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Undercover Sister (Part II of II)

Posted on Fri Nov 8, 2019 @ 9:32pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Dorian Torel

1,371 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD16 2030

Previously, in Undercover Sister

Well that he had coming. They had been interrupted and Torel had fully intended to arrange a rendezvous but then there had been the assassination attempt and he had left her hanging. "That was part of why I stopped by personally. Got a place we can talk...privately."

She eyed the door marked 'Employees Only' and then beckoned. "Step into my parlour..."

And now the conclusion...

She took him back to her office, with its rococo furniture all in black and white, from the snowy carpet to the obsidian crystal chandelier. "So, to what do I owe this dubious pleasure?" She took two heavy crystal tumblers from the top of the small fridge, and poured herself a kanar. She held the bottle up in silent question.

He nodded, kanar was not his first choice but when in Rome...

"I wanted to let you know that there wasn't anything intentional. Things got more than a little crazy after the assassination attempt. As a matter of fact I don't think I've gotten more that a few hour of sleep in the past few days."

"And yet you come here?" she poured out two fingers for him, "Surely heading to your quarters might be more sensible."

Taking the glass ensuring his fingers brushed hers. " True but this is isn't the first time I've had to endure."

"Oh? I'm to be endured am I?" There was a sudden sharp edge to her voice.

"Now why would you ever think that...hmmm?? I was talking about enduring prolonged lack of sleep."

Yolanthe touched her glass to his. "So.. what do you really want. If its not sleep?"

He smiled at the thought. Well I knew I had left you hanging and, circumstances aside, I wanted see you, apologize, and see if you might be able to take a night off. I have a few holoprograms you might be interested in. I also wanted to ask for your help."

"What do you need? And what programs do you have?"

"There is reason to believe that my boss, and not the Commander Soran, was the target in the recent incident. He had a meeting with some people and has reason to suspect them of being behind, or at least involved in, the assassination attempt.

"You've been here a lot longer than we have. You know to players better and who is capable of what. I know the two of you had a rough start but he is asking for your help...I'm asking for your help."

"A gentleman in distress? Right to my weakspot." She sat down on her chaise long, stretching out her legs. "Hmm. Well. It won't be anyone in deep with Gevran, he'd string them up. But it might be someone more...adjacent. Some of those routes your boss undercut took out more than just those hauliers. I suspect if you went to Q'uit's you'd find a Travel Agent or two who's short on business."

He couldn't help but cast a glance at those legs of hers, even with the pants she was wearing he could make out the contours of those legs. "You think a couple a travel agents could afford to hire an assassin? Couldn't it was Gevran himself? After all, compensation or not, even hiring on those displaced, there is no denying that the economics of the area have shifted in Lasuma's favor. Especially after the Dilithium and trade agreements with the Imersa."

"If it was Gev, he wouldn't have chanced a random assasination in the arboretum. It would have been a thorough execution so no-one would miss his point. But there's a lot of money to be made ferrying people across the neutral zone, in either direction. More than enough to hire an assassin." She sipped her kanar, thinking. "Or at least, someone desperate enough to go against Gev."

"Interesting. That bit of information put things in a new light." It hadn't cleared Gev of involvement but it had actually expanded the scope of those that could be responsible. "Desperation can make people take rash actions. Gevran knows that Lasuma has business arrangements throughout known space, including Romulan territory. So those under his organization have been, or will be, offered employment or other compensation for any...inconveniences."

Sitting down next to her on her chaise. "If you could keep an ear out for me, for us, I'd be grateful."

"If I hear it outside The Box," she said. "What happens in The Box, stays in The Box. Even for you."and she gave him a wicked look. "Whatever exotic jewellery your wear."

He returned her grin and he could understand her position. She wanted to, needed to, keep the area's neutral reputation intact. "I can, and I know Lasuma will understand that..." He wanted to press her a bit and make a, situational, request but he decided to wait until the time was right. "...if there is anything I can do you be sure to let me know."

"I'm not making any promises. But." she considered, and her head moved so he could tell her milk white eyes were looking at his groin. "I also look after my own interests quite well too." It was the only compromise shhe was prepared to make.

He raised a brow slightly. "Well if things were to come together and allow us to take care of each other's interests, we can definitely pool our resources."

She was thinking of something entirely different to do to hhis resoruces, and she was turning a definite shade of cerise to match. "I'm glad we have an an accord. Now," she sipped her kanar. "you said soemthing about an evening off?"

"That I did. But before I make my offer I have a couple of questions for you. "

"Tease." Yolanthe replied, "Very well."

"Breaking the rule or not?"

"Ask the question, then I'll decide."

He grinned..."That is, one, of the questions."

"Then.... no. What happens in The Box, stays in The Box."

He pursed his lips..."Not those rules. These questions are for what we could possibly be doing on that day off. Just trying to see what you'll be up for. I have several options and need to see what to set up for."

"I won't put The Box at risk. Other than that, I'm open to new experiences." She was leaning forward now, curious to what he had in mind.

"No worries there." Scooting a little closer he fired off his next question.

"Heights...yes or no?"

"Yes," They held no fears for her. She had grown up amidst the canopy of the great trees of her homeworld where a fall would pretty much mean instant death.

"Great! Holodeck or real?"

"Hmmm.," Advantages and limitatiins to both. What would denonstrate his creativity better, the limitations of the real, or the infinite abyss of the holodeck? "I think...holodeck."

Okay...that actually made things easier, both logistically and eliminated any real consequences. "That makes things easier. How are you at infiltration?"

Infiltration? "I can't say that I've ever tried. I'm many things, but a super spy isn't one of them."

"Oh nothing like that, but part of the challenge of the program I have in mind is sneaking in, not getting caught.

"Ive done a cattle raid or two in my time, I can manage a little sneaking. What are you planning?"

"Now now. you wouldn't want me to spoil the surprise would you. Just a little adrenaline rush to start the evening."

Yolanthe drained her kanar. "Alright. I'm in. Show me what you've got."

The corner of his mouth curled and he glanced down briefly returning his eyes to hers.

"You know what I mean." she said tartly. "You've piqued my interest. Do we start now, or do you need to get some sleep first?"

"I'm ready to go if you are. Just need to replicate a few items and sets the program."

Yolanthe got to her feet. "Well, the holodeck awaits. Shall we?"

Dorian stood as well gesturing to the door, "After you."


Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

Geral Lasuma
Lasuma Enterprises

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard / Henchman for Geral Lasuma


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