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Cutest Little Baby Face

Posted on Mon Oct 21, 2019 @ 4:25pm by Civilian Jason Haines & Commander Amia Telamon M.D.

2,677 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Promenade Arboretums
Timeline: MD 15, 0930


Jason walked through one of the gardens that was on the lower section of the promenade. He was weary and had a lot of pent up emotions from the situation with the Vulcans. The garden was nice to get away from everything and everyone, or at least those that usually wanted something from him. There had been an excessive amount of demands and stress.

Amia had walked Liana out in her hover buggy and was sitting on a bench in the shaded area, glad to have rocked the little precious off to sleep by walking and walking until she was ready to sit down out of necessity.

"Finally you little monster" she said softly but just loud enough for anyone passing close by to hear, such as Jason was when he rounded a corner and she found him rather suddenly appearing - seeming as if he'd popped out of the nearby tree.

"People have called me monster before", Jason said with a smile as he saw the woman. It took him a moment, but he was pretty certain this was the Chief Medical Officer, having reviewed senior staff files. "But I don't bite and I try not to scare people. More sort of a stuffed animal type."

Amia blushed and spoke very softly. "Sorry" she almost whispered. "I was referring to the monster in the hover-buggy... she was NOT going to take her nap no matter what I said."

"Insubordination." she added with a little laugh.

"Kids, do you have any?" she asked Jason, feeling that given she had interrupted his walk, the least she could do was to take an interest in him.

The word 'insubordination', made Jason mentally growl given his interactions with the Commander combined with other items. He smiled though.

"No, no kids at this point", Jason replied. "A bit young for that. Maybe a bit later in life."

He extended his hand to her.

"Jason Haines", he said. "I am the Chief Intel Officer here."

"Ah!" she took his hand and shook it with a gentle but firm grip. "So - Chief Intel eh? Then you already know things about me that I haven't found out myself yet?" she smiled, joking.

"Well, there was that little incident when you were ten", he said smiling back. "So, is the wee one a boy or girl?"

"Ten? Is that the only one you have?" Amia laughed, going along with the banter. "She's a little girl." she added, proudly gazing lovingly at her baby daughter with her little face adorned with a pattern of pale Trill spots, indicative of her half Trill, half Ba'Ku heritage. "I called her Liana in honour of someone I thought was a trustworthy, special friend but now I'm looking to try to change it without messing too much with the syllables and consonants. Trust. We're damned if we don't have it and damned if we do. Do you have someone special, Jason?" she asked, changing the subject across to Jason himself.

"She is cute", Jason said. "And Liana is a beautiful name and it fits her. Instead of using the name to honor someone else, why don't you give her the name in honor of herself?"

He sat down and continued, "And I am sure there is someone else in the galaxy with that name if you feel you must honor them, maybe a queen of some undiscovered planet. As far as someone special, I am seeing someone and where it goes is yet to be seen. It's only been a week. And as far as having anything else on you, the computer has been working on your file for five days."

Amia rolled her eyes and smiled. "I should have thought it would all have been there already without the need for a new search...... or do I have you to thank for that?" She was impressed by his answer though; he was right of course, the name wasn't to blame and it was her daughter's and had been from the start, Liam might have abandoned her but Liana hadn't and from now on Amia decided she wouldn't think of Liam whenever the name was used.

"You know...." she added before he could reply about the computer search. "you're right and from now on I won't make that association with the little one's name. Thank you for bringing me to see that as it really is."

"Well, as my father used to say, we usually already know the answer, sometimes it just takes another to make us believe ourselves", Jason answered, touching the little girl's fingers with his. "She is a beautiful little girl, obviously taking after her mother's side of the family."

"You're very kind" Amia laughed. "But she has her father's Trill 'spots' and they're so cute!" she beamed unable to hold in her pride in her lovely daughter.

"He won't be coming back so she's all I have to remind me of him." her tone dropped back to serious again for a while before she cheered back up and picked up her baby, helping her to bounce on her knees, her little infectious giggling making it impossible not to smile and be joyful along with her. "I'm going to miss maternity leave when I have to get back to work full time." she chuckled.

"Well, who wouldn't?", Jason asked. "Let's see, spend time with a cute little baby or listen to somebody complain about the green spots growing out of his nose? I think the answer is obvious."

Amia laughed softly. "I know... but I miss people with green spots.... well greener ones than Liana has anyway..." she admitted. "I love being a mum and up to now, full time was the only way but I'm beginning to find now that I need more to exercise my mind other than nursery rhymes and disgusting efforts to pollute the whole sector all from one tiny rear, into a tiny nappy and a determination to outwit mummy by challenging me to mop up the mess faster than one small home-wrecker can create and spread it."

"Sounds like you need some adult time eh?", Jason said. He wasn't sure why he asked, what he did, but he asked, "I know we have only met, but would you mind if I held her?"

"No, of course I wouldn't mind. You're Starfleet, her favourite kind of people!" she beamed, proud to show off her beautiful baby. She pulled back the outer coverlet and let Jason pick Liana up. "she shouldn't throw up on you but just in case...." she held out a soft muslin type cloth which she placed over his uniform at the shoulder beneath Liana's face and mouth and underneath her head too, allowing Jason to lay the baby back against the muslin. A position she immediately fought to escape and pulled her tiny head back so she could look at him with her piercing blue eyes.

Jason held her carefully as his mom had taught him to do when she had dragged him along to volunteer visits to the local hospital when he was younger. He smiled at Liana as she looked at him.

"You know, mommy is going to have to go back to work soon", Jason said. "She has a very important job. She is the one that fixes up idiots like me, who from time to time get into trouble and get hurt and sometimes drink a little too much and get sick. That means you are going to have to step up around the house. Make sure to pick up around your room and wash the dishes and all that."

Liana smiled a little grin that almost said, 'Yeah right.'

He lightly 'beeped' her on the nose, to which she giggled. And then out of nowhere she threw up on him which missed the cloth and covered his uniform tunic.

It took a moment for Jason to get over the 'shock' of the moment and then he chuckled, taking the cloth and wiping her mouth.

"I guessed I laid it on just a little too thick", Jason said, gently rubbing the baby's back. "Do you feel better now?"

Amia looked horrified and set about simultaneously apologising profusely, admonishing her now happy, smiling daughter and attempting to clean up Jason's tunic with a medically designed vacuum suction tool from her bag and a regenerator, all appearing from her well prepared bag on the handles of Liana's buggy.

Suddenly realising the unusual nature of the tools in her baby bag, Amia shrugged and stopped frowning and apologising and tilted her head. "What? Wouldn't you have these in your bag all the time you were out with a little sick dispenser like her?" she grinned sheepishly and finished patting down the newly re-created pristine fibres.

"Oh doc", Jason with a smile. "You are worrying way too much. There has been worse on my clothing. She's a baby, baby's do that. I mean classmates at academy do that too, when you are dragging them home from a bar, but your daughter doesn't have control over this yet unlike classmates."

He laughed a little.

Amia smiled widely at the comparison. "No doubt, the way she's growing so fast, she'll be an Academy drunk before I look round!" she chuckled. "I was...." she confessed with a bit of a blush but a conspiratorial twinkle in her eye.

Jason laughed and said, "There were very few non-Vulcans who were immune to having a drink or ten, at least once. My first time was my sophomore year, I had been stood up on a date, so some friends of mine were in the area and decided to help me heal my supposedly broken heart. The only thing broken that night was curfew. And it is only because my god-father is one of the Assistant Commandants at Starfleet did we manage to get back into our rooms without incident. However, we did find ourselves helping the grounds crew an awful lot for the next two weeks."

Amia chuckled and reached over to put her hands gently over Liana's ears. "Don't tell my daughter but I do actually remember something very similar happening whilst I was at the Academy but one of my pals had an Admiral for a dad and that helped us all out of a tight spot too!" she uncovered a protesting Liana's ears and said to her..... "Shhh, Mummy has to have one or two secrets... you can't know everything until you're older!" she laughed. Liana's little fingers rubbed her ears. "I didn't hurt your ears, cheeky fraud" she pretended to object to the implication that Liana's ears were in any way made uncomfortable but the gentle pretence at covering them with cupped fingers.

"Now Lieutenant, you are witness to my child's dishonesty from an early age. Clearly she has no hope, she's her mother's disreputable offspring without a doubt" she laughed again. It was SO brilliant to be chatting with someone and even if it still had to be about babies, at least it was also about when she had been young and free of the kind of stresses she'd been facing of late.

"It's been so kind of you to spend time with us Jason. I do appreciate you stopping to chat. I can't wait to get back to work as I said." she added.

Jason smiled and said, "My pleasure and I hope to stay away from work, given the past few days. You and Liana have done wonders for my spirit today."

Even before the incident with Alanna and the alternate Vulcans, he had been feeling stressed. Now it seemed like there was more to deal with than ever before and he felt that at some point his last nerve would snap and he would explode.

"You haven't had a chance to tell me about your work. Have you had a problematic time of late? Should I sign you off for a couple of days? Please sit with us a while longer and tell me more about what you've been getting up to?" Amia asked with genuine concern for his situation. He had been a kind friend to her and Liana and if he needed a professional ear to hear out his problems then she could at least be an ear to let him express whatever had happened to him even if that was all he wanted to allow to happen at this stage.

He sat down and said, "Yeah, it has been busy and difficult. I'm not sure how much I should say as it involves someone else. But I've been dealing with Raddon and the portal, and getting my ass kicked, having spats with the boss. So, I'm a little weary right now."

"Then I definitely diagnose the need for a day or two rest and respite!" Amia said, nodding seriously. "I don't want to compromise your integrity on what you can't talk about but it does sound like you've been overdoing it and as your Doctor I am sure whatever it was about, it needs repairing mentally, emotionally and physically. I'll sign you off right now." she smiled, gently touching the back of his hand in reassurance. "No-one can keep up a pace like that one for too long and we..... Liana and I..... don't want you to get too beaten up or you might not be in a fit state to babysit!" she teased good naturedly but with a genuinely concerned look in her eyes, above the joking grin.

Liana took that moment to start to grumble and begin working up to a wail which did seem appropriately timed.

"See! The Senior CMO.... the one that's my boss...." Amia inclined her head towards her daughter's reddening face "agrees! And her word is law!" she took Liana and joggled her against her shoulder making a shhhhhh sound and smiling at Jason.

"Please don't take me off duty", Jason said seriously. "I want to stay away from people, not work. If I am not working, I am thinking and that is dangerous for me right now. If I think too much, that leads to drinking and I have been doing that a little bit too much. Now, as far as baby sitting, even though I am a novice I would love to. All she will be demanding is some food, a diaper change, a bottle, a burp, a little play, and then a nap. And well, who doesn't like a nap?"

Amia grinned and continued to bounce Liana. "Okay... if you're sure... but it's genuinely my feeling that you DO need to recouperate somehow...... And I don't mean you have to babysit just to get yourself back on duty again..... I mean I want you to keep in touch with me at Sickbay so I can monitor how much you're doing and how much I need to worry!" she said, relenting on the sign off for now.

"Oh, so you want to babysit me now?" he said with a smirk. "That's ok, I have a standing order to report into sickbay anyway. And I really wouldn't mind babysitting, once you are comfortable knowing me. Like I said, baby's don't want anything complicated out of you. Patience and attention, that's it. They might get fussy from time to time, but that's because they need something and haven't learned the language and the universal translator can't keep up with them."

Amia laughed again. "I like your sense of humour, lieutenant." she grinned. "I'll babysit you and you can babysit Liana and neither of us will have a clue what she's on about only that she has strong lungs, her father's determination and a pretty clear way of keeping on letting you know if you get anything wrong. Deal?"

"Indeed doc, deal", Jason said smiling. "Looking forward to it."

Amia grinned. "Likewise, Lieutenant." she replied and meant it.



Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Information Officer
Deep Space 5

Cmdr Amia Telamon
CMO - on Maternity Leave


Miss Liana Telamon
Apprentice Admiral


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