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The Night Continues - Part 2

Posted on Thu Jun 27, 2019 @ 1:14am by Civilian Jason Haines & Civilian 'Arrival' Avis Larant Ms

2,219 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: The Box / Avis' Quarters
Timeline: MD5 2330



He reached under the table, placed his hand on her leg and gave her knee a slight squeeze.

Her heartbeat sped up but outwardly she remained cool and collected.

"So, what do you feel about one night stands?" he asked, giving her a wink and then finishing his drink.

Now The Conclusion...

Well, that would depend on who I would be one night standing with of course," she shrugged her shoulders then gave him a shy smile that really didn't fit with her next words.

"But I'd do it with you, Jason. I trust you."

And she did too.

"It means a lot to hear that", Jason said, keeping his hand on her leg. "So, how do I know I can trust you, given that you are gallivanting around with someone like me?"

He gave her a flirtatious smile.

"You're in Intelligence, you'll just have to take the risk I won't corrupt you completely," she chuckled, "I am after all part of the big bad media."

"And what if I want to be corrupted?" he asked. "Can you do that?"

She burst into an almost school girl giggle at that line but answered him, "I can try but let's just get this out there right now, I don't exactly do this sort of thing a lot. I honestly am more enthusiastic than experienced at sex."

"Well, it would suck if you were experienced and bored with sex", Jason said with a smile. "If that were the case, it would be like a borg encounter. You will be assimilated and your pleasure will be added to the collective orgasm."

"This romantic conversation is taking a downturn with you bringing in the Borg you realize," Avis smirked.

Jason reached his hand out to her and said, "Well if you promise to be enthusiastic, I promise not to mention the Borg."

"Oh, hell...enthusiasm I can do. So, your place or mine? Mine's pretty small but hey, I got a bed," she smiled.

"Well, I have a bed too", he replied. "I do get to sleep from time to time. That said, why don't we go to yours given tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum following us. That way when I leave I can figure out who they are more interested in, you or me. Assuming they are still around when we are through. It could be a while."

He gave her a wink.

"OK, but my place isn't exactly spotless...I mean I do tend to scatter stuff around, like leave clothes on the bed and on the floor when I'm in a hurry...just so you know," she had to confess, a bit embarrassed but then it hit her.

"Wait, what? We're being followed? How do you know this?" she just had to ask.

Jason smiled as he stood up and quietly said, "After Raddon lost his cool at the club, two of his cronies started watching and following us. I saw them both a couple of times as we came here, I didn't think too much of it until they took a table near the door. They ordered something to drink, but neither have touched their drinks or said anything to each other the whole time. Someone needs to train them a little better."

"Yeah, that's not too obvious is it? Unless, for some reason he wants us...well you to have spotted them? Though not sure why he would do something like that," she shrugged.

"There should be another way out of here after all one exit only is quite the fire hazard. Maybe we should try and duck out?"

"Nah, I think we should have a little fun with them", Jason said. "What do you say? It won't take long."

Avis grinned, "Fun with them? Hmmmm, why not? So what is the clever plan then?" She was up for some adventure.

"You will see, nothing too sinister", Jason replied with a devious look.

"Umm, sure," Avis wondered what the man had planned but then he was the intelligence operative, she was just a reporter.

He led her over to the table where their two shadows were sitting, pulled her close and gave her an eager and intense kiss. After a few moments, he pulled back and looked at them.

Alright so she certainly had not expected that one! Obviously she had played along and returned the intensity. Hell, why wouldn't she have? As they broke it up, she tried to look calm and cool about it, afterall they had an audience, right?

"Don't wait up boys", he said. "And tell your boss hi for us."

The two just looked at Jason as if he had come up and smacked them in the face. One of them muttered, "Yeah, sure, whatever."

He extended his hand to Avis.

"Goodnight gentlemen," Avis flashed an artificial smile and linked hands with Jason as they strolled on off.

Jason squeezed her hand slightly and said, "Now wasn't that more enjoyable than slinking out the back door?"

"You'll get no arguments from me," she chuckled. And best of all there was more to come too.

"I am glad to hear that", Jason said. "I would hate to think I lost my touch. So, lead the way lovely lady."

"Yes sir, I'll pretend I'm in Star Fleet and obey orders," Avis laughed then proceeded to head back toward her apartment. Once they arrived just outside the door of the place, she turned to him, "OK, now it might be a bit messy, just so you know. I wasn't expecting company actually. Don't judge me."

"Avis my dear", he said with a smile. "If I judged people based on the number of clothes on the floor and dishes in the sink, I would be a lonely man. Now, if something from a pile grabs me, we might have to talk about the issues, but other than that, I think I can handle a few pair of underwear on the floor."

"Just saying is all, come in then," she then activated the door which hissed open and the couple entered following by the door once more sliding shut.

The room was as of yet undecorated, Avis had been too busy to worry about such non-essentials since her arrival. And yes, there were things scattered about including some of her clothing but not as much as she had made it sound in her apology. There was a view to the cozy bedroom as she reached then for his hand.

"So you want one more drink before..............or.....well, what do you think?" Avis was plainly nervous at that moment and it showed.

Jason could see the nervousness in her and decided to take a more fun route. Even if Avis decided she wanted to slow down, he didn't mind as he had, had a good time this evening.

"What do I think?" Jason asked with a smile before taking her hands in his. "Well, I think we should first put our left foot in, and then take our left foot out, put our left foot back in, and then we'll do the hokey-pokey and shake it all about."

"Um, I think I heard of this once?" she smiled, not expecting that to be his answer.

He pulled her a little closer and continued, "I say we go into your bedroom and see what sort of mess we can make."

"Oh yeah, gee thanks," she chuckled.

He gave her a wink and said, "I promise I will help you clean it up in the morning."

He pulled her the rest of the way to him and kissed her.

As soon as they broke off the kiss, that was enough for Avis, "Well then, that's different. Let's do this."

They no sooner entered the bedroom when she began to undress, kicking off her shoes and unzipping her dress. She was nervous but delaying things didn't help her nerves any so she decided she might as well go for it. When it came down to it, this was exactly what she had been hoping for this evening. Time to let it happen.

Jason came up behind her as she started unzipping her dress and said, "Let me help you with that."

"Umm, sure. Why not?" she paused and allowed him to finish for her.

He slowly unzipped the dress and every so often stopped to kiss her back. When it was all unzipped he slowly moved his hands down her sides to remove it and then put them on her waist and hips and gently, but firmly hold onto them. He then kissed her neck.

"If you ever get fired by StarFleet, you could definitely be a professional undresser you know?" she quipped, "Want to unclasp my bra then while you're at it?"

"Professional undresser", Jason repeated with a 'hmm'. "I suppose it would depend on the clientele as to whether or not it would be a good job."

He unclasped her bra and slid it down her arms.

"Oh true, would you even want to undress a Gorn or a Cardassian?" she forced a nervous chuckle, talking just to say something for now was the big moment, well as soon as she lowered her panties. Time to let him see the goods as it were. It was nerve wracking. She was in fine physical shape, yes, but it had always bothered her she was a bit.......well the breasts department. Bit late to change any of that now though.

Avis turned around and let him look, hoping she would pass muster, "Well, I'm reporting for duty, admiral. Now what about you?"

Jason looked Avis over slowly and she could tell by the way his eyes moved and the smile on his face that he was appreciating the view.

"This inspection finds you out of uniform. And for that...", he said with a mischievous grin, pulling his uniform shirt over his head. Although he wasn't Charles Atlas, it was clear to see that he had well defined muscles and took care of his body.

Tossing his shirt to floor he continued, "...the admiral hereby grants you a promotion."

"Oh good! I hope it's like to a Queen or something? I might enjoy being royalty," she teased.

He pulled off his boots, never taking his gaze off her, and then slowly pulled down his pants. Two things were clear. First, he kept his legs as in good shape as his torso. Second, as he pulled down his boxers, Avis could see she had his very 'full' attention.

As much as she kept telling herself not to look down there...she snuck a glance. Whoa, that was impressive.

Continuing with the naval shtick, Jason said with a smile, "The admiral would like you to join him on the bridge."

"I don't have a bridge, would this bed do?" she took his hand then made the necessary few steps to the bed.

At that then she paused to let him make the next move.

He brought her hand to his lips, kissed it and then nibbled the palm a little.

"The queen's bed is more than the admiral deserves", he said with a smile.

He gently 'pushed' her into the bed and then moved in next to her. He ran his hand over her cheek and caressed her hair before moving in to kiss her.

Avis willingly complied and waited for him to join her then move in even closer before kissing her. She melted into the kiss, she was past her nerves now, lust had taken over. It was obvious where this was going and she wanted it so badly.

Jason let out a semi-growl as he could feel Avis' response to him. It had been a few years since he had been with a woman. Between training, work, and a sense of morals that had been driven into him by his mother, the time never seemed to be right. Tonight was different. Instead of holding back, he gave into his lust, mirroring Avis' own 'enthusiasm' as she called it.

Their 'enthusiasm' lasted into the wee hours of the morning and it was almost two before they both fell asleep, spent. Although he slept like a log, Jason's own body clock woke him up three hours later. Careful not to groan too loud, given the lack of sleep and hangover, as Avis slept, true to his word, Jason tidied in a way that would not be considered intrusive.

He left her a note:


Thanks for getting me out of the uniform, both figuratively and literally speaking. I had a great time!

- Admiral Jason

By the time Avis opened her eyes, she realized she was the only occupant of her bed, sitting up it was quite evident Jason was gone. She had really slept soundly, must have been the alcohol and all the excitement of the evening. Yeah and obviously - the sex! Oh yeah, she well remembered that and it probably would remain one of highlight memories too for a long long time.

It only took a second to read the note but it brought a big smile on her face, she wasn't going to throw this away.


Lieutenant(jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5

Avis Larant
Investigative Journalist
Deep Space 5


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