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Opening Shop

Posted on Mon Jul 1, 2019 @ 11:41am by Civilian Jason Haines & Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann
Edited on on Wed Jul 3, 2019 @ 11:41pm

1,949 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Operations
Timeline: MD 13, 1100


Jason had called in late as he had been flattened by the blood wine he had drank with the Klingon Ambassador. Even though they had stopped drinking at 1700 hours, the blood wine hit him like a ton of bricks and he had needed an escort to his quarters. He had spent most of the evening in the bathroom and was only now beginning to feel marginally human. Not only that, he had, had a ton of weird dreams.

After a rather lengthy shower he drank two cups of black coffee. Finally feeling well enough to move, Jason looked at his calendar and then decided to make it an easy day. He had been on the station for nine days now and except for time with Avis, Alanna, and a poker game he had no memory of and apparently had died during the event, which he had no clue how that could have happened, he had been going non-stop. Unless the station blew up, it was going to be a very quiet day.

Slipping his uniform on, he slowly made his way to the Operations' offices. Stopping at the main desk and said to the staff member on duty, "I'm Lieutenant Haines, Intelligence. I was wondering if Lieutenant Hartmann was available."

"One moment sir, I will check", the crewman said.

“I am.” A voice called from an open door. “Send the spook in.”

Lieutenant Junior Grade Erich Hartmann looked like a man who had been awake longer than he wanted; his eyes were bloodshot and his eyelids looked heavy. His movements were slow, as if he had to consciously control them lest they cease. The German got up from his desk to shake hands, grasping the Intel Officer’s right elbow with his left hand for added emphasis, before beckoning him to a chair.

“Get you anything? Coffee?” He asked.

"Black coffee would be wonderful", Jason half-groaned. "Sounds like you heard me in here, but just wanted to make it polite and say, I'm Lieutenant Jason Haines, Chief of Intelligence on the station. Please do call me Jason. And if I respond a bit slower than normal, I apologize. I had lunch with the Klingon Ambassador yesterday and was introduced to blood wine. Given the nature of the conversation, I wasn't in a position to stop when it would have been prudent. Sorry I haven't stopped by sooner as I saw your arrival recently. I've had a very busy first week here to say the least."

Hartmann waved a hand, as if shooing a fly. “You don’t need to explain yourself to me Spook; I’m not your supervisor.” He went to the replicator and ordered two coffees. He placed Haines’ in his hands before sitting down and pushing his PaDDs away from him, in a show of his attention to his fellow officer. “As for busy, brother, you don’t know the half; I’ve been trying to bring order to chaos between myself and the Wrench Wenchs, who need to both cooperate with me, yet also pursue their own agendas; its like herding cats, Jason.”

Jason looked at Hartmann and laughed.

"Oh, you get used to it after about four days", Jason replied leaning forward a little. "Between things here and on the planet, today is the first day I have actually slowed down and that's because war drums are playing in my head. So, where were you stationed before you came here?"

Hartmann swallowed a big gulp of coffee. “Academy. History Instructor. I was a Reservist.”

"What culture and era?" Jason asked. "I really enjoyed Vulcan history especially around the Time of Awakening as a very distinct before and after period in a culture. It influenced some of my senior papers. And having Montana roots, I would be lying if I didn't have a soft spot for the time around Cochrane's work."

Erich grunted a reply. “Mine was Earth. Post-Napoleon to end of 20th century.”

"Interesting time during Earth's past", Jason replied. "I wouldn't mind sitting and talking more, but given your role is quite active, let me tell you why I am here. I have an operation going, which Commander Soran has approved, for which I need a small shop, it doesn't need to be fancy. I also need a dedicated docking berth for a ship about 3 times the size of a runabout."

The German steepled his fingers. “May I ask what you would be selling or offering?”

"For the purposes of this operation, the so called business is going to be a simple transporter of small goods", Jason replied. "I am hoping to only need this for a month or two, but it does not go under my name. The person it will be registered to is Z'era Tralnar, an Andorian trader."

“Sounds shady.” Erich stared bluntly. “I’m going to need a little more than that.

"I am sorry Erich", Jason said. "Like I said, this is an operation, so the details are need to know. If you feel uncomfortable in granting the request, please do talk to Commander Soran as she approved it. I am not hassling you as I can understand your position given your duties and how busy this place is."

Hartmann chewed on his cheek in thought. “Alright. But I have conditions: one, fill out the appropriate forms with whatever you feel is a good story. Two, any profits you make must go to a charitable cause after your operation ends.”

"I can work with that", Jason replied. "Do you have a preferred charity?"

“Dealers choice.”

Jason smiled and said, "Well, I am certain the orphanage here could use a donation or two. I appreciate your help Erich. And if it makes you feel any better, the small goods this trader I am registering this business for transports is usually kidnapped victims back to their loved ones."

“All this slinking in the shadows is not proper soldiering.” Erich retorted without mirth. “I’ll feel better when you don’t have be such a...spook.”

"That chance is always there Lieutenant", Jason replied. "But tell me, what do you think my team does on a regular basis?"

“On paper? I think you conduct reconnaissance and data gathered from personnel, signal and communications, imagery, and open-sources to provide timely, relevant, accurate, and synchronized intelligence and support to tactical, operational and strategic-level commanders.” Hartmann said, all but quoting the manual.

His eye twinkled. “Off paper? I think you all get to dress in fine clothes, drive fancy shuttles, and seduce alluring women to save the galaxy as we know it.”

Jason laughed a bit and replied, "If you can get Commander Soran to go for the fine clothing and shuttles, I am sure we can find the alluring women at Risa. And after that, we may or may not be up for saving the galaxy. But there is definitely a lot more of the on-paper work than the off-paper. Trust me, I am not that spooky."

Hartmann waved his hand again. “Meant nothing by the term. It’s an archaic term for intelligence-types.”

"No, worries", Jason replied. "My dad is a real spook in every sense of the word or so I've been told. He's retired and usually only talks about this stuff when he reunites with a friend from those days. I'm just a desk jockey in reality. Besides a few more aggressive data inquiries I wouldn't even register as Casper the Friendly Ghost."

Erich chuckled at the dry joke. “Well, regardless, just don’t get anyone killed in your little plot. Other than occasionally doing an inspection, I don’t know you, never heard of you, never saw you, right?”

Jason smirked at the never heard, never saw comment.

"No, I have no connection officially to the business", Jason said. "but if it or its owner become disruptive to the station, come see me. I just need information that I can't get, I don't want to cause a riot on the station."

After a pause he asked, "Finding your way around the station ok? I've managed to find most of the good food places, a couple of bars, the main docks, and some warehouses."

Erich drummed his fingers on his desk. “Actually, I had no idea where I’d eat today. Any thoughts?”

"Well, here is a list of my favorites", Jason said. "First, is The Box, although it is primarily more of a casino and bar, earlier in the day, some casual fare, sandwiches and the like. The owner, Yolanthe isn't hard to look at either. For a spook, the potential for gaining information there, especially at night, is quite high. If you like pizza, even though it is a little more focused on families with kids, the pizza is really good at Lickspittles. The Place To Be has really good seafood. One place I really want to try is Joe's Chilli and Hot Stuff. I just haven't had the time."

Hartmann colored a bit. “Actually, I have seen Yolanthe. She’s...quite nice.” The term could mean something or nothing.

Jason laughed, looked at the door to make sure noone was there and then said quietly, "You don't need to be a gentleman here. She's a looker. I know, I've strained my neck a few times looking."

“I will only admit to you that my jaw is bruised from when it hit the floor.” The German retorted.

"Well then", Jason said. "For a welcoming gift to the station, I will replicate you a football helmet from the 20th century so that the next time you enter The Box, your jaw can only fall so far. The dabo attendants are nothing to sneeze at either."

Erich harrumphed in return. “Lost cause.” He said. “They are paid to flatter us and to look good. Most probably wouldn’t give guys like you and I the time of day.” He paused. “Well...YOU have the advantage, as you can just lie and say you do work like John Phoenix.” Erich offered, commenting on the popular super-spy holonovel character.

Jason laughed and said, "I am more of a Chuck Finley, Private Eye fan myself. So, assuming the station doesn't blow up tonight, let's get you acquainted with the night life on the station.:

“Lead on MacDuff.” Hartmann replies.

"Well, seeming how it is 1100 and the good places don't start opening until 1800", Jason said. "I will meet you at the A-List, which is level 1 of the promenade, around then and we can see what sort of trouble we can find. Does that work?"

“Sure. Sounds good. But I get to tell the Dabo girls we are on a secret mission.” Hartmann replies, waggling his finger at his quickly-acquired friend.

"By all means Agent Phoenix", Jason said with a smirk. "I don't believe there is a finer agent to help me carry out this mission."

Hartmann waved his comment away. “Don’t blow smoke up my posterior, Leftenant; I cannot promote you.”

Jason laughed and said, "I think I probably have taken up too much of your time. It has been a pleasure to meet you Erich. I will see you tonight and we will see what sort of trouble we can get into."

Jason stuck his hand out to him.

Hartmann took the hand and shook it briskly and gripped it firmly. “Right you are Jay; ‘til then.”

Jason gave him a salute with two fingers.

"Til then".

Jason looked at him and said, "And don't wear your uniform. Secret agents need to be attired more suitably."

Chuckling, he left Erich's office


Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5


Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann
Chief Operations Officer
Deep Space 5


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