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Submission or Subversion (part 2)

Posted on Tue Sep 17, 2019 @ 7:30pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Alanna Wells

1,152 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Risa, but not as we know it.
Timeline: MD11 1900


Alanna took several deep breaths to calm herself, to focus. "Danger. Avoid portal. Vulcan trap." She repeated the thought, adding images of the camp, the circle of stones, until her head ached. She had no idea if Jason got her message.


Sovok still hadn't returned. What did he consider a short time>? Alanna looked around the office again, hoping to find something she could use, but everything of value was locked up.

She looked down at her handcuff. Could she pick the lock? Maybe, if she had the right tools. She didn't, and she was a little rusty on her lock-picking skills. Not since that summer on Betarias when she had to break into her office.

She turned to the guard, wondering if he's shoot her for starting up a conversation. She smiled to test the water.

The Vulcan didn't smile back, remaining as impassive as the sentinel statues.

"Can I have a drink of water?" she asked. That should be harmless enough. She tried her telepathy again, for Jason, and for Sovok. She'd felt the Vulcan's emotions and touched his surface thoughts enough that she might at least get a direction as to where he was.

She couldn't sense Jason at all, but Sovok's emotions seemed to float on top of her mind , like an oil slick, oozing victory, entitlement and anticipation, a desire to conquer and to despoil.

The Vulcan guard squinted at her, seemed to be weighing the pros and cons, before unclipping a small bottle from his webbing and tossing it at her feet.

She picked it with her free hand and took a drink. It wasn't good, but it was wet. "Thank you." She had to think of something before Sovok returned. Could she used his hubris against him? Could she get him to play another game of chess? No., She discounted that thought. She was on his world now, he wasn't going to be content to play a game of chess with her.

She wanted to pace the room, but the handcuffs prevented it. She stretched her cramped muscles, found another position to sit, and waited.

After a moment, there was a shout, and a bang loud enough to shake the hut. A few minutes after that Sovok reappeared, looking pleased. He saw the canteen and passed it back to the guard. "You can leave."

The guard made the Vulcan salute, and left. Sovok turned back to Alanna. "So? Your decision?"

"What was that explosion?" she asked. She didn't want to answer him. She wanted to put it off for as long as she could. She was also curious. Time. She needed time for Jason to find her, time to come up with a way out. She'd never been in this exact position before, but there had always been a way out of trouble before. Now, there were guards outside, and she wouldn't blend in.

He stepped closer to her, examining her clothing. "Test blast, to see if the portal reacts. As I told your Commander. I mean to bury it. No more escaping to another universe."

She paled, for a moment afraid she'd be trapped here, with Sovok. But then she relaxed. Even if he succeeded at some point, the portal could be dug out later. "Once my friends and I get back, we'll be happy to have it closed."

The Vulcan took out his keys and uncuffed her from the crate. He massaged her wrist with his fingers. "You're not stupid, so don't act it. I may boot your colleagues back through beforehand, but not you."

She was grateful that he removed the handcuff, but it scarcely made up for putting it on. "Thank you," she said automatically, nodding to her wrist. "But why can't I go back with them after you've...satisfied your curiosity?"

His fingers brushed her cheek, gently, then wrapped around her throat. "Are you being purposely dense? Why don't you use that mind of yours to reason out a conclusion." He squeezed, just enough to remind her it would take no effort to choke her unconscious, or beyond.

"No. I know what you want." Her eyes met his defiantly. "I'm no one's pet, Sovok. I'm a scientist, a seeker of knowledge. I will not be your slave."

"You already are. Now I suggest you take your clothes off."

Just like that? She looked around the small room, at the cot. "Here?" If she let him strip her, he'd find the transmitter. There was still a chance Jason could find her. All he had to do was use his tricorder. She couldn't risk Sovok finding it.

"We could always go outside, I'm sure my men would appreciate it."

Her cheeks burned with anger at the thought of having to be stripped in public, to have his men watch him rape her. No. She couldn't do that. But how could she stall long enough to hide her knife, her transmitter.

Wait, she still had her combadge. She had to hide that, too. She carefully removed her uniform jacket and draped it over the trunk, making sure the combadge slipped off onto the floor by the wall. Then she sat on the trunk and slowly removed the boot with the transmitter, laying it down on the floor beside her. Then, just as slowly, she removed the other boot and lay it down beside the first, careful to keep the knife hidden.

Her vest came next. That she dropped over her combadge. Her pants went over the boots.

Then still in her underwear and socks, she looked at sovok, one eyebrow raised to check his response and make sure he wasn't suspicious of her actions.

He hadn't moved, just watched her with a burning intensity. He stepped closer to her again, cupping her breasts through her bra, before sliding his fingers under it and tearing it open, exposing her. Cool thumbs brushed her nipples and then he bent his head and sucked one into his mouth.

She shuddered in revulsion and jerked back, away from his touch. She couldn't do this. She didn't dare reach for her knife, either. She was in the wrong position to get at it before he took it from her.

He chuckled, and closed the gap, "You're just delaying the inevitable, Hurting you is not something I want to do. But I'm not averse to it either." He reached for her naked body again, pulling and twisting her breast hard.

She cried out. No, fighting him like this would only get her hurt or broken. She couldn't get away then. She had to stay alive because eventually, Jason would find her, or she'd find a way to get loose. Eventually Sovok would lose. She glared at him, still defiant, but said nothing.

(To be continued...)

Chief Inspector Sovok
Vulcan Commonwealth
[NPC by notty]

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five


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