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We're Not In Kansas Anymore - Part 5

Posted on Sun Aug 18, 2019 @ 11:57am by Civilian Jason Haines & Civilian 'Arrival' Avis Larant Ms & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander River Morgan & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Ensign Tizo Criteser & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca

1,543 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Not Kansas
Timeline: MD8, 2130 Hours



“So, three hundred years ago, two, what we would later learn were called starships, fell from the sky burning,” he continued. “One was a black block as square as a child’s toy. With that shape, I do not know how it could fly as it looked nothing like a bird; unlike the other ship, which did somewhat. I cannot describe that one well.”

With that, he took a small stick and drew what looked to be an overhead view of an Excelsior class starship.

Now The Continuation…

“Even though it looked somewhat like a bird, no bird can fly when its wings are on fire,” he said. “The bird ship…” He paused and he seemed pleased with himself. “Yes, I shall call it a bird ship from now on. The bird ship crashed into the ocean nearby. Parts of it can be seen still, especially when the water goes out. I have been told that over five hundred individuals were on it when it started its flight. Only thirty survived its falling.”

Thirty out of five hundred. So, was this a Federation planet, or just a planet where the two ships crashed? Alanna thought, listening intently.

Annora had a few theories as to why the timeline didn't match up. Either the story became exaggerated over time, or time passed different on whatever planet they found themselves on. Either way, it didn't really matter at this point.

“The block, on the other hand, fell into a nearby mountain, ripping the land apart,” he continued. “I do not know how many were on it, but only one survived, the one we call the Prophet.”

Jessica paled at the description, and now some things seemed to fit. The strange weapons firing a green radiation that seemed grafted on to those men…

“Borg,” the blonde security officer whispered in a frightened voice. The machine-people of nightmare to every citizen of the Federation.

Avis blinked; she wasn't positive she heard it correctly but did the woman say 'Borg'? That might explain some things.

"Well, that explains wanting to cremate," Yolanthe said. "I've played enough Borg-invasion games to know the only option after nuke it from orbit is kill it with fire."

Alanna looked towards Jason's body. Yes. Cremation was preferable to being taken by a Borg.

"Any chance of going to see the crash site tomorrow?"

While it was a long shot, Annora felt it worth a try. If they made it back to DS5, having more information on the ship could prove useful. If nothing else, it might provide some closure. At least Starfleet would know what happened to the ship.

“Sir,” Jessica said. “We have no weapons. We can’t take on the Borg!” Her tone was fearful. “Even if we had phasers, they would adapt soon enough. We need to find a way off this planet!”

"This is not necessarily our future," Alanna said quietly. "I don't think it would be worth the danger to us and to our hosts."

"We can lead you close to them," the old man said as Marisel came back with a cup of dark, steaming liquid for River.

With the drink still clearly too hot to drink right away, River thanked Marisel and finished off her fruit before sipping at it gratefully.

"We can get you closer to the bird ship, than the Prophet's," the elder continued. "The bird ship is about a day's trip from here, near the ocean. We can't get too close to it, as its energy still makes us sick today. Although they are not as devious as the prophet's servants, you will have to be wary of the night crabs. They used to be small, but after the crash they grew to be as tall as your knee within one hundred years, and more aggressive."

"So, the crash had something to do with the crabs then?" Avis found that interesting, but she was not much on zoology.

"As far as getting close to the prophet's ship and town, I am afraid I am only willing to allow you to be brought back to where you were found," he said. "The inhabitants are zealots who try to capture any who stray near and the energies from the ship and whatever it was unearthed when the ship crashed makes us sick."

Yolanthe snagged some of the fruit. "Sounds like either way, no one's getting close." She bit into one of them, and the juices dribbled down her chin. She wiped it off awkwardly. "What do the zealots want with their prisoners anyway?"

"For now, I'll pass, but thanks for the info. I have no desire to go near the cube ship. As for the bird ship, do you know if it had a name?"

While not an engineer, Annora wondered if there was a slow leak from the fusion reactors onboard the ship.

“There could be weapons, phasers, in the Federation wreck,” Jessica mused. “But we still don’t have any protective gear. Anyone going there would be doomed to death by radiation without an inoculation.”

"So, we're better off not going at all," Alanna said. "Is there something we could do here, to help these people?"

“We should focus on getting home,” Jessica said. “If this is a first contact situation, we need to be very careful.”

"As far as the name of the bird ship," the elder said, "it is not something that has been passed down. As far as you getting sick, I am not sure. The ones that came before you made many trips back to the ship without getting sick."

He looked to Alanna and said, "I am not sure what you mean by helping us, young lady. We get along just fine except for when the Prophet's work contaminates the land more. If anyone needs help it is those who continue to follow the Prophet."

Alanna nodded. He was right. There wasn't much they could do to help these people under current circumstances.

He looked to Yolanthe and said, "As to what the Prophet and zealots do with prisoners, we think it varies. I am sure he tries to pervert their way of thinking to follow him and work for him mining the mountain with his promises of ascensions to heaven if they follow his god Omega. For those we hope resist, they are never heard from again."

Jessica considered what the elder said. “Then perhaps the Federation ships isn’t so dangerous,” she mused. “Though likely picked clean already, by the sound of it. Couldn’t hurt to take a look, then.”

"I am not sure how you wish to proceed, but we will help you in the limited ways we can," the elder said. "Now, I am curious where have you all come from? Although you look and talk like some of those who came before, your manner of dress is much different."

Brianthe had remained quiet so far, choosing to listen and observe. "That's what we're trying to figure out," she said. "There are some similarities to those who came before, but there are also differences. We come from a world ruled by the Federation."

Yolanthe thought, purple brow furrowed, and her fingers flicked as she did some math in her head. "Hang on. Three hundred years ago, the Federation didn't exist. And the Borg are at most fifty years old."

"Those who came before taught us how to use their calendar," the elder said. "We don't use it much anymore, but if it is anything like yours, the current year is 2694 or 95, I think. What does your calendar indicate?"

"2393," Brianthe said.

Three hundred years. Alanna wondered if this really could be a possible future.

River was also trying to do the maths, but her thumping head was clouding it. The tea was beginning to help though. She continued to sip and look puzzled as she listened.

“More temporal shenanigans?” Jessica sighed. “What planet is this?” she asked the elder.

"I believe it was referred to by the others as planet four of system 10245," the elder said. "They indicated that the system was new to them when they arrived. We never really found a need to call it anything."

It wasn't familiar to Alanna, so it wasn't one that had been discovered yet or was of interest to science.

Jessica shrugged at the mention. She wasn’t a stellar cartographer.

Annora shook her head in disbelief. She was getting tired of time travel.
"That would explain a lot."

"Do you have a map of this place?" Alanna asked. "Where they came from?"

"Do you mean where the Ancients came from?" the Elder asked Alanna

"Yes. Did you find any of their maps or star charts?" she asked.

"They all came from different places," the Elder said. "Something called the Federation of Free Planets. All the devices that held the information you are asking about stopped working about one-hundred years ago."

(To be continued...)


Elder & other NPCs
APB Lt.(jg) Jason Haines

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer

Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer

Ensign Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer

Investigative Journalist

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner The Box of Delights

Lt. Cmdr. River Morgan
Acting Chief Medical Officer

Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca


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