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Diplomatic Immunity

Posted on Wed Oct 23, 2019 @ 8:33pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,835 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Secondry Brig
Timeline: MD13 0700


The taciturn Camorite duty officer had just delivered Ambassador Turvan his breakfast when Pro-Consul Limm was let into the cell, trying to keep her face neutral.

"Good morning, Ambassador. " She stopped infront of the force field. The sight of him incarcerated was exasperating her, though she tried not to show it. "Have the Federation been treating you well?"

Hydel examined the plate before him before slowly taking a bite from one of the items before him. He chewed it slowly, allowing the flavor to settle in his mouth before moving on to the next item on his plate. He reached for a napkin next to him and gingerly wiped his mouth as he placed the plate to the side and looked up towards the Proconsul.

"You know. . .during the Klingon invasion of Cardassia back in 2372, I had actually been captured by a rather surly Klingon Warlord. Half of my team had been killed during the initial firefight, those that had survived, myself included, were held hostage for several days." Hydel said as he took another bite of his food.

"During those 16 days, I underwent a a plurality of torture at the hands of the Klingons including a rather novel usage of their pain sticks." The Ambassador said as he wiped his mouth again. "Many times during that period of time I quietly wished that they would just kill me and my men and free us from the pain, but. . .death was spoiled by the arrival of Cardassian reinforcements." He said as he sat up straight.

"I say all of that to say, that this. . ." He said gesturing to the cell around him. "Is probably the closest thing to a vacation I have had in years!" He said with a laugh as he reached for his plate again to continue to gauche meal.

"In that case, perhaps you want me to leave you here? You could enjoy a nap." He could stay out of hair for another day.

"There you go again, focusing on the tree in front of you and ignoring the forest around you." He said in a patronizing tone as he set the plate aside, stood up. "You think that detaining me on these preposterous and spurious charges will accomplish anything other than proving my point?" He asked her while walking towards the field.

She looked confused, and checked behind her. The Camorite stood outside a second forcefield leading to the cells, but there wasn't anyone else. "I didn't detain you, Ambassador. I'm here to escort you back to the Consulate. This is nothing to do with me. What did you think it was?"

"That this is all mere reprisal for the Federation's failure to secure their hold on Xi'Cadia." He said with a satisfying grin. "Yes. . .lock me up, hold me in confinement while they conduct their investigation" He said mockingly. "All of this is a reactionary performance by the Federation, and you are merely an understudy, thankful, grateful for a bit part to play." He said.

She stared at him in utter surprise. "I really don't understand you ambassador. You don't seem to behave rationally at all. And now you're insulting someone who had nothing to do with your current situation. And this isn't the first time. Why do you do it?"

"Obviously you ha---" Hydel stopped in mid-sentence as he processed the woman's words. She really has no clue what Sovok and I were discussing?. . . Hydel contemplated quickly as he turned away from the field and thought about his current situation. If she was unaware, then that means the Andorian Sovok had not disclosed our conversation, otherwise that riling Commander Soran would be here instead the Pro-Consul. Hydel turned back and faced the still perplexed diplomat.

"While I appreciate your. . .concerns. . .I trust that you have more pressing matters to tend to." He said, deciding to shift the focus on the conversation to the present. "With that being the case. . .you may escort me whenever you are ready." He said.

"I'm not" Limm said. "The Detapa council want my report so they can decide whether to recall you or not. And I want an answer to my question. Why do you do it? Why do you antagonise everyone and tell them things that are patently untrue? "

Hydel's patience had slowly ebbed away during his confinement within the cell. He could tolerate the solitary confinement, he could tolerate the restriction of his freedom and movement, but what he could not even pretend to tolerate was having his motives and actions questioned.

"Because our people are dying!" He shouted. "Bajor was occupied for over 50 years, and what did they have to show for it after we finally grew tired of them?" He asked rhetorically. "They were a broken, defeated people whose only glimpse of salvation was being rescued by the Federation!" He said in an excited, by angered tone.

"It was been over 20 years since our people were nearly decimated by the Dominion, and how far have we come along?" He asked quickly. "We're several steps from being just as desperate and as forgotten as the Bajorans." He said. "An entire generation of our people have lived relying upon the Federation for replicators and other essentials for survival." He said as he started to pace around the small cell.

"Almost 1/3rd of our children don't even speak our native tongue because they've been educated by Federation races instead of their own kind!" Hydel said as he chest rose and feel as he spoke passionately. "I will give my life to restore our people." He stopped and turned back towards the field and looked directly into the eyes of the woman. "Xi'Cadia is just the first step in my plan to expanding the power our people once enjoyed." He said as if he expected her to be grateful.

"I will not stand by idly and let our people impotently crawl to the Federation and ask for an application." He said in a deliberate tone. "I'm sorry if that offends your delicate sensibilities."

She regarded him a moment. "It doesn't just offend mine. Its offended everyone. Including the Detapa Council. I'm taking you back to the Embassy. As a civilian. Your diplomatic credentials have been revoked, pending a psychiatric evaluation of your fitness to represent the Cardassian People."

...and so we've come to the center of the shrubbery maze. . . He thought to himself.

"I'm impressed, you've finally made your move against me." Hydel said. "I wondered how long it was going to take you to reveal your true nature and purpose for being here." He said as he locked his eyes on her and studied her carefully.

"I'm surprised you haven't moved for my public execution." He huffed.

Lim sighed and her shoulders slumped. "This. This is exactly what I'm talking about." She was more tired than angry. She turned and nodded to the Camorite. "Lets get back to the Embassy, Hydel. Lets get you some help."

"No." The man said firmly and directly to the woman as he turned and walked towards the bench and slowly sat down. "i'll be released on my own recognizance and I will return to the Embassy under my own control." He said.

"I'd rather be shot out of an airlock rather than have you escort me back to our Embassy like I was some kind of broken-in Bajoran house pet" He said, his words dripping with disgust.

To the elder Cardassian, his dignity was paramount and he was not going allow this tool to take that away from him.

She ground her teeth. "The reason you're in the situation in the first place is because you ignored Soran banning you from the station. You can either walk back with me at least as far as we need to go for a transporter lock. Or I'm sure Starfleet will take great delight in escorting you back themselves, probably detouring through the Promenade just to rub it in. Take your pick. I have things to do."

Hydel stood up and walked towards the field again and stared at the woman. "Unlike you, I've fought against Federation oppressors, I've felt the restricting squeeze of Federation magnetic cuffs." He said. "I would love nothing more than for our people to see the true nature of their Starfleet allies. . .courtesy of their new Ambassador." He said looking down at Lim.

"Fine." Lim sighed. "You can stay here until StarFleet decide they've got resource spare to take you home. Obviously you can return to the Embassy. But you're a civilian now. The ships you brought here are offlimits. Either way, I've arranged a psychiatric evaluation for you, the day after tomorrow at 1500. The CDS Barana are diverting to send us their ships psychiatrist. If you don't show I'll advise the Detapa Council to waive diplomatic immunity as well."

Hydel sighed in an exasperated tone as he began to pace his cell again. "authority. . .immunity. . .you use these words as if they actually mean something." He said. "If there is one thing Ambassador Tharek was correct about it was the fact that true power came from the people, not some out-of-touch bureaucrat on the Detapa Council." He said as he stepped closer and spoke more animatedly with his hands. "If you ever hope to fill my shoes then you had better learn very quickly that you merely possess the power that the Cardassian people give you." He said.

"As far as your concern about the Federation holding me here, they only have 48 hours. . .oh wait. . .had 48 hours to either charge me with the laughable accusation of treason, or release me. . .otherwise they will have to deal with the false imprisonment of a Cardassian citizen." He said with a smug smile.

Hydel was well aware that after the spectacle that was the trial of Commander Ryan, it would not be difficult for public sentiment to be swayed against the Federation. The prosecution of Hydel would be seen by other Cardassians as pay back for his campaign to see Commander Ryan detained and prosecuted. Credibility notwithstanding, Hydel doubted the Vulcan from an entirely different universe would serve as a believable witness against him.

"But please, don't let me stop you. Continue to tell me about all of the things you're going to do to me with your new found authority" He said in a taunting tone.

"I'm not engaging with your delusions anymore. Ill see you shortly, I hope." She said kindly, and walked back to the brig door,

"Oh. . .you have no idea just how much more of me you will see." Hydel said quietly as the doors hissed shut behind the woman.


Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire

Zariyah Limm
Cardassian Empire


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