews” of what was offered at the Academy. When the young man was 17, he graduated from high school with moderate honors and applied to the Academy, becoming accepted despite his difficulty in advanced math.

At the Academy, Erich made few friends, as he kept his quiet nature and bookishness from his childhood. His love of racquetball blossomed when the Academy had all students select a sport to participate in, and he picked racquetball on a whim, not enjoying the remainder of choices. He fell into the sport naturally, earning many accolades for his performance and winning the Mallory Cup at the Academy in his Sophomore and Senior years. He played feverishly, always willing to risk his body on getting the ball back into play, even if he had a commanding lead or was far behind. His proudest moment in the sport was when he was invited to participate in the Rigellian Racquetball Games, one of the most prestigious tournaments in the sport, behind only to the Vulcan Master’s Tournament and the Andorian Olympics.

Erich's academics were not as sharp as his racquetball skills, however. He placed near the bottom of his peer group in math and quantum mechanics, always having to be tutored to catch the other students. Despite this, he managed to pass his classes, although he had to repeat Spatial Trigonometry twice before he was able to earn a passing grade. He excelled in the fields of physical sciences, history, and Temporal Theory. In addition to his studies, Erich was the vice-president of the Starfleet Cadet Historian Society, a journalist for the school paper, and a member of the Academy Drill team for four years.

Hartmann graduated Starfleet Academy in 2389, 37th in his class of 258. Erich decided to stay close to Earth, and so accepted a commission into the Starfleet Reserves. The Starfleet Reserves for all practical purposes acted as the Earth Defense Force, and was infamous for its tighter discipline and more rigid, militaristic ways than the Active Duty Fleet. Erich learned many habits from these first Reserve assignments, some of which are seen as bemusing anachronistic habits at best by the Active Fleet Officers. His first Commanding Officer insisted on saluting, standing at attention, and formality at all times. Hans still struggles with breaking these long-ingrained habits now that he is in the Active Fleet.

Hartmann was first posted as a Liaison Officer to the Klingon Defense Force contingent that trained on Mars in 2389. The young German earned their respect during this assignment due to his almost reckless abandon during social sporting events and his willingness to taste, and enjoy, Klingon food such as Gagh and Heart of Targ, and his eagerness to learn Klingon language and customs. He made some friends among the Klingons assigned to Mars and maintains social contact with some of them.

In 2390, Hartmann was posted to the USS Washington, a Starfleet Reserve Science Vessel that patrolled and cataloged gaseous anomalies, where he was assigned as a junior Operations Officer. During this assignment, he often volunteered for the night shift to gain more experience at the Operations Station on the bridge. During his tenure, he was promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade.

In 2392, Hartmann was assigned as an instructor of Earth History at Starfleet Academy while continuing his Reserve service. He eventually grew restless of the slow promotions inherent in the Starfleet Reserves, and sought a way to Active service, which was provided by Starfleet's request for interested Reserve Officers to transfer to Active Duty to augment that service due to ongoing conflicts.

After passing muster into Active Service with rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Erich was given his first assignment orders: a small station on the frontier named Deep Space Five, post of Chief Operations Officer.

Service Record 2385 - Enters Starfleet Academy
2389 - Graduates Starfleet Academy; joins Starfleet Reserve
2389 – Assigned as Liason Officer to Klingon Defense Force Detachment KiJ'pAd – Mars Colony
2390 - Assigned to USS Washington, Junior Operations Officer
2392 - Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade
2392 - Assigned as Instructor, Earth History, Starfleet Academy
2393 - Transfers from Reserves to Active Fleet
2393 - Assigned to Deep Space Five, Chief Operations Officer

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

Serial Number SR - 101 - 6405 - SUW
Security Clearance Level 3
Duty Shift Alpha

Personal Data [Admin Use Only]

Quarters 32 - 06 West
Office Deck 13