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The lesson (part I)

Posted on Thu Oct 24, 2019 @ 9:47pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

1,040 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Claude's quarters, deck 80
Timeline: MD14 0755


"Lt. Trellis to Commander Soran, you are needed immediately in Yeoman Toussaint's quarters." The Security Investigation Officer said over his comm unit.

In her office, Soran's eyebrows drew together. Why would security being calling her from Claude's quarters? On his day off? If he was hurt, she would have had a call from sickbay. If he'd done something unbecoming of an officer, surely she would have had a call from the brig? "On my way," she acknowledged.

Lieutenant Trellis and Lieutenant Junior Grade Deborah Kato had only been within the room for a few minutes and they had already realized that this was a critical incident. The Yeoman had not been seen by any persons since his shift had ended well over 18 hours ago. A fellow crewmate believed there was a problem when there was no response from any attempts to reach him. When security arrived to do a well-fare check they found that his room had been sealed from the inside. After several minutes, the doors were unsealed and they saw the quarters in a mostly organized condition. However, as they entered the main living area they noticed a table flipped over and several large spots of blood on the floor. They immediately contacted Main Security to send a team to investigate what they believed to be foul play.

Soran had taken the turbo lift, rather than using site to site. She wanted the time to compose herself, in case there was bad news. It would help no one to see her falling into anger or sadness. By the time she arrived at the small one bedroom apartment on deck 80, she had firm control on her sangfroid. "Mr Trellis?" She didn't enter the room straight away. Just in case. "Whats the issue here?"

Lt. Trellis was kneeling next to Lt. Kato as she analyzed the red splotches spread throughout the confined area. He stood and walked over to the station Commander, trying his best to keep his composure.

"Ma'am, we received a call at 0721 regarding a welfare check on Yeoman Toussaint. When we arrived we found his quarters empty with no note or any indication as to when he left." The Security Officer stated. "We're currently analyzing the room to determine if that is his blood or someone else's." He added.

"Unfortunately. . .we were unable to recover any accurate sensor readings from the room or near the door." Lt. Kato chimed in.

Not in sickbay, the welfare check would have checked there first. Signs of struggle. "Lots of blood?" It would make the difference to if they were looking for a corpse or not. A thought occurred to her. "Scrambled like the Ferengi murder?"

Lieutenant Trellis hesitated for a moment before responding. He knew that acknowledging the similarities would open the door to linking this incident to the still unsolved murder of the Ferengi Ambassador several months prior.

"Yes ma'am, our preliminary scans are showing similar interference to what we saw with the Ambassador's murder." He said finally. "Do you know if Yeoman Toussaint had any enemies or individuals that he has had difficulties with in the past?" The Security Officer said as he led the Commander over to where Lt Kato was still analyzing the blood.

Maritza followed him, shaking her head. "He's only been out of basic training for about six months. He's been a model yeoman. Efficient, organised, hard working. And he's very pleasant. I can't see him having issues with anyone, let alone as much as 'enemies'."

She looked around the tiny room. The table turned over, the spots of blood. "Any signs of blood in the hall?" If he had left his quarters, then perhaps that would provide a clue.

"We checked, but we did not see anything that was consistent with a struggle." Lt. Kato replied. "I doubt there was a beam-out performed, station logs would have reported it." She added. "We have other personnel canvasing the deck to see if anybody saw anything." The Bajoran said.

"I don't think we'll learn much," Lt. Trellis said." This deck had just gone through renovations from storage into personnel quarters recently, Yeoman Toussaint was one of the first to be assigned to the deck. The population is so sparse down here, that I'd be surprised if anybody had seen anything relevant." He said.

"Ma'am! I think I found something!" Lt. Kato said excitedly. It was lodge between the wall and a piece of furniture. The forensic investigator would not have seen the object had she not have been searching for signs of damage within the structure of the room. As she withdrew it she noticed that a portion of it was covered in blood. She stood up and walked over to the Commander.

"Ma'am, it looks like a optolythic data rod." Lt. Kato said. "Would you know if Yeoman Toussiant was a holo-novelist or any kind?" She asked as she continued to examine the rod. It appeared to be used;however, there was no damage or degradation to it physically.

"He never mentioned it. I know he played them occasionally. But he never discussed writing or programming one." No beam out, no body. And scrambled sensors int he corridors. "Does it look like he was trying to hide it?"

"Ma'am, we'll need to investigate it to find out what is on it." Lt. Trellis said, not sure if it was a boobytrap or not. However, its deliberate placement led the Trill to believe that the perpetrators meant to leave it there.

"In the meantime, ma'am, we'll put out a level II bulletin for the Yeoman. Hopefully he just got into a drunken mishap and is somewhere just walking it off." Lt. Trellis said optimistically.

She gave him a level look. She didn't believe for an instant that Claude had had a drunken mishap and then vanish without trace. And she was pretty sure her fellow Trill didn't think that either. "You don't need to sugar coat it. WE both know that's looking unlikely." She kept her face smooth, but inside she was deeply disturbed. Where was her yeoman? "Keep me informed, Mr Trellis, Ms Kato."


Commander Maritza Soraan

Si'Lar Trellis
Security Investigation Officer

Lieutenant j.g.
Deborah Kato
Forensic Investigator


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