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Pirate Island Adventure (part 5)

Posted on Thu Oct 24, 2019 @ 1:48am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca & Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann & Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok & Civilian Jason Haines

1,183 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: MD15 1700 hours


"I suggest you listen to the lady", Jason simply growled. "You have to the count of three."

Then he thought about it. If there was one pirate, there would be more and he couldn't play the game right now.

"Computer, arch", he said.


Alanna was almost in tears. "This is not what the computer program led me to believe."

She was about to walk out with him when she thought of the others. "Wait." She put a hand on Jason's arm.

"Computer, remove pirates." All the pirates disappeared.

She took a deep, shaky breath. "Should we leave, or take a few minutes to compose ourselves and join the others?"

Jason looked at her, his emotions all in a flux, but rage was at the forefront. He took a couple of deep breaths.

"I'll try", he said, looking at her biting his lips some.

She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him, trying to help ameliorate his anger. "I have an idea. Why don't we change the program to another setting entirely?"

She turned her head. "Computer, change program to a beach on Risa with scuba diving and some privacy."

Immediately the program changed.


Scaliontis and Andronikos walked out of the water and the two were utterly out of energy. Andronikos dropped to his knees and took in deep breaths.

"Can't keep--- up--- Old---- man." Scaliontis said teasingly as he too dropped to his knees a few steps further onto the beach then Andronikos, as he too took in as much air as he could.

"Oh-- shut--- up." Andronikos replied and the two fell onto their backs a meter apart.

The water only touching their heels, Andronikos heard Scaliontis laughing and looked over at the Romulan. He was making an Angel in the sand.

"You child." Andronikos teased and then laughed to as he did the same.

A dozen pirates came out of the jungle. They approached the four. "Now, mateys, what sort of ransom will you pay us to leave you be?"

Two of the pirates pulled Erich and Brianthe to their feet. "I say we take the wench."

"I don't think so." Brianthe regretted that she didn't have any weapons near at hand.

Hartmann wrenched his arm free of his pirate handler, and wound up his right fist to give the scalliwag the what-for...

Then the pirates disappeared.

Brianthe turned to Erich. "What happened?"

The German had to answer from the sand, his momentum carrying him into the shore’s gritty embrace. He spat out some of the sand.

“I don’t know, but all in all, you taste better than the sand.” He said.

The holodeck morphed into a beach on Risa. Erich and Brianthe were again under a leafy tree not far from the water.

“Where is this?” Hartmann asked.

"I don't know. I've never been here before. I'm sure Jason or Alanna would know."

“Let’s go find them and find out.” He took her by the hand and led her to the last place they saw the couple.


Others went to Scaliontis and Andronikos. "Get up, ye dogs."

"Make me!" Scaliontis said just laying there, still tired from his swim.

Andronikos laughed. "Yeah I need help to get up."

The two were hauled to their feet.

"Hey, pretty boy," one of them said to Scaliontis. "We could always use you as a cabin boy."

Scaliontis grinned then moaned. "Oh that sounds erotic."

Andronikos glanced over at his Romulan and smirked. He decided to plan a little fun for another time.

A moment later, the pirates were gone.

"Aww," Scaliontis groaned, "One of the others must have removed them from the program."

"Yeah, too soon perhaps." Andronikos said.

"Well let's go and meet up with them." Scaliontis said and after three attempts managed to get to his feet, a little shaky but standing.

Andronikos was more wobbly but held firm, they walked back over to the group. Scaliontis went to retrieve their 'capes' and joined the group, the two put them on, covering their bodies.

They waited for an explanation.

The program morphed into a beach on Risa. A large reef protected the cove to allow swimming near shore and scuba diving farther out.

"Do you know where we are now?" Brianthe asked Scaliontis.

The Romulan looked around and shook his head. "No I'm afraid I don't know, though it's still a beach."

"I believe it's Risa." Andronikos said having visited the pleasure world several times to get over a few actions he had to perform in the name of the Federation and protecting the innocent. Spy and intel work had a lot of drag and unless one didn't come to terms with the less honorable actions it would consume one's soul.

Thankfully Andronikos had found Scaliontis on his last undercover mission and being loved and loving someone else can have healing effects. He looked around again and spotted a particular part of the beach he had been to. "Yes it is Risa."

"Well that's good. Perhaps we can deal with Pirates another time." Scaliontis commented somewhat annoyed he didn't get to experience a cabin boy's life.

Andronikos smirked as he reached out for his Romulan's hand and interlaced their fingers. "Not to worry," he said. "We better go find the others," he suggested to Brianthe and Erich.

Brianthe took Erich's hand and smiled at him before following the other two.


Jason looked at Alanna and smiled briefly. She was trying, but he wasn't sure of how long he was going to be able to keep cool. Not just here in the holodeck, but in general. He felt he was slowly losing control of himself.

"Let's go for a swim then", he said. "I can't tell how much I need to teach you in scuba until I see you swim."

"Okay." She slipped off her sundress and followed him into the water. His anger was concerning. She wanted to help, partly for him and partly because he kept her from becoming a hermit and isolating herself from everything but her work. In a short time he'd become a vital part of her life and she was afraid that if he lost himself to his anger, she'd lose him.

He led her into water that was about to her chest. With the surf sometimes splashing her in the face.

"Ok, jump in and swim about ten feet or so that way and then come back", he said to her.

Now she wished she hadn't let Brianthe talk her out of her old one-piece suit. She wasn't as concerned with how it would behave when wet. Still, she waded out until it was deep enough and swam about ten feet and back, standing up when she could put her feet down and stand.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Information Officer
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann
Chief Operations Officer
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok
Chief Engineer
Deep Space Five

LTCMDR Andronikos Jaesan
Starfleet Intelligence


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