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Pirate Island Adventure (part 2)

Posted on Mon Oct 21, 2019 @ 10:46pm by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca & Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann & Lieutenant JG Scaliontis Lovok & Civilian Jason Haines

1,097 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: MD15 1700 hours


Jason scowled briefly.


Scaliontis laughed, "I knew it," he said but playfully flapped his hand at Jason in a dismissive gesture. "Oh you," he teased.

Alanna just shook her head. She could now see Jason's tattoo given the healing patch was off. It looked like an old style terminal computer with 'Scientific Anomaly #1' displayed on the screen in green letters.

She looked at the tattoo and raised an eyebrow. Under the circumstances, she couldn't exactly blame Jason for his choice.

Scaliontis noticed the tattoo. "Um you're a scientific anomaly number 1? Why would you get a tattoo of that?" The Romulan asked with genuine curiosity as tattoos for his people had special social meaning.

Jason chuckled a little and replied, "Well, a couple of days before you got here, a number of us were affected by an anomaly and seemed to have gotten to another place and apparently time. While there, numerous credible witnesses say I was killed. And not really having a better option nor knowing my preferences, I was given a pretty good send off on a pyre. Luckily everyone else managed to get back with no issues. Imagine their surprise the next day when I woke up in my room as if nothing happened."

He paused a moment and then continued, "While being questioned by the Commander, she seems to think I got a bit too cheeky and I spent some time in the brig. The next morning before I got out, she asked me something along the lines of did I want to be seen as anything other than a scientific anomaly. Well, after getting out of the brig, I decided to embrace the whole aspect of being a scientific anomaly and where this is the first time, on record anyway, that someone has come back to life after their body was cremated, I decided to combine the two, hence Scientific Anomaly #1."

"Fascinating..." Scaliontis said and grinned. "Did you feel the burn?" He asked and tried not to laugh at his stupid pun.

Alanna was one of those who witnessed his death, and was there for the cremation. It was not something she wanted to go through again. She gently ran a finger over his tattoo, very glad he was an anomaly.

"No, I didn't", Jason said, putting his hand on Alanna's. "But others did unfortunately. That's the past though, let's live in the moment. The beach is calling."

Jason wanted to steer the conversation away from that moment as he knew it had been a hard time for Alanna amongst others recently.

"I do apologise for any offence." Scaliontis said with seriousness.

"No offense taken", Jason said with a nod.


Erich stood at his bed within his quarters, gazing down upon the clothing choices he had narrowed down. He knew he was running late and had to choose soon.

This one....

That one....

The German growled in frustration and picked some yellow trunks with red stripes, and a yellow Hawaiian shirt. The gaudy garment was festooned with red parrots and coconuts and palm trees, sure to be eye catching.

He hurried down the corridor, stopping only long enough to politely nod hellos and to allow the doors to the holodeck to allow him egress. He quickly found his friends, along with some he did know. He did the safe thing and acknowledged his known associates first; decorum allowed for them to make introductions if they pleased.

“Hey Jason. Hello Al. Hey there uh...”

He stopped upon seeing Brianthe in her swimsuit. The thing clung and confirmed to her lithe, dancer’s frame, shaping it, in fact, all but flaunting its valleys and peaks, it’s curves and dips.

He gawked.

He knew he was too. But like a man receiving an electric shock, could not stop. It felt as if many moments before he blurted out something in his own language, which he hoped no one could follow since German was all but dead.

“Gott im Himmel.”* he said.

Brianthe smiled, glad he appreciated what she was wearing. She slipped her hand through the crook of his arm and kissed him on the cheek. "I hoped you'd like it."

Erich smirked a boyish smile. “Like it?! You could warm the heart a Breen!” He proclaimed. “Just tell me what secrets you want to know and I’ll spill; no torture needed.”

She was delighted by his response. "I'll have to think of something." She smiled. "Perhaps later."

The German grinned like a loon, rubbing at the kissed cheek as if from a dream.

Jason, noticing the gawk, leaned in closer to Alanna and quietly said, "I think that means wow, in whatever language he is speaking in."

"German," she said softly. "She was dressing for effect. She even replicated a suit for me because mine was too boring." She nodded at Erich. "She definitely found her mark."

"She found yours as well", Jason said quietly, reaching down to gently squeeze her hand. "I just don't let my tongue roll out in the middle of the hall."

She squeezed his hand back. "Probably for the best," she teased. Although she was secretly pleased he liked what Brianthe chose for her.

"Indeed", Jason said with a light smile. "I'd probably step on it."

Alanna entered the program and the door to the holodeck opened, revealing a large sandy beach with a tropical jungle and a wide ocean.

"Told you two," Andronikos said to Brianthe and Alanna, hopefully they knew what he meant.

Brianthe smiled, looking, briefly, like a cat who got the cream.

"So you are expecting some Pirates huh?" Scaliontis asked as the 3 couples entered.

"If we stay long enough," Alanna said. "That's up to us."

Jason looked about and said, "Very nice. Nice place for a dive. Would have brought my scuba gear if I would have known."

"Next time," Alanna promised. "As long as you teach me."

“Who has time for that when there are so many beach sports?!” Erich said excitedly. “I can have the computer make a volleyball court!”

Smiling at Alanna, he turned to Erich, "However everyone wants to proceed. I am flexible."

"Anyone wanna splash around in the water?" Scaliontis asked the group.

Andronikos was already on his way to do just that. "Yeah."

(To be continued...)


Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann
Chief Operations Officer
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca
Deep Space Five

LTCMDR Andonikos Jaesan
Starfleet Intelligence

LTJG Scaliontis Lovok
Chief Engineer
Deep Space 5


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