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Pirate Island Adventure (Part 7)

Posted on Fri Oct 25, 2019 @ 1:45pm by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca & Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann & Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok & Civilian Jason Haines

1,440 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: MD15 1900


It took a few moments but the Romulan grinned. "Right," he flushed green.


"We could replicate one," Brianthe said. "Neither Alanna nor I are exactly dressed for the mess. Or we could go our separate ways, change, and meet up on the promenade."

Alanna turned to Jason. "What do you prefer?"

"I prefer whatever gets food here", he tapped his stomach, "The fastest."

He smiled briefly.

“I defer to the lady.” Erich said courtly.

Brianthe smiled. "I don't really have a preference."

"We could go to the Risan resort's cafe inside the program?" Scaliontis asked gesturing towards the large building in the distance.

"That works," Alanna said. She grabbed her sundress and put it on, then ran her fingers through her hair to smooth it down.

Brianthe followed suit. "Mr. Lovok, lead the way."

Scaliontis put his hand in Andronikos' and they walked in the direction of the resort.

"There better not be any Nausicaans", Jason said slipping his tank top back on thinking about their night out at the club.

"If there are, we can have them removed," Alanna said. She wasn't up to facing any Nausicaans, either.

Jason smirked, "Yeah, that would be easier than tripping and falling on my ass in front of one again."

"Not today, love." Alanna grinned. "Today, we eat."

Jason chuckled. He was still unused to someone using terms of endearment with him. It had been years since he had been in a relationship. And they had only known each other for about two weeks now.

"Well, I will believe it when my stomach stops growling", he said.

They followed Scaliontis and Andronikos to the café.

When they got there Jason said, "Nice place. Are we dressed appropriately or do we need to change?"

"It's Risa, as long as you aren't naked I don't think they care." Andronikos said with a smirk.

"From what I've heard, they might not care even then," Alanna said.

"Then you really don't want to spill your soup", Jason said.

"Well, not on yourself, anyway," Alanna countered.

"True", Jason replied with a smirk. "Being a nude waiter must be very challenging."

"I wouldn't know. Not on my CV," she replied.

"How did it go for you Erich?" he asked with a chuckle. "I heard jobs to work your way through schooling were tough the year you went?

“Sorry, no copies of my one man show of Vulcan Love Slave still exist.” The German replied dryly.

Brianthe chuckled. She would have to look.

The comment hit a little too close to home for Alanna. she turned as a waiter approached them. "Table for six, please." The others could follow at their own pace. By the time she sat the table, she was back under control.

Jason kept an eye on Alanna. He was sure that Erich wasn't aware of what happened because he knew the man never would have made the comment. When she sat down, Jason reached his hand out under the table to hers.

Alanna grabbed his hand and held tight. She hadn't even told Brianthe what Sovok did to her. Only Jason knew.

Scaliontis was eying Erich oddly but didn't say anything for he didn't know what to say to that. Though his mind went back to the creepy Sovok and paled as he sneaked a glance at Alanna, he then decided to quickly bring the fun back as he looked at each of his new friends. "Tell me of your favourite drinks and I'll get those ordered and we can have some finger food before our mains?"

"You know mine," Andronikos said and gave his Romulan a concerned look as he had noticed Scaliontis go pale, he had recalled his boyfriend telling him about the encounter he had with Chief Inspector Sovok after they returned to the station, shaken. "We should play a game as well while we wait, what are your favourite multiplayer games?"

"I'll have a scotch, neat," Alanna said.

Brianthe looked at her friend. Alanna didn't generally drink hard liquor. "Sangria."

“Scotch with rocks for me.” Erich replies.

"Lemonade please", Jason said. He had been drinking too much lately in his room, having to take a hypo to clear his head so he could work. He was trying to find a way to deal with what had happened. Alcohol being one of them. It made him forget, at least for a while, but it was taking its toll.

Erich raised an eyebrow. "Shying away from a drink Jason? You feeling alright? Are you a Changeling spy?”

"Doc Rivers says I should get more fruit in my diet", Jason replied with a slight smirk. "I figured, water and fruit together, what could be better?"

"You know, I'll have a lemonade, too," Alanna said. She really shouldn't drink right now.

"Ok, Sangria, Scotch neat, 2 lemonades and ours," Scaliontis said gesturing at each person when he said the drink names. "I'll be right back," he got up and made his way over to the bar, his 'cape' flapping in the wind that went by dramatically.

Andronikos took a moment to oogle his Romulan then turned back to the others. "Okay so while he is doing that, I want to ask you all to help me with a surprise birthday party for Scaliontis. It's coming up soon and I've already arranged for his 'Guardian' to come and he is going to be so over-emotional it's going to be epic." He grinned widely. "I would love for you all to attend as he has expressed already how he has come to consider you all friends," he said with pleading eyes.

"I wouldn't miss it," Alanna said without hesitation.

"Nor I," Brianthe chimed in. "When and where will it be?"

"As long as my boss doesn't have me out on some unnecessary, ill-planned mission, I will be there", Jason said with some snark. "What should we get for gifts?"

Alanna squeezed Jason's hand. She hoped he wouldn't be called away just yet.

"Gifts are not the goal, but if you want to I suggest nothing to do with memories." Andronikos said with a pained expression. "He had a hard life and I want him to focus on the future." A quick glance back to see Scaliontis was still sorting out drinks he looked back at everyone. "His guardian can't get here until next month so as soon as he arrives I think that's when we should do it. I'll let you all know about 24 hours prior so you can arrange yourselves."

"That'll give me plenty of time to rearrange things, if I need to," Alanna said, smiling.

Brianthe nodded. "I have people who can watch the arboretum, so I will definitely be there."

"That will work", Jason replied.

The waiter arrived shortly after Scaliontis returned with the drinks and took their orders.

After they ate, Alanna stood. "This was a lot of fun, but if you don't mind, I'm going to head back to my quarters. It's been a long week." In reality, she needed to be alone--or with Jason, if he chose to join her. "See you later."

"I might swing by later", Jason said to Alanna with a slight smile.

"I hope so." She smiled at Jason, then the others, before calling for the arch.

"I'll try", he said and waited for the others.

"Thanks for the invite and see you all laters," Scaliontis said as he watched all his friends leave, though Andronikos didn't move so he assumed he wanted to stay.

"I think that's a good idea." Brianthe smiled to the others. "We'll definitely do this again--minus the pirates." She turned to Erich. "Will you walk me to my quarters, kind sir?"

“Of course liebling.” Erich replied, giving her his arm.

Brianthe's smiled brightened. "Thank you." It would give her a little more time in his company.

"See you later," she said to the others.

Hartmann contented himself with an upraised arm of farewell.

"Bye guys and girls, see ya next time." Andronikos called after them as he two watched his new friends leave but remained seated. He held his Romulan's hand and then turned to him. "I was just thinking about those Pirates," he said hoping to refresh Scaliontis' earlier excitement.

"Ah yes," Scaliontis said with a grin.

Andronikos requested the computer re-add the pirates with a few added extras and locked the holodeck just in case.



Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok
Chief Engineer
Deep Space Five

LTCMDR Andronikos Jaesan
Starfleet Intelligence


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