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Lunch at Sunset (Part II of II)

Posted on Tue Oct 29, 2019 @ 10:43pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma

1,874 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Public Holodecks
Timeline: MD15 1200

Previously On ...

Geral stopped them, over his shoulder the sun was setting and the sky was set a blaze. "Let me help. While on Bajor there was many a time I got word that Sisko had to twist Quark's arm to get...assistance. Let me send someone into the grey where she can't go."

She kicked restlessly at a pile of leaves in shades of ruby , scarlet and flame. "You know I can't give you permission for that."

And now the conclusion...

He put his hands on her shoulders; time to call in some old friends. "I know...but enough business." He offered her his arm and together they headed along the trail that looped around the small lake and back towards the cabin.

They walked in companionable silence. Maritza was glad to not talk. No having to make decisions, no having to explain things, or give orders or chase information or brief superiors. Silence was golden. The cool air was crisp, clearing her head without being distractingly cold. She leaned into him, feeling relaxed for the first time in days. "I should have done this sooner," she said eventually.

"No argument here. You know I could have my ship ready in a moments notice. We could go anywhere you want at any time. That is if you ever decided to take a vacation....but an afternoon off is a start."

"I'm owed some leave. Maybe once Claude is found. I couldn't go before that."

He stopped pulling away and looked at her in honest surprise, smiling. "Well THAT was easier than I thought it would be."

"I'm not leaving with Claude missing. I need to know he's alright. But after that. If its not too busy, and there's no major crisis. And the Cardassians are behaving themselves. And the Klingons. Don't get me wrong. I trust Charg with my life. Just not my station. Klingons are just too...lively. And now the Romulan. And assuming there isn't a sudden rush to get Colony Phase 2 up and running ahead of schedule or some such thing. Or Starfleet don't spring any more surprises on me."

He held his hands up. "Got it...lots of ifs. It's just good to hear you have us somewhere in all of that." Wrapping an arm around her shoulders he gave her a squeeze as they headed along the trail.

"Us?" She teased. "I'm just trying to keep my counselor from relieving me of duty and ensure one of my business tenants stops nagging me."

"OHHhhh that's it. So you have just be using me for my cooking?"

"Naturally. Dropping into the promenade restaurants is a recipe for being mobbed by people wanting things. Its the only way I can get peace and quiet." She was only half joking

"Well if it helps the greater good by keeping the commanding officer form losing her's a sacrifice I'm willing to take."

"Glad to know you're willing to take one for the team. " She smiled as they arrived at the cabin. "Feed me!"

He chuckled at her expression, "Hangry are we?"

"I will be if you don't have some good food behind that door."

Reaching for the latch, "Hopefully Jeffers has arrived."

Opening the door he was not disappointed the aromas and sounds of his preparations filled the air. "Afternoon Commander, Sir. Dinner will still be a bit but I set out a bottle of wine and some cheese and fruit."

"Perfect." Maritza made a beeline for the bottle, and popped the cork and poured out. It was a light crisp white, but she didn't recognise the vinyard. An earth colony she thought, but beyond that she had no idea. She held out the glass to him. "To assistants who are practically psychic and forsee your every need" She realised what she had said, and sobered suddenly, then forced herself to smile again. "To the people we rely on."

He lifted his glass with a smile. "Absolutely!"

As Geral took a sip Jeffers called out from the kitchen. "You are most welcome Commander. It is so nice to be appreciated...," flames leapt up as he continued his preparations, "...I think an extra special dessert is in order."

Taking a seat on the sofa Geral took a piece of the cheese. "Flattery will get you everywhere with him."

"I don't need to get everywhere. I just need to get lunch." she laughed.

Geral laughed as well as he sipped his wine, shaking his head. "You know during my last trip, I got to spend a considerable amount of time with your friend the Ambassador. He is quite the character and had a very colorful past."

"Charg is certainly that." She agreed. "And I don't think you can be a Klingon and not have a colorful past. They are made of drama. Everything is on their honor and they live and die by it. Turning everything up to Eleven is a way of life."

"Eleven and then is good to see that things finally worked out for him. The restoration of his House and all. Do you have any lofty goals? Another pip for your collar perhaps?"

She shrugged. "I want to culturally reform my entire culture. So no, nothing much. A pip on the collar will help with that though." She signed again. "If I get out of here with my sanity intact."

"Reform your entire my. As far as keeping your sanity intact, that I can help with. As long as you follow my prescription."

"Which is?" she was genuinely curious.

With a humorous smile, "I would just say do whatever I advise but..." He moved closer, facing her. Looking about the cabin, "Relish the moments that feed your soul." Lifting a sumptuous stawberry for her to taste, "Enjoy all that life has to offer." Lifting her foot gently he removed her boot; massaging her foot, "Relax at every opportunity. And to let the worries of today be sufficient for today. Tomorrow will take care of itself."

Maritza let out a little noise that was a little too close to ecstasy. She blushed and pulled away. "I just can't. There's always too much to do, to many orders to give. Too many people hurt. Too many dead. Even if I take time off. I can't stop thinking."

He continued to massage her foot. Can your worry raise those Honor them...remember them, absolutely; bit don't worry about them. You can't do everything, nor should you try. You have medical staff to care for the sick or wounded, you have security to protect, there are operations and engineers to keep things working, and an XO to help organize it let them; delegate."

Jeffers called out from the kitchen area. "Dinner is ready."

She took the opportunity of the distraction to escape the feelings of guilt for all the things she couldn't control. "Excellent. I'm sure its delicious."

Offering her his hand he walked her to the table pushing in her chair as she sat. Then left her to join his chef in the kitchen area.

Geral looked over it all. Putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Perfect as always, I'll take it from go on an take the rest of the day off."

"I knew there was a reason I liked working for you; the dessert is setting up in the fridge." He gathered his few things and headed out. Nodding to the Commander, "Ma'am"

Martiza nodded a goodbye. "I don't have a steward. I'm giving serious thoughts about changing that. As long as I pinch yours."

That gave him an idea, causing him to grin as he replied, "I think I can arrange something. "

Geral put a few final touches and brought out her plate. With a toewl over his arm he made a bit of a show of serving. "Madam...Bon Appetit." With exaggerated gestures he named and described each item. Teran Kobe fillet minion seared to perfect medium with garlic and rosemary, mashed Risian sweet potatoes with mango chutney, Braised Bajoran Lobster with saffron butter over wild rice, and a Trillian salad of mixed greens with a light vinaigrette.

"It looks fabulous." Maritza said, "Almost a shame to eat it." But it didn't stop her, and she cheerfully set about cleaning her feet. "I think this is the first meal I didn't have to wash down with a glass of water in the last week."

Retrieving the wine from the lounge area he topped if their glasses. "No washing things down here...take your time and savor it."

Placing the bottle in the table he when back to the kitchen and got his plate. Taking his seat he pulled the ring of his napkin setting on the table. "Well?"

"It tastes even better than it looks." She reported. Though I don't have much longer. I'm probably not going to be able to savor it. Can you forgive me?"

Wiping his lips before he replied, "Don't you think your people can manage without you for a while longer...?"

"I have an appointment at one. The new counsellor. Finally" She quickly swallowed another mouthful. "But I could come back this evening, for dessert."

He gave that a thought for a moment. "You could have your meeting here, a nice relaxed setting. I can make myself scarce and them we could pick up right where we left off." Taking a sip of his wine, "Just an idea...but if you must leave I can see what i can come up with..." He trailed of with a smile.

"Actually, i have an idea. I'll bring you a copy when i arrive." She chased the last few morsels onto her fork. "Dress for swimming."

"Well that sounds like fun...just what i was planning myself actually."

"Looking forward to it." She swallowed another mouthful of wine to wash down her salad. "Have you ever been to earth?"

Polishing off the last of his steak, he nodded. "I have. Though only for business. I never had a chance to see the sights."

"Then I've got a treat for you." She promised, putting her knife and fork down. "Don't forget desert?"

"Great. I'll see you at 1900 hours." She leaned forwards and gave him an impulsive kiss on the cheek. "I won't be late. Computer? Arch please."

Turning in his chair he watched her head to the now visible arch. "Hold up...your holodeck or mine?"

She raised an eyebrow suggestively. "Definitely yours. No interruptions there."

He watched her leave and as the doors closed his smile broadened. ~She was definitely in a good mood~, he thought to himself. Leaning back in his chair finishing his wine as he began to plan.


Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer
Deep Space Five

Geral Lasuma
Owner of Lasuma Enterprises

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard and Henchman for Geral Lasuma

Chef for Geral Lasuma

I'm going to sit on this for a few days, I want ot get the claude post up first.

Also, it needs a title

Alone at last?

Hmm. i think that may be false advertising :D How about just going wth Lunch date?

Lunch at Sunset?


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