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Undercover Sister (Part I of II)

Posted on Tue Nov 5, 2019 @ 7:56am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Civilian Dorian Torel

1,020 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD16 2030


Geral sat in his office lost in thought. It was clear that someone had tried to kill either the Commander or himself, and after his recent encounter with Gev he was fairly certain he was the target.

He had heard, not that it was a big secret, that the would be assassin was dead. And the stations security forces were searching for the so called attorney that had magically appeared to represent him and had just as magically vanished.

Departing ships were being thoroughly searched so it was a safe bet he was still on the station. That meant there was still a skilled assassin on the loose. Because of that Dorian was never absent and never more than an arms reach away. He had even acquired additional bodyguards to mingle and keep a watch from a distance.

At his summons Dorian entered and after securing the door took a seat.

"Any news?"

"Sorry boss but whoever this guy is, he knows how to hide."

"What about who hire him?"

"No much more than rumor, but with your recent arrival, expansion, and now the new dilithium/trade've definitely made some enemies."

"Risks of the game, and nothing we haven't seen before...but..."

"...but you never wanted the Commander to be endangered by those risks."

Geral looked across the table to his friend. "No...speaking of relations. What was that I saw in the storage bay? You and Ms. Ibalin seem to be getting along."

"Hey don't try to change the subject." He said grinning. "Besides you alway emphasized customer service..."

Geral laughed. "Seems we both found something here we never intended."

To that Dorian nodded. "You know...she's been here a lot longer than we have. Perhaps she might be able to help us figure things out. Who knows we might even find this guy."

"Do you think she will? She still doesn't like me very much."

"You helped her out, gave her a fair deal, even saved her money... I think she may be coming around, at least a little."

"See if she will take a meeting."

Shaking his head. "I don't like the idea of leaving you alone."

"I won't be..." patting his side.

Nodding, Dorian rose. His boss had survived the Cardassian occupation, the Dominion; and other assassination attempts so he left. And after hearing the sound of the door securing behind him he made his way to the Box.

It was late and the evening crowd was thinning considerably. He strolled through the bar taking a seat in a back corner. Watching.

The lady of the house was moving amongst her customers. There were more in than had been recently, a small band was playing lively jazz on the small stage at the front that was drawing in passers by.

Yolanthe was going table to table, checking in her patrons, exchanging pleasantries, topping up drinks and collecting empties. Her colouring flowered between a deep violet shades of blue, and when particularly attractive young men walked past, hints of pale pink. She was wearing flat shoes, not the spiked heels he'd bought her, and a white long sleeved tunic over a pair of white pants.

Finally, she worked her way into the booth area, and noticed him lurking. She went a shade of fuschia, and then dark gold. "So, Mr Torel." She folded her arms, "You finally crawl out of the woodwork."

He cocked his head to the side slightly as he nodded. "True...but things have been a little busy. Additional security measures and all. Care to join me?"

She glanced over her shoulder at her bar, "I'm on the clock, you'll have to make it worth my while."

He cocked an eyebrow with a smirk. "As the boss don't you set the clock? But if you need to keep things...on the counter I'll just start with an ale." The corner of his mouth curled. "Scratch that. I think I'm in the mood for something...colorful. "Can you whip me up a Pink silk panties; or do you have any other...recommendations?"

"Pink Silk Panty?" She raised an eyebrow that was now bright blue. "I don't think we've got any hen parties in tonight. Are you sure you're not after something a bit more... Cosmopolitan?"

The game was on and he smirked slightly. "A cosmo...nahhh. of the mill. I would take Red Headed Slut, but that's nothing more than a shot, and over too quickly." He hade a show of contemplation. "How about something with a flavor. I know; The Passion Drink...aka the porn star."

"Eager to slip Between the Sheets? You'll find the satisfaction of a Screaming Orgasm is over-rated."

He laughed, nodding. "Between the Sheets would be nice and I never cared for drinks with milk in them, so I would agree with you about the Screaming Orgasm. Though you might enjoy the results of a Liquid Viagra."

"Maybe I'll make you Bend over Shirley. Or a Blue Balls." The bright blue was slowly fading out to be replaced by a bright pink.

"Oh really. So you intend to Pop My Cherry? Only after I drink a Dirty Wholer's Bath Water." He added with a wink.

"Well, if you can't handle that challenge, perhaps you should just stick to a Sloe Comfortable Screw" Yolanthe replied.

"Hey as long as it's Up Against A Wall, I'm all for it."

She laughed, "A very tempting offer, but I was expecting you to deliver several days ago, and you failed. Why should I be giving you the time of night now?"

Well that he had coming. They had been interrupted and he had full intended to arrange a rendezvous but then their had been the assassination attempt and he had left her hanging. "That was part of why I stopped by personally. Got a place we can talk...privately."

She eyed the door marked 'Employees Only' and then beckoned. "Step into my parlour..."

To Be Continued...

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

Geral Lasuma
Lasuma Enterprises

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard / Henchman for Geral Lasuma


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