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Sun Aug 18, 2019 @ 11:57am

Civilian 'Arrival' Avis Larant

Name Avis Larant Ms

Position Special Correspondent

Rank Civilian 'Arrival'

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 22
Date of Birth 2370

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 5"
Weight 130
Hair Color Natural blonde - often dyes it various colors
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Avis wears her hair in bangs. For social occasions she can dress up quite fashionably but normally she can be seen in casual wear. Whatever seems appropriate for her job which takes her into a wide variety of settings. The idea is to fit in. She works hard to keep physically fit. Ever the self critic, she wishes she was better endowed in the chest but takes comfort in that she has been told more than once she has great legs.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Arland Larant, 53
Mother Sybil Larant, 50
Brother(s) Aiden, deceased
Other Family Audra, 17

Personality & Traits

General Overview Avis is a go getter, she is driven, ambitious, and normally outgoing, least in her job. She was always a good student and a quick learner. Since childhood she has had this love of the truth regardless of consequences and will stubbornly work toward uncovering the hidden wrongs or injustices she suspects. Being human though, she might not necessarily apply that toward her own personal life being very guarded about her private life and personal secrets.
Strengths & Weaknesses The Good: Hard worker, some might say relentless. Reliable, team player. Strong moral compass and it would be extremely difficult to make her swerve from that course. Not easily intimidated, personally brave.

The Bad: Maybe a bit too brave, rash even. She's still very young, inexperienced. Stubborn. Can be judgemental. Though quite fit, she has never been in an actual serious physical fight in her life and certainly zero combat experience.
Ambitions She parlayed an internship into her current job and she is full of youthful enthusiasm to uncover any big stories she can, make her mark in the investigative journalism field. Not for her though sitting in a studio reading the headlines to the public, she wants to become famous for her work in the field. Maybe someday in the future write a best selling expose.
On the personal level Avis, being single, would love to find someone for a romantic relationship and see how far it goes. She has not really thought about having an actual family ie children for now though. She is just beginning, she doesn't wish to settle down.
Hobbies & Interests Avis is a big reader but not fiction - she loves to read current events, histories, and any topics that might help her better understand whatever story or angle she is working on at the time.
As part of remaining fit, she jogs on a regular basis, is a good swimmer, and can even ride a horse ever since her father bought her a fine one on her thirteenth birthday. If the occasion or opportunity presents itself she does enjoy a bit of wild partying too. The less said about her dating experiences (or lack of) the better. Yes, she has dated but no, she has never had a boyfriend, much to her annoyance.
Languages A year of Spanish, Chinese, and Romulan in school was about it. Not her best subjects but hey, that's what translation programs are for, right?

Personal History Avis was born into a well to do family on Ceberus III, a prosperous Federation world noted primarily for it's huge automated mine system disgorging a wide variety of wanted ores and minerals. Not that Arland Larant was in any way involved in mining, he was well to do politician with a polarizing talent to attract loyal followers while infuriating those who didn't see things his way. He served on the Planetary High Council for multiple terms only losing out on his lone run for the presidency.

He had a trophy wife, married her for her own familial connections as much as her good looks, and Sybil had given birth to three children. Avis was the middle sibling though her older brother had died while serving in StarFleet when she was starting university. To be blunt, Avis and her brother had not been all that close. Avis got along much better with her younger sister, Audra. And when it came to her parents, Avis was also much closer to her mother than the distant politico father.

Avis had a rather uneventful childhood, she was healthy, bright, and did very well in school. Not that her father paid much attention as he instead doted on his oldest and son and hoped for heir to his political empire. In fact Arland had been the one to encourage young Aiden to join StarFleet as a sterling maybe even heroic military career was an excellent stepping stone to a future election victory. Aiden didn't even give his father the satisfaction of dying gloriously though but perished in a transporter malfunction.

By then Avis was old enough to have already started thinking for herself and it turned out the young lady had a rebellious sort of spirit. She questioned everything, she took up causes that were not necessarily popular ones embarrassing her father. In fact she had been expelled from a secondary school cadet academy for her defiant ways, so much for grooming her for StarFleet. It did not prevent her though from entering into university where she excelled in the career she had picked for herself.
The news media. If she had entered with the idea of someday becoming a well known face as a news anchor on the Federation News Service, she soon became much more enamored with instead being an investigative journalist. Her father called that sort of thing 'rabble rousing' or even 'seditious' which only encouraged Avis.

She was beginning her junior year when one of her professors took a liking to her and offered her a very useful internship with another news organization. Instellar Investigations Network was their title, it was a budding rival of the more established FNS, eagerly taking on stories that the FNS did not care to dabble in for a wide variety of reasons, some legitimate even. Avis started out doing something very simple, editing transcripts for broadcasts but once more she caught the eye of just the right executive on the lookout for someone young, ambitious, and capable. What was the old saying, life is all about timing. Avis would vouch for that.

From then on it was definitely fast track all the way. She partnered with a veteran correspondent on a corporate scandal expose that ended in a Federation prosecution. Granted it is a vast universe out there but for just a few news cycles her name had been mentioned, her face seen by countless millions as she revealed her findings. It was more than exciting, it was intoxicating for young Avis. Sadly those kind of bombshell stories are not easy to come by and thus far it has been the highpoint of her still very young career but she is always on the lookout for that next big story even as she handled her next rather mundane assignments.

Her life was about to take a new turn though. Summoned by her boss, Avis was offered a plumb new posting out on the far flung frontier, Deep Space 5 Station and a rather mysterious planet the station orbits, Pangaea. No crew, she would be going it alone, there wasn't the budget for it. He even acknowledged that she might be a bit young for this and could freely decline without him thinking any worse of her. He might have thought it a kindness but to Avis, it was a goad. She agreed without hesitation.

And so it was that Avis Larant found herself newly arrived at Deep Space 5 Station. She had carte blanche to investigate anything she wanted and dig up whatever dirt she could. She could barely conceal her excitement as she was beamed down from the cruise liner to the station.

Service Record None.

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