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Twenty Questions

Posted on Thu Sep 19, 2019 @ 12:07am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian Dorian Torel

2,191 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Interview Suite, main security, Deck 577
Timeline: MD 12 1100


After a night of observation in the cells, the would be assassin had been declared fit and having suffered no lasting harm from being phasered at close range, and was brought into the interview suite, lawyer in tow, where Annora was waiting.

Looking about he took a breath and sat. No different than any of the other holding rooms he'd seen before. The people that had given him the assignment hadn't mention that there was going to be a body guard. It was doubtful they would take that into consideration when they her he failed.

He decided to remain silent and see what the Fleeters had...or thought they had on him.

Things had sort of settled down until the attempted assassination the day before. The fact that the Commander was involved as a potential target added to the importance. Until things were sorted out, Annora was going to assign a bodyguard for Soran.

Having chosen to remain standing, Annora watched as the guards brought the suspect in flanked by a lawyer.

"You do realize that attempted murder is a serious charge? There's already enough evidence to recommend a life sentence. Of course your employer is probably not happy you failed in your job."

She was right about the last part...they were not going to be happy at all. His only hope was to keep his mouth shut. The Federation wouldn't go to anything extreme to extract what he know, not that he knew much anyway. All he knew was that he had been given a target, half a payment, and a weapon.
Still leaning back, almost lounging, in his chair he yawned.

His attorney looked across the table at the officer. "Lieutenant, please, any so called evidence is merely circumstantial. My client had seen the shooter on the far side of the arboretum and was moving to come to the aid of the couple. You should be thanking him...not charging him."

Wasn't the strongest cover story, especially considering the reputation of the main witnesses to the attempted attack, and that the suspect had been picked up by law enforcement at various other locations before. While he had used different names, records indicated it was the same person. Annora wanted to make a comment about bringing a knife to a gun fight, but chose not to.

"No evidence from last night suggests your explanation is true. Just where was this supposed gunman?"

Letting his jaw drop for effect. "Seriously?! By the reports your people filed, he was at the scene, my client was shot by him..." Leaning back with a show of exasperation, "...where was the gunman???"

"You mean the other man with Mr Lasuma? He's been in his employment for years as a valued employee, he is not a threat. By all accounts you jumped out at the Commander and Mr Lasuma, knife in hand. That's hardly the action of someone trying to prevent a shooting. Care to try again?"

It was one of the oldest excuses in the book. Claiming you were trying to prevent a crime instead of committing it.

From behind the observation mirror, Soran frowned, watching the exchange. The lawyer couldn't possibly believe that trying to blame it on Lasuma's bodyguard. The was no way thats going to work.

Shaking his head he stood his ground. "Two of your three participants didn't see what was going on. Your sole witness is the man who pulled the trigger, a man with a dubious past in the employ of a businessman with his own...less than reputable reputation. Your only credible witness, the Commanding Officer of this station, didn't see anything because she was in the embrace of a man many would call a scoundrel.

"Rumor has it Mr. Lasuma just secured a very exclusive business deal that will make very very wealthy...this bodyguard may have seen an opportunity to take this wealth for himself. It wouldn't be the first time.

"If this goes to trial I will ensure that their past is brought to light and all their dirty laundry aired and with their credibility gone a reasonable doubt will be established and you will have nothing."

Rising he touched the inside of his ring and a small barb popped out. Moving around behind his client he clapped his hands down on the mans shoulders firmly. "Lieutenant, we can trade barbs all afternoon, but I don't think we need to do that. I suggest you speak with the others and see what course of action they want to take. I have another set meetings with other clients that can't be rescheduled. We can meet again say...1630...after you met with Lasuma and his bodyguard.

"You're still grasping at straws counselor but we can meet again this afternoon."

She had serious doubts that Mr. Torel would take out Lasuma, and if he did it wouldn't be in such a public location. It was days like this Annora missed simply apprehending the crooks and letting someone else worry about the legal side of things.

"Very well." He watched as his client was escorted out. As he walked away he reached up and underneath the collar of his shirt and scratched his shoulder.

Keeping a satisfied grin to himself he turned the other way and left the stations detention area. The barb had been just long enough to break the surface of the skin and the resulting scratching would remove the evidence of the puncture. But the damage was done. In an hour he would be unconscious, in another hour he would be dead. Plenty of time for him to get off the station, he wouldn't even need to alter his appearance.


::Moments later::

Having been directly involved in the events last night Dorian Torel had been called to security again. His weapon had been taken as evidence but a Geral's bodyguard he was legally allowed to be armed at all times, even so Dorian was on a short leash. Checking his replacement weapon with security as he entered, he was directed towards the detention area and the interrogation rooms.

Seeing the Commander in the corridor he smiled. "Ma'am. Sorry your evening got ruined."

"Can't be helped." She replied. "The fault lies in there. Though he is giving Lieutenant Tessaro the runaround."

"Well that's to be expected. Hope she's able to get a lead on his employer or their might be another attempt. I've contacted a few compatriots from the war to add another layer of protection. I could get some get you a shadow or two if you like?"

Soran gave a him a short smile, it looked rather stiff. "That is Lieutenant Tessaro's responsibility. I trust her implicitly."

"Your decision, obviously. Just an option that might be less obvious than uniformed security."

She stepped into the room where Annora was waiting after the failed interrogation. "What do you think Ms Tessaro? Do I need an armed escort everywhere for the meantime?"

"We still don't know if this was a targeted attack or simply random. It's possible your companion was the target. Given the level of uncertainty, I do recommend a security escort while we sort this out. No need for a whole team, but even an extra pair of eyes could be helpful."

This was one of those gray areas where position and rank intersected. Annora wasn't about to order Soran to accept a security escort, but as Security Chief her recommendation carried a lot of weight.

"Very well." Soran didn't argue. What was the point of a Chief of Security if you didn't follow their advice. "Apart from the away team mission this evening, I won't be out of my office today. And keep me apprised if you turn up any more leads. "Humans murdering people is just...uncharacteristic. I'm concerned." But it wasn't the first. Something was going rotten on her station.

[Guest Quarters]

Sitting at the terminal he had typed in a single word Done and set it, encoded, to the Klingon Ambassador. What was buried in the transmission was a set of alternative destinations...only one of them the true destination. With that done he sanitized the area to remove his DNA and moved out into the corridor as he made his way to the docking ring to catch his transport.

[Station Security]

"Will do ma'am. I'll initially assign Petty Officer Scott to your security detail. I'll have Chief Lado figure out her replacement. He's running Swing shift, so the responsibility will fall to him."

Annora made some notes on her Padd.
"I'll link you into the case file so you'll have updates as soon as they're put into the system."

"On that note I have some associates due to arrive as additional security for Mr. Lasuma. I will be sure to contact her when the is a need to..." as he cast a glance to the Commander, "...join forces."

"I'd recommend against a large security contingent, but it's your decision. Just keep us in the loop."

She looked around the gathered group.
"If there's nothing else. I'll get to work on the investigation."

Dorian looked to the Lieutenant. "No one will know they are there. I have been told to let you know that if you need anything for either Mr. Lasuma or myself; we are at your disposal. Commander if I could speekā€¦"

He was interrupted by the station's comm. =^= Detention to Lieutenant Tessaro! Medical emergency in detention cell 43. Medical is on the way. =^=

"That's where our suspect is being held. Commander, I'll have Miss Scott meet you in Ops. Excuse me."

Without waiting for a response, Annora headed towards the door.

=/\=I'm on my way.=/\=

Dorian looked to the Commander. She was no fool and had to know that if there was some type of medial emergency with the very man that had tried to assassinate either her or his boss, it probably wasn't going to end well. "Sure you don't want some...unofficial protection?"

Soran started to follow Annora. "I trust my staff, you should too. but I appreciate the offer, Mr Torel." She disappeared onto the center of the security suite.

Bowing his head as she headed off he watched her leave. He had survived this long by trusting only those that had earned his trust, not by assuming people were trustworthy just because of affiliation or a uniform. He knew Geral would want her protected...but he would run it by him none the less.

[Detention Area]

The security field was off and a medical officer was desperately trying to resuscitate the prisoner. "... increase to 180!" the body jolted slightly as the shock was delivered and the tone from the medical tricorder changed momentarily but returned to the tell tail tone. "Again! Come on..."

This time the tone didn't change and he stood running one final scan. Glancing back he saw that not only the head of Security but the station's commander as well. "Ma'am, I'm sorry but he's gone. Massive heart failure. Initial scans appear to indicate Acute or Fulminant Myocarditis. We will know for sure after an autopsy."

The death was all too convenient. Less than 24 hours after the attack, the prisoner was dead from a heart attack.
"See to it Doc. Make it a priority."

Nodding he turned back to his former patient and called for transport of the body to the station's morgue.

Annora paused before tapping her comm-badge.
=/\="Miss Pinnell, dispatch the nearest team to Mr. Zento's quarters. His client just turned up dead, and somehow I doubt this was a coincidence. Have him brought to the security office. =/\=

=/\= Acknowledged =/\=. It just so happened there was a team not far off.

[Guest Quarters]

Ens. Shaffer turned his head. "You know what's going on?"

Walker shook her head. "You were there when the call came in. You know everything I do." Turning the corner the team stepped up to the door and depressed the chime.

After several attempts they overrode the entry lock and entered cautiously and began their search of the quarters.

"Looks like nobody's home".

"It also looks like, whoever this Mr. Zento is, he wasn't planning on coming back." Tapping her commbadge, =/\= Walker, to Security. There is no sign of this Mr. Zento. =/\=

It wasn't the desired news, and added to the growing mystery of the situation.

=/\= Roger that. Thank you Ensign. Tessaro out. =/\=

[Station Security]

Annora turned to the Commander. "Someone attacks either you or Mr Lasuma, then dies of a heart attack soon after. Meanwhile, his lawyer seems to have disappeared. I'd be lying if I said I was closer to understanding what's going on, but I bet Mr. Zento is somehow connected. I'll put out an APB for him, hopefully he hasn't left the station yet. I still suggest extra vigilance on your part."

"Of course." Soran agreed, "I'm sure you'll get hm shortly." Frustrated that yet another crime was not going to be solved easily. "Carry on, Ms Tessaro


Commander Maritza Soran

Dorian Torel
Body guard / Henchman for Geral Lasuma

Xavier Zento
"Attorney" / Cleaner

Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer


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