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Submission or Subversion (part 3) (15+ Violent Sexual content)

Posted on Fri Sep 20, 2019 @ 3:48am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,177 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Risa, but not as we know it.
Timeline: MD11 2000


She cried out. No, fighting him like this would only get her hurt or broken. She couldn't get away then. She had to stay alive because eventually, Jason would find her, or she'd find a way to get loose. Eventually Sovok would lose. She glared at him, still defiant, but said nothing.


"That's better." He pulled her close to him, letting his hand slip around the nape of her neck, tipping her head up so he could kiss her. It was soft and warm, and would have been pleasant from anyone but him. His free hand began to roam her body again, fingers slipping under her panties, kneading at her rear.

"I'm sorry, Jason. I'm so sorry," was all she could think. Even though she was not a willing participant, she felt like she was betraying Jason by allowing Sovok to do this.

She flinched at his touch, but it was just her body he wanted, not her mind. That she would use to figure out ways to subvert him. If not in this, in his plans for her friends, and perhaps for this world. She had to think ahead, not just wait for Jason. What if he couldn't rescue her? Or if she fought too hard and Sovok killed her? She would have to be sane and whole enough so she could learn what she needed to get free from Sovok. And so, she forced herself to relax, and in the immortal words of Lady Hillingdon, she closed her eyes and thought of England.

The hand in her pants twisted and bunched the fabric, and then he jerked it up. the stretched cloth dug into her flesh for a moment, then gave way, leaving stinging red welts on the junction of her thighs.

Sovok lifted the tattered silk scraps to his nose and inhaled her scent with relish. "Very nice. And when I've got more time to spare, ill taste you too. Lie down. spread your legs."

Really? This uncouth, sadistic, twisted, bastard. And now he wanted her to lay down and spread her legs? He was a prepubescent Neanderthal. She had several unpleasant things she wanted to say to him--or just laugh in his face. But she bit her lip and kept silent. However, she also hesitated long enough for him to notice.

The Vulcan grabbed her hair, and used it to drag her down to the camp bed. "Hesitating every time, you get an instruction will get annoying very quickly, and you won’t enjoy the consequences. Lie down."

Being treated like his pet dog was getting annoying, too. She lay back, as he said, but nothing more. She wouldn't fight, but she wouldn't make it easy for him, either.

"There. Much better." Sovok turned away an unlocked his storage crate. He unbuckled his belt and carefully stored the weapons into the crate and locked it again.

While his back was turned, she grabbed her knife and hid it within reach. He was too far for her to get to him without him stopping her, and he was faster than she was, but she wanted it near, just in case.

He turned, shrugging off his jacket, but not bothering to undress further. Seeing her still lying where he'd put her, he smiled. "See, it's not so hard to do as you're told." He came to the bed and got on top of her, wedging his knee between hers, holding himself up with one arm, using his free hand to make sure she was looking at him. "You'll enjoy this eventually, so you might as well try now."

"Not until you learn how to treat a real woman," she retorted, unable to hold back the words. "This is nothing but your sadistic form of self-gratification."

"Well, yes. My gratification is entirely the point." He stroked her belly, her hip, her thigh, before reaching between her thighs. "But yours is not off the table. Yet."

"Meaning I need to lay here and let you do whatever you please?" If she used her knife, she'd have to kill him instantly. She couldn't give him an opportunity to retaliate. "Jason. I don't think I can do this." She moved her hand toward her knife, then hesitated. He wasn't in a position where she could use it without him taking it from her. Besides, she was a scientist. She didn't have the training to be sure she could kill him. She should have brought a phaser instead.

"I'd rather you didn't just lie there," Sovok replied. "Beg for it."

Before she even realized what she was doing, Alanna laughed.

Sovok rolled his eyes. "You think that's funny now," he warned. "But you'll do it eventually. the question is whether its now, in privacy and comfort, or later, in pain and in public, bruised, burnt and bleeding. "

She felt how close he was to losing his temper and thought of all the soldiers they'd passed coming here. Then she remembered what he and his people had done to the refugees, specifically to the Betazoid woman. Alanna didn't remember her name, but she remembered the look in her eyes. If she didn't comply this time, he would drag her outside right now. "I would rather it be here."

A flush of triumph and hunger washed over her. "I thought as much." Sovok withdrew his hand and unbuttoned his fly. "Go on then."

She reminded herself that she had to bide her time. That she couldn't do anyone any good if she was dead. But she couldn't beg him for something she didn't want, either. She didn't dare reach for her knife right now, but it was less likely to be found where it was.

She'd never been a good liar. But she could give him a half truth, like she had before. Alanna mentally reached for Jason. He was her safe place. He was her hope that she would get out of this alive. Knowing he was somewhere on this planet helped. She hid her true feelings behind layers of control and looked at Sovok. "Please. I want you to take me here." To add credence to her words and so he wouldn't make her do more, she reached out and caressed his hand. "I want you now." It was true enough. If he satisfied himself now, he would leave her alone and hopefully give her time to come up with something.

"Well, your vocabulary needs work," He shoved her knees further apart with his own, "But who am I to deny such an impassioned plea?" his tone was as dry as Vulcan itself.

But he took her at her word, and raped her.

At some point Alanna retreated mentally from his brutality, hiding as much as she could behind her mental shields. When Sovok was done with her, she could only roll onto her side, wrap her arms around her knees, and cry.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Chief Inspector Sovok
Vulcan Commonwealth
[NPC by Soran]


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