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Pre-hunt Festivities (part 1)

Posted on Mon Oct 21, 2019 @ 11:03pm by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Civilian Jason Haines & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval

1,113 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: IKV Cha'Dich


Transporter Room --

After he had accepted his appointment it had not been difficult to have the Cha'Dich assigned to him. It had been recently refit but many of the old, internal, battle scars had been left in place. Stepping off the transporter padd of his ship Charg acknowledged the salute from the warriors there to greet him. "Is everything prepared?"

"Yes My Lord. Everything is as you requested and everyone is in the great hall." Looking past the Ambassador, Eshova smiled at the Starfleet Lieutenant. "It is good to see you again Lieutenant."

"Likewise", Jason replied, nodding as he took in the scenery. He had never been on a real Klingon ship before, only holodeck facsimiles. The edges and the darkness of it, suited his general attitude right now. The smell he might be able to do with out, but that would not be something he would mention.

"I apologize for seeming like a first day cadet. This is the first time I have had the honor of being on a Klingon vessel. The holodeck does not do justice", he said.

Eshova's eyes glanced to the Ambassador who merely looked at her with a coy grin as he turned his head to the young officer. "No apologies needed here Lieutenant and it would be better if you not apologize...others may take it as weakness. But if you would honor me, it would be my pleasure to show you the around the ship afterwards."

"Thank you for the insight", Jason replied. "and the honor would be mine."

-- Great Hall --

The hall was dark, light only by fire pots and backlit emblems of the empire, figures of legendary warriors, and various weapons. Two long table were set down the length of the room with the Ambassadors table slightly raise and running along the far wall. Behind his chair was a large emblem of the Klingon Empire with various trophies from his own exploits.

Upon entering the room he was pulled aside and he left the Lieutenant to fend for himself.

Lozong stood off to the side with his son Enozi, for the moment content to observe the goings on. This would be an unusual hunt, but still qualified as one. Apparently the Earther, Jason, had come up with the idea of the hunt. It would be interesting to see how he fared during the whole experience.

Latanna and her sister, Kalara, watched the human with interest. He was being given a singular honor and they waited to hear the tale of his bravery.

He looked at Lozong, Latanna, and Kalara and said, "I am Jason Haines, son of Robert Haines."

"Welcome, Jason Haines," Latanna said, giving him a toothy smile. "We look forward to your tales of battle."

"You will be part of the hunt tomorrow, we hear," Kalara added. "May you bring honor to your family name."

"Thank you", Jason replied looking at the two female Klingons. His eyes shifted to Lozong. "Although, I am in no-way looking to dishonor my family name, I know that there are some younger Klingons for who this hunt could bring honor and glory, and I am more interested in theirs, than mine."

She grinned. "Well said, Starfleet."

Jason smiled and bowed his head slightly to Kalara in respect.

After speaking with his aid on some other matters the Ambassador took a spot before his table, looking out over the assembled warriors and the youth having reached the appropriate age. With a load commanding voice he brought the room the order. "WARRIORS OF THE EMPIRE!!..."

Lozong and Enozi roared in response to the Ambassador's call to order.

Jason technically wasn't a warrior of the empire, but he followed suit so as to honor his host.

"...Tonight we prepare for a hunt that would be a challenge to even a seasoned warrior. And for those that have not reach the age but proven themselve worthy, this shall be a chance to prove themselves.

"On the planet below our Federation hosts have a little problem. It seems there is a creature that disabled the power-center on the new research colony. There is little known of this creature other than it had tremendous strength, lengthy claws and is undetectacle to scanning devices..."

Lozong gave a toothy smile. Despite this being an unusual hunt, there was still a challenge to be had. If the creature was as powerful as they claimed, it was encouraging. He knew of others who's first kill was a targ. Not that there was anything wrong with targ hunting, but their habits were well enough known to take the edge off a hunt.

The women showed their appreciation for the challenge. As they were not participating in the hunt, they were looking forward to the feasting and the tales of the hunt to come.

Jason watched the Klingons response to the announcement. It seemed that they were up for something a little different.

"...Now our guest of Honor, Lieutenant Haines, proposed this hunt. Not only to give our youth the means to advance as warriors, but so they can, learn (said with a sarcastic edge), from this creature. Normally a hunt would follow with a feast from whatever animal taken. However in case our hosts have requested the beast be taken alive..."

"Ha! It is more of a challenge to capture something alive an unharmed than it is to kill it," Kalara countered. "The challenge is the hunt, not the kill."

The Ambassador nodded with a broad grin. "Well said! The estimated size and strength reminds me of a creature who's hide decorates the great hall of my home." Moving out among his warriors he began his tale.

"I was a young officer, during my time in the Federation, on one of my first assignments. We had take a shuttle to the planets surface to find creatures of enormous size. The away team had been split into 2 man teams and my Lieutenant and I began our patrol of the forest surrounding our landing site.

"We had come to a clearing and the forest suddenly fell silent. We had been moving into the wind and there was nothing on air before us. We were being hunted.

"No sooner had I turned to call out to my friend than the sun was blocked out and I threw my friend to the side as I dropped and rolled to my right, the creatures claws slicing my uniform and my flesh.

(To be continued...)

Ambassador Charghwl'IH
Klingon Ambassador

Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer

NPCd by Geral Lasuma

NPCd by Annara Tessaro

NPCd by Alanna Wells


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