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...Desperate Measures (Part I of II)

Posted on Thu May 30, 2019 @ 8:42am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Civilian Dorian Torel

1,931 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Lasumas shop
Timeline: MD06 1600


Yolanthe, shades of dark gold from head to foot, entered the Bajoran's emporium on the third level of the prom in a cloud of annoyance. She hated being forced into a corner but here she was.

"Mr Lasuma?" She called out. "Are you here? I want to talk to you?"

It had been almost a full day since the proposal meeting aboard his ship and the corners of his mouth turned as he heard his name called.

Closing the account files he stepped out from the back office with a smile. "Hello there, I must say I was glad to see that we held similar positions yesterday. Did you stop by to discuss the research station?"

"The suppliers." She corrected. "I'm having some unusual levels of difficulty. If your original offer stands..."

"It does the shipping offer made yesterday." He interrupted. Motioning towards his office, "Please...can Iget you anything?"

She followed him. "Kanar, if you have it," She realised he might not keep the cardassian spirit. "Or similar, if not."

Now that surprised him and he gave her a long look, "Really...Kanar? It's not often requested and it does tend to spoil but if that is what you want. That is what you'll get."

Opening a cabinet next to his desk he picked up two glasses and a bottle, pour the thick lnto each. Turning he handed a glass to his guest and placed the bottle on the desk. "So what are you wanting to have me supply?"

"I get a lot of Cardassians through The Box. Its never open long enough to spoil." She raised the glass in salute, and took a sip. It was on the young side for a kanar, "I'll take whatever hand-brewed and blended alcohol you can get your hands on. Same for bar snacks and charcuterie."

His brow furrowed, "I hope things aren't as bad as that type of request sounds."

Yolanthe's mouth closed in a tight line for a moment. "Things have been unusually complicated. A perfect storm."

"I see...I'm sorry to hear that." Pulling up a padd he accessed both his current inventory and incoming shipments, and ran a quick tend analysis. "For your immediate needs, and so I don't put my own operations in a bind, I can provide you with a third of both my current stock and my next few transports." He handed he the a padd of his current inventory and the shipment manifests.

"For anything more long term I just need to know what, how much, and how often you need any particular item and I can put together a detailed supply proposal. Which of course would include the same shipping and handling offer I made to everyone else."

The bar owner skimmed down the padd, sunny yellow brows drawing together. They shared more than a few suppliers, suppliers whid told her they couldn't resupply. her fingers gripped the padd and she had to remind herself that this would be temporary. "I'll show this to my business manager."

There was no way not to notice her reaction. "Is there something wrong?"

She dodged the question. "What do you want for this?"

Noting the obvious avoidance. "Look, I know we got off to a bad start, and that you wouldn't be coming to me for help if there wasn't something serious. If that's the case I'm not going to take advantage of you...I will cover your emergency needs at cost."

She wasn't convinced. There was no way in her experience that you gave quarter to the competition. "What are you hoping to do here? You're being very kind. Offering supplies to everyone, trying to persuade the commander to open a speakeasy in her new colony. What's your angle."

"My angle? It's not as underhanded as you think. In a word...opportunity. Getting in on the ground floor of a new colony has huge potential. As for my shipping offer to the merchants on the station, think about it. How do you get new business, new customers? You offer deals...specials.

"My contacts are vast, my trade agreements solid, my suppliers staggered so that if one has problems another can cover. My ships are already making regular runs here so there is nothing to adjust but frequency. I can walk away right now and never look back...but I enjoy it."

He paused as he stared at the bottle of kanar, remembering his past. There was more to it and he knew it but...

"I can see way you are hesitant and suspicious. Some stranger comes out of nowhere, just after the station, and your place, gets hit offering you a golden parachute.

Letting out a breath. "The timing of my arrival. Coincidence, nothing more and if I can help others and put a little in my pocket at the same time by undercutting the competition; so be it. Beside Gevran gave me a green light so long as those on the station benefits...'we all rise together' were his exact words I believe."

"Hmph. You shouldn't trust everthing that wrinkly little molerat says," Yolanthe turned the pad around in her fingers. "How long would I have to wait?"

"Well I don't trust anyone...yet. That takes time, all that can be done is to take people at their word until they prove otherwise. That and hedging things just in case. At any rate you can have from my stores immediately and the next transport is due to arrive in about two days.

"I can have some of my staff meet whoever you like at my storage bay to let them select whatever is needed while we work out the detail of a longer agreement, if that is what you still want to do? "

No it wasn't, but he had her over a barrel, well, several barrels, a couple of firkins, cases of wines and spirits and crates of beer. "If I see something new I like," she offered, to wanting to offend him by refusing point blank.

Noting her continued tone. I was obvious that she still didn't want to be in here, but hopefully the extra latinum he would be putting back in her pocket would change her mind. "That won't be a problem. Like I mentioned originally I'm positive I can get you what you need at a lower cost and the shipping costs i can offer at a significant discount. If you can let me know what your current expenses in these areas are I can get you some firm number on just how much money I can save you."

Let him have her costs info? Over her cooling corpse. She could see what he's willing to sell at and make her own mind up. Though he seemed confident enough he could match anything she was spending. And he had a very wide catalogue. He could supply more than a two thirds of her standard menu, and offer new products as well. "One question. What if something happens to you? Businesses round here tend to have unexpected issues."

An interesting question. "Any agreements are with the company, not with me. In the unlikely event Lasuma Enterprises go under it would be no different if you had to replace any other supplier."

It was a fair point. But she was still suspicious. "Did you make this offer to Raddon?" She wasn't sure what Melvyn and his son would have said to that. Probably laughed in his face. Or maybe Raddon persuaded him to buy up supply so she was short stocked, when burning her down just wasn't enough.

Finishing off the kanar in his glass he set it aside as he replied. "No I didn't actually. He has his own means of transporting his dilithium. Plus, going back to our first meeting, he was not surprised at all when the explosion at your bar occurred. It's been my experience that that only happens when you know what's coming."

Yolanthe said nothing for a moment, but her skin turned blue. "Raddon. I'm sure he did." She wasn't going to say any more. Let Lasuma know that Raddon was involved. There wasn't much good it would do him. "He has temper tantrums when he doesn't get his own way. I'd bare that in mind, if I were you."

"Oh I have no doubt. His son was a fountain of entitlement when he came by. A very arrogant young man, and while I completely agree they should be kept arms length, that is a separate issue.

"Back to the matter at hand; your needs. As I mentioned in our original meeting, I am supremely confident I can provide you whatever you need and a lower price than you are paying now. Due to the size of my operation I, usually, get a bulk discount...a discount that allows me to underbid my competitors."

He tapped a panel and summoned his aid; "Let me crunch some numbers to put a proper offer together while my people help you and yours get what you need. By the time you return I should have something put together."

What was thee point in resisting. She was desperate. "Then someone better take me to your warehouse."

Almost on as if on cue Dorian stepped into the office. Holding up the padd, "Dorian would you please take Ms. Ibalin to our storage bay and see to her request."

Taking the padd he looked over to Yolanthe and back to his boss. His having been summoned for this task could not be a coincidence and smiled inwardly. Geral for all his shrewdness had a devilsh sense of humor. "With pleasure sir."

Yolanthe gave Lasuma a nod of thanks, and then went with Torel. Once they were out of immediate obvious ear shot, she gave him an arch look. "I'm beginning to think you like to kiss and tell."

"Uhuhh...I never said a word to anyone. The boss saw our little dance at the reception and knew that I had your knife. I mentioned that night that I would be returning it, but that's it."

His curiosity peaked as they stepped out onto the promenade, "Why would you think I was bragging it up?"

She smiled, "Some people do, and lets be honest. We've not exactly spoken. You could be just the sort of little boy who likes to brag." she teased. After all that Klingon at the meeting today. Was that cunning linguist comment just coincidence?"

Waving a hand through the air. "Pure, 120 percent, coincidence. I NEVER kiss and tell."

He decided to playful turn things on her he stop suddenly. "You didn't say anything did you? You now how fast rumor spread. Especially about the tall mysterious new comer."

She turned a pale blue. "What happens in The box, stays in The Box."

He couldn't help but snicker. "Well not necessarily....are you talking about your establishment or another 'box'?"

She laughed, a distinctly dirty sound. "Maybe both. Did you have a preference?"

Entering a code into the panel to open the storage bay he gestured for her to enter. "Either or both work for me", he replied as he put a hand on the small of her back as the walked in.

"Well, I try not to mix business with pleasure. Which makes me wonder just what am I going to do with you?"

To Be Continued

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The box of delights

Geral Lasuma
Owner, Lasuma Enterprises

Dorian Torel - NPC
Bodyguard and Henchman for Geral Lasuma


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