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Something Shiny

Posted on Sat Jun 29, 2019 @ 10:26am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya - CO USS Phoenix & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval

2,299 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: OPS conference room, Deck 13
Timeline: MD 12 0930


Captain's Log Stardate 71393.68

With some effort we managed to resolve the issues on the Tarelis system. Not only has the Imeras Council freed the command crew of the USS Berlin but they have agreed to allow for the, independent, mining of their vast dilithium resources.

"While they had taken great offense at the advanced surveillance teams, that is standard Federation procedure for first a first contact situation, they had had other motives for taking the officers hostage.

"It seems their primary goal all along had been protection. They knew the value we place on our people and felt that their live would be more important than a distant resource that could be found elsewhere at a some point in the future.

"The Imersa insisted on an independent negotiator and as I was unable to make contact with the Raddon Corperation, I contacted Geral Lasuma of Leasuma Enterprises, the only entrepreneur in the sector that might have the negotiation abilities and the resources to help facilitate the agreement.

"As a result of the Imersa Council's demands, and our lengthy negotiations a joint Federation-Klingon task force will ensure the security of the Tarelis system from, what they called "less economically inclined powers". Seems they had a fear of Breen, Cardassian, or Romulan intervention in their system. In return for ensuring their safety and continued autonomy Both the Federation and the Klingon Empire will share in a 60/40 split of the extensive dilithium resources within the system.

The House of Varal, which helped broker the arrangements through Ambassador Charghwl'IH, have agreed to construct an orbital station around the 7th planet of the system for the housing of mining personnel, their families and the loading of transport ships to Federation or Klingon facilities.

In closing I am formally protesting the means in which I was originally was given this assignment and ordered to secure the release of personnel. That protest has been filed with the Federation Judge advocate."

Ricardo Montoya
Captain, USS Phoenix.

Commander Soran paused the playback, and looked to Melvyn Raddon, sitting a little way down the conference table. "In light of recent actions by the Xi'cadians, we want to send much of this new source to the nearest Raddon facility. Compensation for Xi'Cadia may take more time, but hopefully this will help minimize interruptions to your business." She passed him the padd with the details on, then she braced for the expected insults and snide comments.

Melyvn accepted the padd and reviewed it carefully. His eyes focused on a particular passage of interest:

"I contacted Geral Lasuma of Lasuma Enterprises, the only entrepreneur in the sector that might have the negotiation abilities and the resources to help facilitate the agreement". . .

Melyvn could not help but smile and chuckle softly. That double-dealing bastard. . . Melvyn thought to himself. He looked up and saw that the Trill was still studying his response. Undoubtedly she was waiting for him to give some visible reaction to having to work in conjunction with the Klingon Empire for a fraction of the true value of the dilithium.

"60/40 split. . .I see." Was all Melvyn said in response. He was a patient man. He knew that he would be back in control of his dilithium facilities on Xi'Cadia in due time with or without Starfleet's assistance.

Geral spoke up. "I know that this type of thing is normally your swim lane but Captain Montoya's request was quite urgent, and opportunity to establish new sources and markets for my other businesses was too good to pass up.

"So you will have the new supply of ore to process at your other facilities..."

"Until the station is completed." Charg intrupted. "Once the station is complete there will be some processing done onsite, but the amount extracted will still out pace the stations capabilities so the rest will then come to you."

"I assume 60/40 split is the best that your. . .negotiator could do?" Melvyn asked of Commander Soran. He was almost certain that Geral had found someway to secure a profit from the transaction.

"If I'm understanding this correctly." Dorian interjected as he reviewed the padd himself. "After kidnapping Federation citizens and holding them hostage, they've convinced both Starfleet and the Klingon Empire to provide protection of their territory?" Dorian asked incredulously. "Hell, maybe we should've hired them to negotiate on our behalf on Xi'Cadia. Seems to me like they've really know how to put the screws to powerful governments and gain concessions." He said.

Charg leaned forward looking at the underling, "I would advise you not to speak on matters you have no information on or understanding of. The Captain's log was an extremely short summary of the details surrounding those events. I can assure you Captain Montoya had freed the crew of the Berlin and had their Council by the short hairs before contacting anyone concerning the dilithium negotiations."

"I would've loved to have been a fly on the wall during that discussion." Dorian chortled. "Thank you for releasing our Officers, can we have some of your dilithium please? We promise to protect you from the big scary Romulans." he said in a mocking tone.

Glaring at Raddon. "Silence your dog before I tear out his tongue and hang it from my belt."

Geral interjected. "Gentlemen...please. At this point the how is unimportant. The important thing is that the Federation's supply of dilithium is being met, and given the quantities in the Teralis system, possibly even a surplus."

"Met? You mean the Federation is being spoonfed." Dorian responded. "What's to stop them from following suit with the Xi'Cadians and shifting allegiance to an enemy government?" He asked. "We'll be right back to at square zero, grateful for any scraps they deem fit to give." He said angrily.

Charg didnt know if Maritza had intended to speak but he replied. "You lost Xi'Cadia to the Cardassians due to Federation non-interference policies. But I'm curious. Did you not see that coming? Did you not warn the Federation of the situation? If there were so important why did you not act to protect them or yourself? Or were you just too busy counting your latinum?"

Melyvn did not take the bait that the impotent Klingon had put out. Instead, he continued to read the padd. "I am slightly concerned about the various number of entities involved in this transaction." He said. "For example, who is this. . .House of Varal and why have they been given responsibility of handling dilithium for constructing the necessary facilities for this new operation." He asked as he looked back towards Geral and then Soran. "Klingon safety and building standards are a far cry from anything my shareholders would be comfortable with. Especially considering the potential for liability if something were to go wrong and my people were killed as a result." He said.

Melvyn's concern was genuine, but given in a much more tactful manner than what he truly felt. In reality the very idea of trusting Klingon Engineers to do anything was horrifying. How could he trust that the dilithium would be properly handled by Klingon grunts and then properly loaded onboard Raddon Industry transports.

The Ambassador laughed at the man's fear. "The head House of Varal is a former Starfleet Admiral so you need not fear a Praxis situation. As for his involvement...he had earned Captain Montoya's trust and the Teraisians wanted a more aggressive defense of their space. However if you don't the honor of this arrangement I am sure others would."

Turning to Lasuma. "Mr. Lasuma, would you like the honor of this dilithium contract?"

Geral lifted his hand off the table slightly. "I don't have those kinds of facilities...." There was a brief pause, ..."but I have clients that do."

"While I'm certain that you have the utmost confidence in the Varal's construction acumen, you'll have to forgive me if I don't take the word of a Soldier on how to run a business." Melvyn said with a pointed tone. He had learned long ago not to try to attempt to out-argue a Klingon. They enjoyed the confrontation and simply reverted their natural barbaric state. Instead, he found it much easier to just use simple words that their brains would be able to grasp.

"What Mr. Raddon is trying to politely say is that, your people couldn't even figure out that one of their highest ranking Generals had been replaced by a Founder, so you'll have to understand how we'd have a hard time trusting you to not screw this up as well." Dorian interjected.

Melvyn then turned towards Mr. Lasuma, who he could only imagine was enjoying this opportunity to profit from the Raddon Corporation's current predicament. However, Melvyn was not going to allow some Klingon to add to the situation.

"As far as Mr. Lasuma's other clients are concerned" Melvyn began. "Mr. Lasuma is a very smart businessman. Much too smart to drag innocent parties into what could prove to be a very contentious and unfortunate experience." Melvyn said with a brief smile on his face as he locked eyes with Geral. The two men were experienced, but more important, ruthless Captains of Industry. Melvyn did not have to articulate his threat in order for Geral to understand his intent.

"Wouldn't you agree, Mr. Lasuma?" Melvyn asked.

Maritza slammed her hand down on the table. "Enough!"

She glared at the four men in her conference room, furious at the squabbling. Tired of the shitty comments, the endless brinkmanship and the attitude of permanent victimhood. And she was especially tired of people refusing to work together to lift everyone because of prehistoric attitudes to species.

"Thank you Commander Gabriel, you may leave." She knew he wasn't Starfleet anymore, that his old rank had been removed, but she hoped the use of it would at least get through the crust of resentment that had congealed around him. All he was doing was stirring the pot.

"Mr Raddon." She continued. "Your company has recently let an illegal facility on my planet blow up, killing at least one person and injuring others. A subject on which we will be having words shortly. I suggest you take this offer graciously before any of your business gets looked at any closer."

She took a breath and turned her fury on the other side of the table. "Ambassador Chargwl'IH. Your efforts on behalf of the Federation are greatly appreciated, but not threats to its citizens. Do not threaten Federation citizens on this station again." However much they deserve it, she added privately.

"Mr Lasuma," Because she was not leaving him out. This was going to be an equal opportunity haranguing. "I want to get out of this room with the maximum benefit to everybody in it. I want things simple, and I want them civil. Do you think you can manage that?" He didn't deserve it, but she had had it up to here, and it was only going to get worse.

Charg nodded respectfully with the corner of his mouth lifted slighty as he thought to himself. ~Now THAT is the Maritza I know.~

At the same time Geral looked away from Raddon and turned his gaze. "I was expecting nothing less Commander. As the saying goes...'A rising tide floats all boats'."

“I agree,” Melvyn said in response. “To that extent, I’d propose assigning one of my Operations Executives to the new facility to supervise Federation mining efforts. There are few individuals in this quadrant with more experience in safely extracting raw dilithium than the the professionals within my company.” Melvyn said.

“The Klingons are free to appoint whomever they wish to oversee their portion of the work.” He added.

The ambassador turned to Maritza and nodded his acceptance of the proposal. What did he care. His lackey could 'supervise' whatever he wanted; but as it was not a Raddon Corp facility he would have no real authority anyway. "I will inform Lord Da`nal of the arrangement."

"Thank you." Maritza looked around. It felt entirely too easy. "I assume that neither of you need any hand holding to get this expedited? There's more than a few ships stuck here without Dilithium that need to move on."

Charg put his hand to his chest and bowed his head. "I will notify Lord Da`nal immediately. Also, construction vessels are already enroute and my ship has containers of solid crystals that can be immediately distributed and cut for use. And both the USS Berlin and the USS Phoenix should be arriving in a day or two with similar stores."

"And you, Mr Raddon?" Maritza asked. "Any further comments?"

Melvyn's anger was simmering just beneath the surface. However, he knew that now was not the time to express it. He knew that was going handle the insult in his own way and in his own time. For the time being, he would play along with this farce of an agreement.

"My people will be in contact with the USS Berlin and Phoenix when they arrive in regards to processing the cargo. I can appreciate the station's desire to get the vessels back up and running." He said.

Soran felt somewhat suspicious of his acquiescence. But better not to look too close at this gifthorse. "Well, thank you for your time, gentlemen. Its refreshing to see everyone working together, rather than tearing at each other like a pack of rabid dogs. Long may it continue."


Commander Maritza Soran

Geral Lasuma
Owner - Lasuma Enterprises

Charghwl'IH of the House od Soval
Klingon Ambassador

Melvyn Raddon
Raddon Corp

Dorian Gabriel
Security Operations Chief
Raddon Corp


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