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....Desperate Measures (Part II of II)

Posted on Thu May 30, 2019 @ 8:50am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Civilian Dorian Torel

1,567 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Lasuma's shop
Timeline: MD06 1600

Previously, in Desperate Measures...

Torel decided to playful turn things on her he stop suddenly. "You didn't say anything did you? You now how fast rumors spread. Especially about the tall mysterious new comer."

Yolanthe turned a pale blue. "What happens in The box, stays in The Box."

He couldn't help but snicker. "Well not necessarily....are you talking about your establishment or another 'box'?"

She laughed, a distinctly dirty sound. "Maybe both. Did you have a preference?"

Entering a code into the panel to open the storage bay he gestured for her to enter. "Either or both work for me", he replied as he put a hand on the small of her back as the walked in.

"Well, I try not to mix business with pleasure." Yolanthe purred. " Which makes me wonder just what am I going to do with you?"

And now the conclusion...

Stopping, catching her hand and pulling her back to him as the door closed behind them. "Well hopefully a better question is what aren't you going to do with me."

He pulled her close, and then she kept pushing until she had him pinned against the wall. "Well, I'm very tempted not to let you have clothes." She slid a hand down his body, enjoying the solidity of his muscles, before reaching under his shirt to run a finger along the inside of his waistband. "And I doubt I'm going to let you talk much," She nipped at his jaw to emphasize the point, "And I'm pretty sure I'm not going to let you off your knees." Her hand fell lower, stroking him over the fabric of his pants, "But I'm really, really, sure that I'm not going to let you... distract me from business." She pulled away abruptly, starting to examine the shelves. "Where do you keep your pilsner type brews?"

Still leaning against the wall he watched her walk off "Ya can't blame a guy for trying...". Pushing off he moved past her. "...those are over here."

"Okay then, Lets start with 12 cases..." She went on down the shelves, pointing out bottles and barrels. "Did you get all that?" She gave him a smirk.

Looking down as he typed on the padd. "...cases of pilsner. What else did you want?" He asked jokingly. "Yeah I got it all. What's next."

"Well, It will all need to go into a neat little package and delivered to the Box. You do deliver, don't you?"

He smirked. "Under normal However in this case I will see to your package personally."

Making a few taps on his padd he sent the list to to the office and called for staff to get everything ready. "Do we need to head back to get everything finalized or were you two done?"

"Oh I think I've had enough of your boss for the moment. Edward can deal with him for a bit. How long do you plan to keep me waiting?"

Glancing at the bays entrance then looking at her intently, "I thought you didn't want to get 'distracted from business'?"

"Oh, but I'm keen to get down to business. Thats not possible, until you bring me what I want..."

Stepping closer to her, "And just what is it you want?"

"What every customer wants." She closed the gap between them. "Satisfaction."

He smirked humorously, "That could be expensive..."

"You get what you pay for. I enjoy quality service." Her skin was flushing to fuschia, her hair magenta.

Reaching up her touched on her high on her chest and slid his hand up along her neck, his grip firm but not overly so. Leaning in he ran his lips over the opposite side of her neck.

Her sigh at his touch was like a cat purring. One of her rose coloured hands dropped to his waist, and then lower, squeezing his butt, whilst the other tangled in his hair, holding him to her so he wouldn't stop.

[Geral's Office]

Geral had handed over the list to one of his staff to arrange for the at cost billing. "Though he had added a few extra discounts here and there and was preparimg to leave when a call came in.

=^= Geral Lasuma. There is a transmission for you from the USS Pheonix. =^=

~This should be interesting,~ he thought to himself. He took his seat and accepted teh transmission, watching the Captain's face materialize on the monitor. "Greeting Captian, what can I do for you?"

"I need a non-Federation, non-affiliated negotiator. Unfortunately I also do ot have time to hagle, so whatever price you want will be paid. I need you depart immediately. I have arranged for a Klingon escort. The Ambassador will have all the details. =^=

"Why me, may I ask?"

=^= I need someone not linked to the Federation and the Raddon Corp has too many close anyrate I need you here and I'm sure you will be able to work in an nice fee your your services. =^=

The wheels were already moving. He knew that he had the Captain...hell the Federation over a barrel. Neither of them needed to mention it and he knew that Maritza needed something like this in her quiver.

"I will depart within the hour."

[Lasuma's storage bay]

Dorian pressed closer running both of his hand down her curves until he came to her waist. There he began to unfasten her clothes.

She nuzzled at his neck, sucking a love bite in underneaath his ear as her own hands worked at his clothing, unbuckling the belt and pulling at the buttons on his fly even as he pulled the knots on her wraparound trousers loose.

He got the last knot undone at the same moment she opened his last button, and the billowing fabric fluttered to the floor, leaving her naked save for a small black thong that seemed more decorative than practical. She had red fingers inside his underwear before the cloth hit the ground, pulling at him with urgency.

For a fraction of a second he thought to spin he around, but instead he took her by the waist and lifted her to the crate behind her. Stepping between her legs, a single finger pulled the tiny patch of fabric aside.

[Geral's office]

Gral had notified his staff about his departure and the shop and other activities were covered. He had decided not to contact Maritza, not wanting to ger her hopes up and if successful it would make for a great surprise.

Glancing at the time he began to wonder where Dorian was. He had gotten the list from him a while ago. Maybe he was helping to deliver the merchandise...he did have a thing for Miss Ibalin. He would give him a few more minutes.

[Storage bay]

Yolanthe hooked her feet around his knees and used one hand to guide him inside her. "Good, yes, fuck. Move dammit!" she practicaly snarled with need, tangling her fingers in his hair, kissing at his lips and throat. "Someone could walk in any second."

With one arm around her he pulled her to him as he worked his hips against hers. With the other he grabbed a fistful of her hair pulling her head back. "Not with it locked they won't." Taking her mouth with his.

She chuckled, a deliciously dirty sound, and ground against him wrestling for control of each other's movements. "You're a presumptuous little shit," she told him between needy gasps. "I think I'll keep you."

[Geral's office]

Geral was just about to page Dorian when a call came in. "Mr. Lasuma, we arrived to begin processing the order that just came in for the Box of Delights but the door to the warehouse is is not responding to our access code."

"Just wait there and let me check..."

Geral accessed the security system and confirmed that it had been locked, and locked with Dorian's override code. He already knew Dorian wouldn't show up on a standard scan so he turned and activated his monitor to get a visual on the storage bay.

After what popped up on the display he terminated the feed and pinched the bridge of his nose as he shook his head at what couldn't be unseen.

He could have just unlocked the door...but instead he tapped the com panel on his desk.

[Storage bay]

"Dorian...please put that away and have my ship ready for departure in 30 min."

Yolanthe froze in his arms at the disembodied voice. "What was that?"

"Shitt!!! We just got caught...."

The red turned to peach and she pushed him away, looking vexed. "You said the door was locked!"

The was one of the rare occasions when he actually flushed. "It is..." as he scrambled to pull up his pants. "...someone must have reported it."

"If you find out who, be a love, and strangle them for me," she muttered tieing her pants back into place. "And now you owe me one."

He chuckled slightly as he waited for her by the door. "A debt I will gladly pay."

She brushed the back of her bright pink fingers along his chin in a good bye gesture. "Don't keep me waiting too long."


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The box of delights

Geral Lasuma
Owner, Lasuma Enterprises

Dorian Torel - NPC
Bodyguard and Henchman for Geral Lasuma


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