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Orientation tour

Posted on Thu May 30, 2019 @ 10:23am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Alanna Wells

1,711 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: The Promenade
Timeline: MD09 1600


Alanna had several things to do before she could meet with Sovok, so it was later than she'd expected when she went to her quarters to change out of her uniform into something that would hopefully put the Vulcan at ease. Well, more at ease than constantly being reminded that she was a Starfleet officer.

She carefully chose a dress that covered her from neck to knees, but was form-fitting and left little to the imagination. She was grateful they'd have a security escort as they went through the promenade and then to dinner. She didn't trust Sovok. He was a predator who made her skin crawl. But she had to deal with people she couldn't trust before, so she felt fairly confident she could pretend to return his interest--only until she had confirmation of what she suspected.

She couldn't tell Starfleet that she didn't trust Sovok and his people because he didn't feel right. She needed proof, and she felt that she was the best person to get that proof. To that end, she wore a pair of earrings that worked as voice recorders and communicators and a ring that could take pictures. She felt like a regular James Bond--without any weaponry. She was afraid anything she had could be used against her if things went badly.

When she was ready, she headed for the VIP area and her guest.

She paused outside Sovok's door and glanced at the security officer beside her one more time before ringing the door chime.

There was a moments pause, and the door slid back to reveal Sovok, dressed in form fitting trousers and a black tunic. His dark hair was loose, held out of his face by a narrow silver circlet. "Dr Wells." His eyes swept over her lightening fast, before he bowed slightly at the waist. "Are compliments based on appearance against protocol here?"

"Not at all," she replied. "As long as they are not vulgar. For example, I can say that you look quite handsome and not be out of line." It was true enough. He exuded a primal magnetism she couldn't ignore. At the same time, the look in his eyes warned her that this was not someone she wanted to be alone with. She strengthened her mental shields and let her eyes do a slow perusal of his attire before meeting his again.

There was something smug in his smile. "Then let me say that you are most lovely, and if nothing else comes of this visit to your station, then seeing you like this makes it worthwhile."

"Then perhaps a brief tour of the station will give you something else to remember us by," she said. "And after the tour, we'll have some dinner."

"That would e most agreeable." He offered her his arm, "Please, lead the way. My education is in your hands."

She slipped her hand through the crook of his arm and pressed against him in a brief hug. "I'll try to be gentle." She was so over-the-top that she wanted to laugh at herself, but she maintained her flirty facade.

"I assure you, we vulcans have a good constitution, you don't need to be gentle with me." He replied. "A little bit of challenge is good for you."

"Oh, I like a good challenge," Alanna replied. She led Sovok and their security escort to the nearest turbolift and down to the Promenade. She'd chosen some of the more innocuous establishments to show Sovok, along with some of the amenities DS5 had to offer. She was extremely careful not to take him anywhere that could cause complications, or let him meet some of the more colorful residents. The trip was intended to be bland and boring. If he was what she suspected, she didn't want him finding any allies here.

She first stopped at the rec rooms. "We have a number of exercise rooms on station to help people stay in shape."

Sovok wasn't really listening. He was staring out at the railing at the riot of colour and noise that made up the promenade this late in the afternoon. A group of children went screaming along the third level, towards the long spiral of stairs down to the fourth level, and the wide open space of the arboretum at its centre. "This is... unlike anything I have in my universe."

"We've had peace here for a while," she said. "It's allowed us to do things like this." She turned to look at him. "Tell me about your world."

"We do not grow trees on our space stations. And we do not intermingle freely. Or miscegenate." His gaze moved around the various shop fronts he could see from this angle. The Box of Delights, Ginos, D'rama, Kendra Gardens. "If this was my home world." He looked away, unable to meet her eyes. "Non-vulcans do not have such freedoms. Servitor races...serve."

She was a non-Vulcan. "She put a hand on his arm and leaned closer, her voice soft. "Do you consider me a servitor?"

There was a pulse of lust against her senses. "We're talking about my reality, not yours. Here, your kind and mine appear to be equals. Thinking of you as something from my world would be a false equivalence."

"Yes, we are equals," she said, feeling more sympathy for the Andorian and his team. But she still needed more information, so she decided to press her advantage, confident that she was safe in public. She caressed his arm as her hand dropped to her side. "But the Vulcans here are not as...passionate." She took the feelings she was getting from him and projected them back, hoping if he was also a touch-telepath he would pick up on them. "What would you like to see now?" she asked, keeping her tone soft and intimate. Knowing what he wanted to see on the station might help her figure out what he was after here--besides the fugitives.

Sovok scanned the crowds, noting the replimat, the many bars and restaurants, the hobby stores and cafes. "Show me.." he said thoughtfully, "What you do for pleasure."

He already had a low opinion of their culture, so she might as well let him see more of the social side of the station. She gave him a sideways glance. "Well, there's always the obvious. I think both our worlds enjoy that form of pleasure."

He smiled, and there was something of the shark about it. "
I'm sure we do, but for now, maybe something more... restrained?"

She led him down to the workout rooms and the gyms. "Exercise is something many find pleasurable. We have martial arts, dancing, weightlifting, swimming, and other forms of exercise. Members of Starfleet are required to maintain a certain level of strength and endurance."

"Including their scientists? Do you have to maintain strength and stamina for lifting test tubes?" It was a flippant question, but his eyes were moving fast noting everything, the weights and the equipment, the number of personnel, the mirrors and the cameras, cataloguing everything.

"No, but we do more than lift test tubes," Alanna said. After a moment more, she led him out of the workout area. "Most people on the station live in simple quarters. Space is at a premium. Most work here or are family that live with someone who does. There are schools for children on site." She was careful not to say or show too much, just what the average Federation citizen would see. She didn't want him learning anything he could use against them, or against the refugees from his universe.

When she decided they'd seen enough for that day, she stopped and turned to face him again. "Would you like something to eat? We could go to a restaurant on the Promenade, or we could use the replicator in your quarters." While she addressed Sovok, she made sure the security officer was still close by as he would be joining them.

"You let anyone have replicators?" Sovok asked, a little surprised.

"Yes. Everyone's quarters has replicators. Many people don't like cooking and don't want to go to the Promenade, so they replicate something in their room. Who gets replicators in your world?" she asked.

"Access to resources is a very effective tool of control. Only vulcans and other trusted officials are allowed personal replicators, and all industrial versions are strictly controlled. If you cannot eat or get medicine, it makes people think twice before engaging in sedition and acts of terror."

Alanna nodded. "Yes, that would definitely make a difference." It was also the first real evidence to show how cruel the Vulcans were in his universe. "But doesn't that also made them want to rebel?"

"As long as they are fed, and entertained, most are content to serve. " Sovok said dismissively. Hie eyes landed on their escort, standing a little way back for discretion. "Will our shadow be joining us for dinner?"

She was digesting the implications of what he said, so answered his question without thinking. "As long as you're outside of your quarters." Then she added, "There are a number of restaurants that specialize in different types of food. You might like trying one of them."

"I'm sure your replicators have extensive libraries. Maybe you could suggest some choices in our quarters. I'd prefer to dine somewhere less crowded."

Alanna nodded. "All right. This place is a bit much for someone not used to the chaos." And the security officer would be right outside the door, so she wouldn't be completely alone. Did she have enough for Maritza? Probably, but if she could get a little more information over dinner, she could write up her report tonight and send it to the commander. She was certain the refugees were the ones in need of help, but she wasn't sure what to do with Sovok. Would it be safe to send him back to his world, or would he only come back with more forces? That was something she had to consider.

She slipped her hand into the crook of his arm. "I could do with some quiet myself."


Chief Inspector Sovok
Vulcan Commonweath
[NPC by Soran]

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five


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