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5 Card Stud, Nothing Wild But The Dealer - Part 1

Posted on Fri Apr 5, 2019 @ 12:28am by Civilian Jason Haines & Civilian 'Arrival' Avis Larant Ms & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander River Morgan & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Ensign Tizo Criteser

2,569 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Box of Delights
Timeline: MD 8, 2000


Jason had taken a break from his duties and took a bit of a stroll. He had been thinking about the information found in the Raddon files and what to do with it. His stroll took him past the Box of Delights and an idea hit him. Entering it, he looked around and seeing Yolanthe, he went up to her.

"Hey, good looking," he said with a smile. "How are you today?"

The Box wasn't officially open, and several of the wait staff were still taking chairs off tables. The owner herself had been coming down the stairs from the holospa, wearing only a very short black silk robe, deep purple hair clinging damply to her back. "Flattery will get you everywhere. What can I do for you, cutie pie?"

"Is it flattery if it is true?" Jason said, definitely enjoying the view. "More a compliment. Beyond pleasant conversation, the reason I came down here is that I am going to have a bit of a get together and I want to rent one of your larger holo-suites later tonight, and if you provide it, some catering as well. We are probably looking at four hours or so."

"For how many?" That would determine cost and whether he'd fit in a spa suite, or she'd need to partition off the main hall.

"I am hoping for around least sixteen," Jason said. "Could be a few more if things go well."

"Sixteen's a tight fit for my holosuites. It might be better to split you off a piece of the mezzanine deck. That's not hard. What sort of food and drink do you want?"

"Whatever you think is best for the holo-system," Jason said. "As far as drinks, definitely some beer, whiskey, something non-alcoholic, and then a decent mix. As far as food, keep it simple, some finger food type stuff, breads, cheese, fruits, etc. Nothing messy."

"Alright, I'll do you bar snacks for twenty, two bottles of whisky, four cases of beer, four cases of mixed sodas, and a mixed half case of wine, plus the holodeck hire, for..." Yolanthe ran the numbers in her head. "Three and a half strips of latinum."

"Done", Jason said, handing her his credit chip. "I think that will make the party very nice." He bowed slightly to Yolanthe and said, "Many thanks to you, milady."

"I'll see you tonight," Yolanthe said.

1100 Hours

After making the arrangements with Yolanthe, Jason went back to his quarters and thought of a list of people to invite to his event and checked calendars. Alanna, of course. She would kill him if he didn't. Then Annora. He liked her, and they would be working together a lot, so that was a natural. He didn't know Lieutenant Ta'Gas well, but after what he had put the Cardassian through the other day he owed the man a good time. Even though they were information gathering the other night, Jason liked Avis, so he added her to the list. Even though they were more focused on work in the tactical training, Ensign Mayhew and Crietser seemed like they would be good to get to know. And last was the Commander's yeoman, Claude. With that in mind, hoping he hadn't forgotten anyone, he started to type a message:

"You are hereby invited to the Haines family saloon and gambling hall, a.k.a. Box of Delights, mezzanine holodeck C, for an evening of relaxation and fun, drinks, and cards (no credits needed). Festivities begin at 2000 hours, attire: old Earth western style (optional). Guests welcome!

Alanna was in the arboretum, going over possible changes to the upper level when she got the message. "Haines family saloon and gambling hall?"

Brianthe looked at her. "What?"

"Oh, sorry. It's an invitation to an evening of cards and dancing."

"Really?" Brianthe took the padd and read the invitation. "Sounds like fun. And guests are welcome? Mind if I come along?"

"I don't see why not," Alanna said. "It does sound like fun."

"I know just the costume, too," Brianthe said. "The question is, what color?"

"I think I'll look through the replicator files and see what appeals to me," Alanna said, grinning. It did sound like fun.


Jessica hit the floor hard as Travis’ padded fist caught her jaw. She saw stars and blinked them away, dizzily pushing up from the mat.

“Take it easy,” Travis said. “I don’t know why you insist on sparring with me. I have a hundred and fifty pounds, a foot of height, and six inches of reach on you.”

Jessica pursed her lips and blew away strands of sweaty blonde hair from her face. “Because I’m not always going to face people my size,” she said, putting up her gloved fists again.

“No. I’m done beating on girls,” Travis said. He had a lot of respect for Jessica’s skill and determination, but it still always made him uneasy to punch her in the face. “Take a break. Drink some water. Your Social is buzzing.”

Jessica blinked and looked over to where the screen of her Social flashed a message. Like a mini-padd and the equivalent of a Starfleet communicator for civilians, it had been playing appropriately themed fight music from Old Earth, like Eye of the Tiger, Rocky, and Thunderstruck while she and Travis sparred.

Jessica used her teeth to peel open her gloves and yanked them off. She took a long, thirsty drink from her water bottle as she listened to the invitation to a night of fun and cards on the holodeck.

“Huh. Haines seemed an okay guy,” Jessica said.

“You like him?” Travis asked. He was always trying to set her up.

“I don’t know. Haven’t really had much to do with him beyond the tactical training we did.”

“You should go.”

“Wanna come?”

“Nah. I have a date already.”

Jessica stared at Travis. “You’re going to the Lotus again, aren’t you?”

“What? No! A real date!”

“But you’re taking her to the Lotus?”

Travis shuffled guiltily, and Jessica rolled her eyes.

“It was her idea!”

Jessica just picked up her Social and sent back her RSVP. “Now I just have to find something to wear. This is really more Commander Ryan’s sort of soiree.”

“Maybe he has something? I’ve seen him in the corridors with that doctor dressed all Ancient West.”


Things had finally calmed down a bit around the station, at least from a security standpoint. There had been no further terror attacks, the Raddon Corporation had been dealt with, and the finishing touches were being put in place to improve the safety of the rebuilt diplomatic sector. One always had to remain vigilant, but even she had to admit it was nice not to be running from one crisis to another.

Annora had just sat down for supper when her padd indicated a new message. Pulling it up, she was a bit surprised to see an invitation from Lt. Haines to a night of fun at the Box of Delights. Lacking any other plans, she indicated her attendance to the event. After finishing her meal, she made her way to Treasured Threads for an outfit. She had a general idea in mind, but no longer had the outfit in her possession.

Once she explained the specifics to the Boslic shopkeeper, along with a picture, they got to work.

The outfit could be described as a female gunslinger. It consisted of a white blouse with a black vest over top. A red and white polka dotted scarf was tied around her neck. Instead of a skirt, they went with a pair of tan riding pants. A gun belt was buckled around her waist to allow a replica pistol to hang on her left. Black ankle boots and a black Loredo hat topped off the ensemble.



2000 Hours

Alanna and Brianthe walked into the Box of Delights shortly before 2000 hours.

Alanna had chosen an Annie Oakley look, complete with six-shooters. Her long hair was pulled back into a ponytail and topped by a light brown cowboy hat.

Brianthe chose to dress as a saloon girl in a bright yellow dress that showed plenty of cleavage.

"We're here for the party in Mezzanine Holodeck C," Alanna said to the door guard.

The giant Gorn looked down her cleavage and licked his lips with a long forked tongue. "Go right in," he said with a sweep of his arm, but he stopped Alanna. "Are those loaded, little lady?"

Brianthe smiled at the Gorn and walked past him, then stopped to wait for Alanna.

"No," Alanna said, carefully extracting one revolver with two fingers to show the guard. "They're just for show."

Harry checked that it wasn't loaded, then handed it back with a grin. "Go on in, little lady."

River hadn't been on the invitation list, so she had no idea there was a social going on, but she was already arriving at the Box just because she was lonely after her disastrous date with Ash and his scarpering, unceremoniously leaving her stranded in a towel in the early morning corridors. It had been just rude. Now she felt like trying to find some much nicer company and forget she'd ever met the creep. Or so she told herself, still feeling the pang of how rash and wild she'd been to even go to his suite.

She had tried to see if Opal was free, but hadn't had a reply yet. She imagined her friend would likely be with Caleb Ryan, so she didn't pester with more messages, she just went along anyway, hoping to catch up later.

Walking in and finding a lot of people going up to the upper level and the apparent presence of a bouncer on the door of a holosuite up there did give River an idea she might have accidentally gate-crashed something, but she stayed downstairs at the bar and kept out of the way, people-watching and drinking a very nice cocktail the redundant and very handsome dabo boy had put together for her. It could have been worse.

Dressed in almost black attire, except for a grey vest with a sheriff's pin, including an old cowboy hat (, Jason zig-zagged through the crowd on the promenade. He couldn't believe he was going to be late to his own party. He arrived at the entrance just as Alanna and Brianthe were going up stairs. He showed the Gorn, Harry, that the guns he had were replicas. Well, semi-useable replicas that might get a single shot off.

As was habit for him, Jason scanned the room. His attention was drawn to the bar. He made his way to where Doctor Morgan was, coming up on her left rear side.

"Doctor Morgan, I presume," he said.

River looked up and immediately cheered up at the sight before her.

"Emperor Ming!" she declared. "How honoured I am that you are deigning to speak to me, lowly as I am in the ranks of your mighty empire," she joked, eyes alight with a sparkle of humour. She gave a deep curtsey, slipping off the bar stool to do so with a flourish and a wide grin. "Allow me to buy you a drink, your Excellence, if I may be so bold?". She was dying to ask why he was in costume. In fact, she had clearly missed the memo on what to wear here tonight, judging by the amount of people here similarly attired, well, at least in a themed sense anyway, but she didn't say anything as she was on the back foot and was just happy to see him as he made her laugh and that was what she needed right now.

Jason tipped his hat and said, "Evening ma'am. That's sheriff tonight, not Emperor. And if you want to buy me a drink, you need to come to the saloon. That's if you aren't expecting someone. Your calendar had you booked."

"Oh. My calendar. Well, about that... I kinda had a date, but he found a Bajoran who seemed to please him better," she said dismissively, trying to forget her unpleasant experience of the start of the day. She had no idea he'd gone off to the arms of a Cardassian directly after, but that was a blessing not to have to know.

River shrugged and looked around. "Clearly I would have missed a great alternative myself, so all ended well!" She smiled.

"Well, you are more than welcome to come join the fun," Jason said, returning her smile. "You can either go find period clothing and arrive a little late, or come as a traveler from the future, lost in the old west."

"Thanks." River smiled. "I think I'll go find something. I don't want to be a spoilsport. I can replicate something quickly and be back before you've welcomed everyone," she agreed and hurried off.


Avis had been delighted to receive that invitation. Even if she hadn't liked Jason, she would have agreed to come, but given who organized the thing she was confident that it would be legitimate and fun too. Besides, it had been awhile since she last attended a rip roaring private party. Okay, so it was also a poker game, but, while she was certainly not an experienced card player, she would take her chances just for the fun of it all. One thing about the young lady, she was seldom averse to taking risks. And it was just cards. How much could go wrong?

Showing up at the suite, Avis was clad in what the computer said was an outfit based upon what ancient Native Americans dressed in, made from buckskin. Boots up to her knees and a brunette wig completed the costume. As for props, she carried a bow but no arrows; that would probably be frowned upon.


There was a Gorn at the door, the evening's security apparently. He let her pass with the bow as long as she didn't have anything to shoot, just as she figured. Stepping inside, some people were already there, which was a good thing in her opinion. She wouldn't have even wanted to be first arrival. She paused to see if she knew and could recognize anybody there already. And look around for something to drink while she was at it too.

Jason turned from speaking with River and then saw Avis. He walked over to her and said, "I've got to go check on something and then I will be right up? Let everyone know ok?"

"Hey there," Avis greeted him with a smile, "You got a badge I see too."

She wasn't quite sure what he meant by letting everyone know? Was she supposed to just shout it out? That wasn't going to happen. Still, she would do what she could.

To Be Continued...

Lt.(jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5

Lt Cmdr River Morgan
Acting CMO - DS5

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer

Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

Ensign Tizo Criteser
Security Officer- DS5

Lieutenant Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer- DS5

Ensign Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer - DS5


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