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Pirate Island Adventure (part 4)

Posted on Wed Oct 23, 2019 @ 3:50am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca & Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann & Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok & Civilian Jason Haines

1,086 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: MD15 1700 hours


Mock incredulity filled the man’s face. “You mean this is only phase one of your plan?! How can I retain control of the better angels of my nature under such a barrage? A man can only take such an assault for so long before his defenses crumble and he is forced to surrender?”

Her bell-like laughter seemed to dance as much as the sparkle in her eyes. "My dear Erich, that's the idea."


He clicked his tongue against his teeth, leaning in closer to the lady.

“I suppose there’s only one thing to do about that then isn’t there?” His voice filled with impish glee.

Before she could respond, Erich pounced upon her, his fingers tickling her bare stomach.

Brianthe tried to curl up, to roll away from his fingers, but she couldn't. So she chose the only form of attack she could think of. She grabbed his face and kissed him.

Hartmann was caught unawares and at first couldn’t return her kiss. His body, mutinous thing that it was, started to respond for him. He found his hands pulling her to him, trying to merge the heat of their bodies into one. What was a benign peck started to turn into something more scandalous.

Her body's instant response to Erich pulling her close was equally strong. For a moment, she responded by deepening the kiss.

Then she remembered they were on a beach, in sight of the other two, and pulled away. She buried her face against his shoulder and took a deep breath.

Hartmann’s face burned with embarrassment. “I’m sorry if I...” he began.

"You didn't," she assured him. "If we were alone..." She'd never been in a position where she was the one being seduced before, even if he didn't know he was doing it. Even so, he had a right to know how she felt. "If we'd been alone, I would not have stopped you." She looked up at him and gently cupped his cheek with one hand. "I would have encouraged you."

Erich smirked. “If you had, things would’ve ended badly; security would’ve had to spray us both with water.”

"Not if we'd been alone," she replied blithely. "But you have been saved from my clutches yet again."

The German mockingly shivered in fright.


Jason watched the others go their own way and he leaned in to Alanna and said, "The beach seems to be getting crowded around here. Shall we stroll down a ways?"

He gave her a quick kiss on the neck.

"Yes. Let's see what we can find," she replied. She enjoyed swimming, but was content to leave the competition to Scaliontis and Andronikos. Erich and Brianthe were doing quite well on their own.

Jason took her hand in his and slowly started walking down the beach, getting close to the surf so he could feel the 'water' hit his feet. It was warm and it felt good, he just wished it was real.

"You know, on the planet below there are a few nice warm areas that look to have beaches", Jason said. "I want to go diving and find out what's under the water. I haven't had a chance to go diving since I left academy."

"I'll see what I can arrange--but you'll have to take me with you."

"Oh will I now", Jason said with a chuckle. "I don't know if an unknown water would be the best place for a first time scuba diver. Hrmmm should I or shouldn't I, hmmm"

He squeezed her hand gently.

"Then we'll have to make sure I'm not a first-timer," she teased. Whether he chose to teach her or not, she was determined to learn. There had to be a good holodeck program on it.

"The holodeck can only simulate so much", Jason said. "As much as the computer tries, its not like the real thing. It is hard to explain. Unlike zero-g, which the computer can get pretty spot on, I've found underwater situations in a holodeck, even with safety settings pretty much off, to be lacking."

She sighed. "Okay." Maybe there was a place in the promenade that had a tank?

"So, before we start planning your scuba training", Jason said. "Can you swim?"


"How well?", Jason asked. "How long can you hold your breath underwater?"

"I've never timed it," she admitted. "And it's been a while." She had to admit that much.

Jason nodded.

"Well, we will have to go for a few standard swims and slowly work into the underwater stuff", Jason said. "The swimming aspect is actually kind of easier because of flippers. The tricky part is keeping oriented properly and keeping an eye on your surroundings as it is a whole 360 environment."

Alanna nodded. "Okay." She was looking forward to it. It could open up a whole new world of exploration.

Jason squeezed her hand a little and smiled at her.

There was a rustling in the jungle ahead of them. A pirate stepped out in front of them. He wore a traditional pirate outfit and held out a sword, pointed at the two. "What have we here?"" He looked them both over. "Landlubbers." His gaze turned to Alanna. "You would make a fine prize for the Captain."

Alanna moved closer to Jason. Not again.

Jason sighed, not really wanting to go through anything like this so soon "Alright black beard, back off or I will bury you like a chest of treasure."

The intellectual side of him knew this wasn't real, but the emotional side of him was still on edge from the other day. A counselor would probably tell him he was being irrational. He didn't care.

"We have nothing," Alanna said. She didn't want Jason to get hurt, either. "And I'm nobody's prize." She slammed into the pirate, knocking him off balance. Both of them fell to the sand. "If you ruin my swimsuit, I'll hand you by your heels from the nearest yardarm."

"I suggest you listen to the lady", Jason simply growled. "You have to the count of three."

Then he thought about it. If there was one pirate, there would be more and he couldn't play the game right now.

"Computer, arch", he said.

(To be continued...)


Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann
Chief Operations Officer
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca
Deep Space Five


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