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Posted on Wed May 29, 2019 @ 9:42pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Civilian Dorian Torel

801 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Deep Space 5
Timeline: MD10 2330


Geral stepped into the control cabin of his yatch as it approached the station. While he was glad to be back there were other aspects of his return that he was not looking forward to.

Prior to and during his absence he had not been able to personally communicate with Moritza or anyone else at the station, but he was sure the results were going to be worth it.

=^= You are cleared to dock in bay 93. Welcome back. =^=

Dorian nodded as he replied. "Acknowledged dock control." The navigational computer indicated the stations docking controls were ready to take control to guide the ship into the station and with a tap on his console the ship was in the stations control. Leaning back in his seat he looked back at his boss.

"So do you think she'll kiss you, name the next colony after you, or give you her first born?"

Geral smiled with a slight chuckle. "I'm sure their will be a lot of relieved people but I doubt it will get out of hand. Besides we've already recieved compensation by our Klingon friends. If she will even take my call. The last time we met things didn't go as well as intended."

Dorian remembered the meeting he was referring to and that the Commander less than happy when she left. "Well you won't find out standing behind me now will ya?"

Raising a brow, "No. No I won't." Leaving the command cabin returned to his office, his hand brushing over the box on his desk. Seating himself he noted the station time, not too late in the evening, and active his comm panel.

"Computer, establish communictions with Deep Space Five, Commander Soran's quarters."

Hed obviously caught her heading to bed. Her hair was till in braids, but they hung lose, ready for unplaiting, and she was wearing an embroidered cream silk robe, wrapped tightly for modesty, "Mr Lasuma." she said sharply. "I assume this is urgent, since you're calling me at nearly midnight."

The 'Mr' actually stung and it confirmed what he had already assumed. The...result...of the last meeting they had had, compounded by his sudden departure had obviously had its effect. "I do apologize. Not only for my sudden departure, the hour but it is, as you said, urgent, and I know you would want to know as soon as possible. Although there was one other thing I wanted to discuss as well...dinner tomorrow? I'll make something special." It was unlikely they would be "picking up where the left off" but he made the offer as an olive branch.

She sat a little stiffly, more upright, in her chair. "I don't think its appropriate I disappear into your quarters alone for a couple of hours." Even if your chef is rather good.

"I can understand that...My yacht then?"

"I don't think that would be much of an improvement."

She seemed adamant to turn him down, perhaps she was more upset with him than he though. "Something more public then. How about a luncheon at bistro area outside my shop? Nooo...this is too important for something that casual."

He paused as he thought of a location.

"If its that important, why don't you just come to my office." She started to pull on her plait, in an unconscious gesture of frustration. "The catering won't be as good, but its open much earlier."

He knew that if they met in her office it would be nothing but official Starfleet rigidity...he need to get her out of her uniform. "Well there are still a few minor detail to wrap up on my part. Nothing that wouldn't be completed by tomorrow afternoon. How about a neutral site? Something on the formal side yet still low key....any suggestions?"

"Well, there's always Anatoles." Maritza pointed out, it was the nicest restaurant of the many bars and diners the Promenade offered.

"Perfect!...It's a date. I will make all the arrangements and let you get to bed. I will see you tomorrow, Sweet dreams." Following his exuberant reply he closed the channel before she could say a word. Smirking as he rose from his desk and poured himself a night cap.

Maritza stared at the blank screen. Frustrating man. With a huff, she finished loosening her hair, and went to sleep.

Setting down he sipped his drink as a wide grin formed. If he had to guess he was sure she was most likely irritated, but he was going to be that last thing on her mind as she went to sleep. Pulling his glass from his lips he snapped his fingers. "I need a new suit."


Commander Maritza Soran

Geral Lasuma
Owner - Lasuma Enterprises

Dorian Torel
NPC - Body Guard/Henchmen to Geral


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