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A Gift For The Lady

Posted on Tue Aug 20, 2019 @ 9:48pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Jason Haines

1,237 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: The Box
Timeline: MD 11, 1330 Hrs


Jason had been trying to touch base with people who had been there for his 'death'. He thought it important to express his gratitude for their actions after it as even though he was alive now, it didn't take away from the fact that they had gone through a rough time dealing with his 'death'. From what he was told, Yolanthe was one of the key people in tending to him after the event.

He went up to the bar, hoping that Yolanthe was around. He ordered a drink and then just took some time to watch what went on here. When he had been here other times, he had been focusing on individuals. He wanted to take it all in at the moment.

She wasn't there, just the Bajoran who often tended the bar when she wasn't around. "Can I help?" Rosh Pelin asked him. "You look like a man in search of something."

"Well, I am looking for your boss", Jason said. "but I am also enjoying the atmosphere. The times I have been in here so far, it's been more for business. Today I am taking in the sights."

"Well she shouldn't be long. She's normally in by two. Can I get you something, while you wait?"

"That would be great", Jason replied, even though he had eaten with Avis. "What's the lunch special?".

"We've got a trill pilsner that's pretty good, and a Risan wine thats, well its purple, but its bodied like a terran red."

"Let's go with the pilsner", Jason replied with a smile. "So, how is business today?"

"Fairly average for a lunchtime. We're starting to pick up again." Rosh pulled one of the bottles from one of the many fridges under the bar, and popped the top off and put it next to Jason with a tall glass. "How's the spy game?"

"A little too busy today", Jason replied, taking a sip of the drink. "Mmm. I didn't realize the Trill were good brewers."

The barman shrugged. "These ones are. Here she comes."

Yolanthe was walking across the floor of the bar, and when she saw Jason, she crossed the remaining distance in a few long strides, the violet of her skin and hair giving way to shades of blue that go darker and darker. "Ancestors above! Its true!" Then she crushed him into a fierce hug.

Jason returned the hug with a slight chuckle of appreciation.

"Yes, it is", Jason said. "There were no great bars in the afterlife so I knew I had to get back here to the best one."

"Flattery will get you everywhere." She pushed him away from her and looked him up and down, "How is this even possible? I mean. I helped build your funeral pyre. I watched Alanna light it up."

He smiled at her and said, "I wish I knew, especially after what you went through and what you did for me. Which is why I am here."

He handed her a small data-chip.

"It's not much, but I wanted to find a way to say thank you."

She turned it between bright blue fingers. "What is it?"

"Well, I have a hobby, playing an electric guitar", Jason said. "I enjoy a musical style from Earth's past called rock and roll. When my uncle gets me my guitar here, I will play the song for you if you like it, but until then, the recording will have to do. I was listening to the song and it made me think of you."

"Did it now?" She purred. "What sort of song is it? Safe enough to play in here for all my patrons?"

"It is a song that sings the praises of strong and beautiful women like you", he said with a smile. "As to whether or not it is safe, rock and roll can be hit or miss, especially for those with sensitive ears. The music style is open to some loud parts. You might want to listen to it once in private to see if you like it and make sure it doesn't make you blush, before putting it out for the public."

"I never blush." she grinned, "But maybe we'll save this for the evening crowd. Get the party started. Or we can replicate you your instrument, and you can play it for me now."

"I would need an amplifier for my instrument as well", he said with a grin. "I could do it with a replicated instrument, but I don't think it would be as good. Think of it like the difference between a replicated glass of Saurian brandy and a glass of the real stuff, circa 2325."

He sipped his drink and said, "And I think most would agree that you deserve the real thing, given what you did for me."

"Put you on a pile of wood and set fire to you?" She raised a dark blue eyebrow. "if you're into that sort of thing, thats going to be hard to top.,"

"I heard you did more than that", he replied. "Preparing something like that takes a lot of work and heart, which I won't forget. Do make sure there are enough marshmallows to go around next time though."

He gave her a wink and a smile.

She chuckled. "I'm sure if there is a next time, your mother will have something to say about it."

"Yes, I am sure that will be the case, especially where I would be meeting her in the afterlife", Jason replied. "Trust me, you have not seen a woman mad until you have seen an Irish woman mad. They make Klingon women look like kittens in comparison."

"Ah. I'm sorry." She said, her skin turning temporarily peach at the faux pas. "Your mother sounds formiddable."

"No, worries, my friend", Jason replied. "It was a long time ago. And yes, my mother was. Everyone in the town knew of the Aine O'Flaherty hair temper. She did have a heart of gold though. What about your mother, was she as beautiful as you?"

"Ha!" She snorted at the outrageous flattery, and turned another shade darker blue. "My mother is obsessed with having a boy, and why I wasn't getting pregnant." She rolled her eyes. "'Maybe you should retire, all that exercise, it must be stopping you.'" She said in a theatrical tone. "'Maybe you should lose a few, Lani. You intimidate those poor boys so they can't perform. Your obviously not trying hard enough. Eusealea has won almost as many as you *And* has two girls already.'"

Jason finished his drink and then said, "Two things to remember. Mothers are not always right and any man intimidated by you is not a man. Well, that is unless you have a dagger positioned at sensitive areas and then, yeah it is probably ok for him to worry a little. Not too much though. You don't want anyone who can't take a little pressure."

He took her hand, gave it a gentlemanly kiss.

"Although I could easily spend the afternoon here talking with you", he continued. "I know that you are a very busy woman and I have my own business to prepare for. I do hope you have a splendid afternoon."


Yolanthe Ibalin
Propriator, The Box of Delights

Lt.(jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5

The Song -


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