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Posted on Thu Aug 15, 2019 @ 10:03pm by Captain Maritza Soran

580 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: VIP Guest Quarters Deck 24
Timeline: MD 10 0900


Seeing Turvan had left a bad taste in her mouth. That had been unexpected as well as infuriating.

"Thank you for coming to my quarters, Commander."

"Its not a problem." Maritza said, keeping her tone neutral. "What did Turvan want?"

"To make friends." Sovok poured himself more tea. "I will be taking his best regards to the Commonwealth Council on my return."

Soran wasn't sure what to make of that. "I'm sure they'll be thrilled."

Sovok laughed. "You have no idea. I'm surprised you haven't asked the same thing."

"I don't see the friendship of a dictatorship as being of value to the Federation. The diplomatic corp would laugh in my face."

"So, can I assume that you are here to send me home?" SOvok asked.

"I want this matter drawn to a swift conclusion as much as you do. And after last night, I am concerned that the peace of my station is going to continue to be perturbed"

"I had a pleasant evening, speaking with you Dr Wells. She is a very charming and beautiful young woman."

"She's a very accomplished scientist." Maritza countered, irritated by his reducing of one of her people to a piece of eyecandy.

"I'm sure." he demurred. "What transpired after was less charming, but not exactly unexpected. And after speaking with her, and the events of last night, I wish to offer you more information that might assist you with your decision."

What was he playing at? "Go ahead." She said cautiously.

"It is obvious that the Vulcan Commonwealth of my reality is very different to yours. More authoritarian. Our justice system more final. I didn't come alone to the that spatial rift. There are others under my command waiting there. I intend to return home, and make sure the rift is buried and made inaccessible. We cannot bring an army through, and I cannot risk technology from your reality seeping into mine. I would like to bring Ch'zath as my prisoner. But it would be as one condemned to death. I understand that it is against your principles."

Its barbaric, she added internally, "It is."

"As such I would offer a compromise. Trapped here, Ch'Zath is no longer capable of harming innocents. He's as good as dead. Let me return, I shall report him dead, and his people with him, and I will seal this gateway between us. He would be imprisoned. But with the freedom of this place, as such as you would grant it."

"What if he wants to go home?"

"He will die." Sovok shrugged. "There is no way he can survive what is waiting for him."

"And what is waiting for him?" She pressed. If she knew, maybe there was some help she could give.

"Peace officers," He said simply. "Armed, prepared, disciplined and implaccable. Regardless of whether I come back or not, they will take him, and see justice done. He's been tried in absentia a dozen times. He'll be shot and his body incinerated within a minute."

Maritza stared at him for a moment. "I will take your information under advisement."

"I also wish to return home even if you won't surrender Ch'zath. At the earliest convenience. I know your own laws won't let you keep me here." There was something oily in his smirk.

"I understand. I will make arrangements." And then I will take a shower. she added.


Commander Maritza Soran

Chief Inspector Sovok
Vulcan Commonwealth of an alternate reality


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