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Pre-hunt Festivities (part 3)

Posted on Wed Oct 23, 2019 @ 3:47am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Civilian Jason Haines & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval

1,200 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: - IKV Cha'Dich



For him, there hadn't been too much to celebrate lately. Perhaps letting loose a little wouldn't be a bad thing.


"Well Latanna, it is an honor to learn your name", he said, a touch naïve as to what was going on with the woman or perhaps he was choosing to let himself be naïve. He raised his mug to hers.

She and the Klingons around her laughed. "The honor will come later, if you're man enough." She clinked her mug against his. "Yes, I think I will choose you for the evening."

Jason had always had a smart mouth that got him in trouble, many times. Between the atmosphere of the room and the bloodline, his smart mouth decided to join the festivities.

He looked at the nearby Klingon men and said to Latanna, "let me guess, you are choosing me because these gentlemen don't have enough hair on their chest? Or is it because there isn't enough below the belt?"

At that moment Jason's brain caught up with his mouth. It was however just a touch too late as from the looks on two of the Klingon, a feat of 'strength' was about to begin.

Latanna laughed and thumped her mug on the table. "Korgal, your manhood has been called in question. What say you?"

Korgal stood and pulled a blade, but Lattana stopped him. "No weapons. Not before a hunt."

Korgal cleared a space on the table and sat down, holding up his forearm to arm wrestle. "Come, little man."

Jason laughed, trying to keep up appearances as he now had to put up or shut up.

"Oh, I see, your idea of a challenge is to hold hands like two lovers on a date", Jason said with a snort. "Fine, but we need candlelight so our eyes sparkle in the light."

With that Jason got two of the candles that were lit for 'atmosphere' and brought them to the table. He then spread them so to sit just right so that as a hand got closer to the table, it of course first got closer to the flame.

Jason sat down and put his arm down, luckily their arms were of similar length so he didn't have to worry about that.

"There sweets", he chided. "Isn't that better? Be gentle it's my first time."

With that he readied himself as he knew the Klingon would be gunning to shove his hand through the candle.

Korgal grabbed Jason's hand and squeezed it a little too tightly. He was furious. "Now," he said, using his full strength to slam Jason's hand against the candle and the table.

Jason's handed erupted in pain, mostly from hitting the candle hard, but some from the burn. He wasn't going to show it though, he bit his tongue slightly, then smiled and laughed.

"Excellent Korgal, what one would expect from the Klingon Empire. Again?", Jason said picking up the candle with his bloody hand and lighting it once more. "After all, a date can't end with just one go around."

This time he would be ready and he would give Korgal a bit more than he did the first time.

This time, there was more of a struggle before Jason lost.

Once more Jason's hand hurt to no end, even with the affects of bloodwine but once again, he refused to show the pain and brought up his bloody hand to the ready position and said, "Again."

When Korgal started, expecting to beat Jason easily like last time, but Jason made sure to lock his wrist this time and then managed to get Korgal's hand to the flame and held it there and some hair from his skin started to burn. Korgal pushed back, but Jason managed to get his arm muscles just right to lock in and pushed his hand back to the flame and held it there so it could burn more.

"The kill is truly a warrior's goal and duty", Jason said. "but a hunter, savors the hunt, just as much, if not more."

And with that, Jason pushed Korgal's hand down on the candle, before slamming it totally down on the table.

"Two to one", Jason said with a smile. "you've bested me, unless you wish to keep going?"

Latanna roared with laughter. "He proved himself your better, Korgal. Let it be."

Korgal glowered at Jason. "For now. But tomorrow is another day, and I will defeat you on the field of battle."

Jason locked eyes with him and replied, "Others have made the same claim. I look forward to the day we challenge each other with something other than candles."

Korgal laughed. "We shall see, little man. Words are empty boasts. Tomorrow, you prove yourself or not."

Jason held up his bloodied and slightly burned hand, "I think you have enough proof that my words and actions are more than boasts."

"Honor does not come from candles and arm wrestling."

"Yet arm wrestling was the first thing you thought of after you were told no weapons", Jason replied. "At least by adding some fire to it, I made it worthy of being called a challenge. Next time this happens, remember fists are not blades and you wouldn't be crying about the choice you made."

Jason knew the Klingon might snap, so he prepared himself.

Korgal set his mug down and stood, pulling his blade as he came towards Jason. "I should gut you like the pig you are, but I will not dishonor my lord in such a manner." He put away his weapon. "Your words only prove that you have no honor. I should find your woman, if you even have one, and show her what a real man is like."

With that statement, given recent events with the Vulcans, Jason's world went red. Without knowing where the strength came from, with the heel of his palm, Jason slammed Korgal in the face. Then he flipped the surprised Klingon into the air and slammed him to the deck. Before he knew it Jason had his knee on the Klingons throat and his personal knife centimeters from his eye. If he moved, it would be sliced open.

"You can disparage and curse my father and family name, besmirch my honor, call my mother a whore and I will fight you as honor dictates, but if I ever hear you say that about anyone again, you will have pain and humiliation rained down on you like you can't imagine", Jason growled.

With that Jason got up and looked at the Ambassador and bowed his head, "I apologize for this dishonor Ambassador. I am sure that most of your warriors here are honorable men and women with many glorious tales, but I won't associate with the ones without. Forgive me, I do not belong here. I wish success to you and your warriors on your hunt and if you hunt the beast on the planet, hunt it as you see fit."

With that, Jason walked out of the room.


Ambassador Charghwl'IH
Klingon Ambassador

Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer


NPCd by Annara Tessaro

NPCd by Alanna Wells


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