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A New Head of Operations

Posted on Mon May 27, 2019 @ 9:40pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant JG Erich Hartmann

1,394 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Commander Soran's Office
Timeline: MD10 0900


Arriving at OPS, Erich was met at the turbo lift door by a young human in starfleet red, a petty officers flash on his collar., pad in hand. "Lieutenant Hartmann?" he asked before he even got out the lift. "I'm Claude, Commander Soran's yeoman. She's expecting you."Don’t

“Sure thing. In her office then?” The German asked, being sure he kept his tone casual and neutral. It was wise to tread lightly around the Skipper’s Yeoman, whether they held rank or not. A junior officer insulted or upset them at their peril, as these humble persons were the de facto gatekeepers to the time and energy of their boss’. It was they who, if they so choose, ensured your promotion paperwork went before the CO on her best day, when she was feeling generous, or on her worst, if it even made its way to her at all.

"This way." Claude led him across OPS, dodging the flight control hub and the view screens, to trot up the handful of stairs to where the Commander's office looked out over the rest of the command hub. He put his head around the door. "Commander, Lieutenant Hartmann."

"Thank you, Claude." The young man stood aside, and let Erich enter the office.

The office itself was almost bare. The commanders desk was devoid of anything bar her terminal screen and a padd. No personal touches. There was a single chair in front of the desk. There was no sitting area, no couch or easy chair to get away from the desk. One wall was given to a veiw screen, but the back wall was open, floor to ceiling transparent aluminum, showing nothing but the starry void.

The woman herself seemed just as warm as the rest of her office. Her blonde hair was braided into plaits that were coiled around her hair, and pinned down with no hope of escape. Her trill sports were paler than most trill, but broader, reaching almost to her eyebrows and onto her cheeks.

"Take a seat, Mr Hartmann. You're letting a draft in."

”Jawöhl Frau Kommandeur.”* Erich said obediently. Although he took the seat, as ordered, his body posture might as well have been at attention: his back was painfully straight, his feet together, Hands loosely clenched at his knees.

The younger German tried his best to surreptitiously gauge his new Commanding Officer, to guess at her moods and her style of authority. To decide whether or not her severe features were the result of a stressful bad day or just her typical demeanor, so he could adjust his mood and answers accordingly so as to potentially anger her as little as possible. In the back of his mind, whether perhaps not even a Betazoid could ‘hear’, Hartmann thought the Commander would look very beautiful if she had more warmth to her smile, more joy to her posture.

"You've made some interesting career choices, Mr Hartmann. What made you choose DS5 for active duty?"

“Honestly ma’am? The career manager at Human Resources Command said a deep space assignment was the best way to get my career back on track so I wouldn’t be behind my peers; this assignment was the next available.” The German’s lightly lilting accent stated.

Hartmann internally winced. Was that a wrong answer? Should he have stated something more...patriotic?

Well, that was the no bullshit false earnestness answer. He might survive more than five minutes out here. "Have you ever dealt with a massive station before. A hundred thousand people, plus or minus ten, will be depending on you to eat drink and breathe without dieing. Can you handle that?"

The German bristled, as if his honor had been questioned.

“I have not had the experience of so large a group, but I am ready for the challenge ma’am. I gave my oath long ago to support and defend the Federation and its citizens. That includes the population of this station. I can assure you that I will not fail in my duty.”

His Teutonic accent grew thicker as he stated the words. He knew the words might be seen as chest-thumping, but they were true; Hartmann, as was stereotypes of Germans, took his oath and his word seriously as a point of honor.

She wasn't going to challenge him on that point. Shed spent her entire career in deep space, and out here such promises were an invitation to disaster. "Currently we have no fixed Chief Engineer. The most senior officer is Kivan Ta'Gas. Hes solid, but lacks experience. Until I get a permanent assignment out of OPR Your likely going to be helping him with managing the engineering half of the department too."

Inwardly, Hartmann felt trepidation; how was he supposed to manage both an Operation department, itself quite substantial, AND and engineering unit, which made up the bulk of the station Starfleet personnel (after all, ensuring the station had heat, and air, and water, and food was a full time job, not to mention vital to the continued well-being of most carbon-based life.

Outwardly, the German said what was expected of him: “Yes ma’am.”

"Now, did OPR send you the briefing pack on the station? Are you aware of some of our key issues?"

“they gave me the abbreviated version ma’am.” Hartmann replied. “Presumably some of what’s been going on is now or might become sensitive security information, so the gory details were...sparse on some matters.”

"Good. Claude will send you a more detailed breifng pack. If you have questions, contact myself or Commander Ryan." She glanced at her padd, checking off items on her list. "I see you've served with the KDF, How do you feel about all the aliens in the Federation?"

“I have no xenophobic feelings if that’s what you mean ma’am.” The German responded laconically. “May I ask, why?”

"The Svikiri incident has brought to light that a nasty faction of pro-human extremists seems to have penetrated deep into Starfleet. DS5 has its own problem with such agitators, resulting in a number of ops system breaches. Camera and scanner failures mostly, but all at convenient times." Maritza was mostly sure the two were connected, but she wasnt sure how.

“If I find any among my staff or subordinates, you have my word that they shall be brought into the light for proper consequences, ma’am.” Hartmann retorted, his voice taking on the same grave tones as if sweating an oath.

He seemed genuine enough. Though these days she was starting to question her own judgement in that regard.

"Good. And as well as looking for that, there are a number of other issues. the computer core needs a full overhaul, and the holographic defense platforms also need to be fully serviced." There was still to much outstanding. "Additionally, the emergence led to substantial damage throughout the station and repairs are not yet complete. Another area requiring close working with the engineers.

Hartmann made notes on his PaDD. “Yes ma’am.” He stated. “I’ll see where the Wrench’s are in their progress, and give you an update on ETAs by 0900 tomorrow. Unless you have specific requirements or agendas, the Wrench’s and I will also prioritize the work to ensure that the fewest total systems are down for the fewest amount of hours.”

The Teutonic officer internally wondered if the old-fashioned slang of ‘wrench’ for an engineer would not register. The slang was old-fashioned when Erich’s father served; now it was almost archaic.

If she noted it, she made no indications. "Lieutenant Leonora Dell has been holding the fort since our last Chief left . She'll help you get settled. Do you have any questions, Mr Hartmann?"

“No ma’am.” Erich responded, keeping up his laconic demeanor.

She stood , brushing invisible lint from her lap as she did so. "Then welcome to DS5, Mr Hartmann. I look forward to seeing the place get the attention she deserves from you."

The new Ops Officer stood with his superior. “As do I ma’am.” He waited to see if she would offer a handshake. None appeared. The German came to attention and saluted.

“By your leave ma’am.” He stated.



Cmdr Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer

LTJG Erich Hartmann
Chief of Operations


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