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5 Card Stud, Nothing Wild But The Dealer Part 2

Posted on Fri Apr 5, 2019 @ 12:29am by Civilian Jason Haines & Civilian 'Arrival' Avis Larant Ms & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander River Morgan & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Ensign Tizo Criteser

2,677 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Box Of Delights
Timeline: MD 8, 2030


Previously ...
Jason turned from speaking with River and then saw Avis. He walked over to her and said, "I've got to go check on something and then I will be right up? Let everyone know ok?"

"Hey there," Avis greeted him with a smile, "You got a badge I see too."

She wasn't quite sure what he meant by letting everyone know? Was she supposed to just shout it out? That wasn't going to happen. Still, she would do what she could.

Now the Continuation...

[Mezzanine holodeck, section C]

Through the doors of the holo-unit one was met with a set of swinging double half doors. A sign hung above them, “The Down & Dirty”. The sound of a piano playing a jaunty tune brightened the mood as one walked through the double doors. ( Beyond the doors was a moderate sized saloon hall. It looked like twenty-five to thirty people could probably fit comfortably.

Straight ahead, on the far side of the room, was the bar made of dark hardwood that matched that of the floor. Behind the bar were shelves lined with bottles of various liquids of a variety of colors that one had to assume was alcohol of some sorts. A middle-aged man with thinning hair who had obviously not missed too many meals stood behind the bar, wiping a glass. As he looked up, one saw his infectious smile that could put all but the angriest of people at ease.

There was a stairway to the left of the bar that was roped off. Behind the bar and to the right was another set of double doors that most likely ran to a storeroom of sorts.

About midway down the wall to the left of the room was a bit of a raised area that jutted out into the room about five feet. It was raised about two feet higher than the rest of the room. Butting up against the staged area was a piano. A thin old man with wire rim spectacles ran his fingers over the keys and he was without a doubt the creator of the light-hearted music. The man was very intent on his music and didn’t seem to even look up as people entered.

To the right-center of the doorway were six dark wood tables with green lined tops, each with a deck of cards neatly stacked in the center. There were four chairs at each table. There could easily be two more card tables setup if need be, but right now the space was open.

To the left and the right of the door there two small tables on each side. These were only large enough for two people to sit at and look out the windows, which currently had red curtains drawn across them.

Brianthe and Alanna were the first to arrive. "Very nice," Alanna said, walking around to have a good look. "I'm impressed."

The bartender stepped out from behind the door and smiled at Brianthe and Alanna and gave them a slight bow.

"The owner did say some pretty ladies might be stopping by tonight," he said. "He failed to mention just how pretty you were. I will have to have a talk with him about that. Might I get you ladies a drink?"

Brianthe grinned at the compliment. "I'd love one. I'll have your special."

Alanna chuckled. She liked the bartender. "Thank you, kind sir. I think I'll start off with a hibiscus lemonade."

The bartender looked a touch confused and said, "I ain't never heard of hibiscus lemonade, my good lady. We have beer, whiskey, some wine, and some sasparillas."

Alanna should have known better. "My apologies. I'll have a sarsaparilla."

The bartender smiled and said, "Very well, a sarsaparilla for you, my good lady, and a house special for your lovely friend. I will be right back."

Annora arrived at the establishment at the same time as Ensign Criteser, who apparently had received the same invitation. Instead of a cowboy or gunslinger, he was dressed up as a wealthy business owner. A light tan vest was fitted over a standard white dress shirt. Black trousers, a dark brown frock coat, and lace up boots finished the main part of the look. A cane, pocket-watch, tucked tie, and top hat added flair and completed the persona of someone in the upper class. (

"I see you got the same invitation. You look nice. Although it might be a bit dangerous to go in unarmed."

The Bajoran pulled back his jacket to reveal a gun belt.

"Thank you. I may have money to spare, but I'm not about to walk into a poker game unarmed. You look nice yourself."

"Thanks. When at West Point we had a heritage week. While I wore a more formal outfit for the actual dinner. This is based on the outfit I wore for the opening day."

She motioned towards the holosuite mentioned on the invitation. "Shall we go in?"

The pair headed up the stairs and, upon convincing the bouncer they carried no real weapons, were allowed access.

As Annora and Ensign Criteser entered the saloon, the bartender looked up from where he was preparing two drinks. "Welcome, welcome!" he called out. "What can I get for you two?

Having overheard the bartender list his limited number of drinks, the two were able to quickly decide.

"Whisky, and just a little ice. Tizo?"

"I'll have a sarsaparilla for now. Might as well try new things."

Alanna turned and smiled at the new arrivals. "Hi. You both look great."

Brianthe had seen Annora around, but she was unfamiliar with her companion. "Welcome."

Alanna walked over to Avis. "I don't think we've met. I'm Alanna Wells. Hi."

Avis had moved up to the bar by then to wait her turn to get a drink, but glanced over to Alanna as she spoke up.

"Hi. l --.or I think it's supposed to be...howdy. I'm Avis Larant. Nice to meet you."

"Howdy works." Alanna grinned. "Nice to meet you, too."

"Oh, before I forget, Jason said he had to do something, but he'll be back soon," Avis tossed that in.

While the bartender made their drinks, Annora and Tizo greeted Brianthe. As protocol dictated, Annora made the introductions. "Tizo, this is Brianthe Oaxaca. She works in the Science Department. Brianthe, this is Tizo Criteser. He works with me in Security."

Tizo gave a slight bow. "Nice to make your acquaintance. You look lovely."

Brianthe returned Tizo's bow. "Thank you, kind sir. You look very nice yourself." She appreciated that he had chosen not to dress as a typical cowboy. It added variety to the group. Indeed, she was impressed with all the costumes she'd seen so far.

The bartender finished mixing the drinks and quietly brought them over as not to interrupt conversation, with the house special being a nice glass of white wine. The bartender then looked at Avis.

Brianthe took her wine with a smile of thanks.

"Now what can I bring you, young lady?" he asked with a smile.

"Hello. How about some firewater...if I got my research right?" Avis grinned, but then added more helpfully, "Whiskey on the rocks, please?"

"A whiskey on the rocks it is," the bartender replied.

Jessica Mayhew looked far from being a security officer in her outfit for the evening. It was more skin than she was used to showing, but as a security officer she trained hard and so had the body to pull it off. As a “working girl”, the outfit was little more than a low cut white camisole, a black corset, bloomers, and a scarlet half skirt. Heeled boots and fishnet stockings left her upper thighs visible and bare, and there was a small Derringer pistol tucked into her scarlet garter, which Harry the Gorn dutifully checked before she was allowed up into the holo-suite saloon, getting quite a few looks from Box patrons as she passed.

In the saloon, Jessica went up to the bar, smiling at the others there. “Tizo. Boss,” she greeted, a bit embarrassed to be seen like this by her boss. She hadn’t expected Annora to be there! “I’ll have a beer,” she told the bartender. Best to start slow. Whiskey shots could come later.

River returned, and this time she was suitably dressed in a simple but effective cowgirl outfit complete with leather looking chaps, boots with large, jangly spurs, and a waistcoat over a chequered shirt with long sleeves. She had a tight pair of faux soft leather gloves and a holster with an imitation sixgun in it, Gorn approved on the way in, all finished off with a large wide brimmed stetson hat with a knotted cord around the front of the brim and through to fall beneath her chin to secure it.

"Hello," she said as she approached the bar and found herself next to Jessica, whom she recognised. "It's nice to find someone whose face I know," she said warmly, smiling and holding out her hand. "River," she stated. "If I'm not a complete idiot, I think you're Jessica, am I right?"

“Ah am,” Jessica said, trying to affect Caleb’s Texas accent and failing miserably. She laughed. “Yes, I am, Doctor,” she said, shaking River’s hand. “Or should I just call you River tonight?”

"Just River please" the doctor replied with a wide smile. "I don't know much about Poker, I hope that's not going to be a problem." she chuckled softly just a little nervous about that. "I'm hoping that I might catch on quickly, otherwise Jason may regret letting me stay".

Jason came into the saloon and looked about. He was glad to see everyone. He hoped there would have been more guests, but this would make some things easier.

Having just taken Avis’ order, the bartender looked Jason's way and then said, "Ah, good sheriff, what can I get you tonight? The usual?."

Jason smiled and said, "Just a beer, Sam, nothing hard tonight."

Jason then went to meet his guests, first stepping over to the bar where he waited for a break in the conversation.

"Hi, all, thanks for coming," Jason said. "Sorry I was a bit later than expected."

Alanna smiled. "At least you're here."

Brianthe raised her glass in a toast. "Welcome to your party."

Where he didn't have his drink yet, Jason tipped his hat to the toast.

"Thank you very much," Jason said, extending his hand to Brianthe. "I don't think we have met. Jason Haines."

She took his hand and grinned. "No, we haven't, but I've seen your moves. Brianthe Oaxaca. I'm the botanist in charge of the arboretum."

Alanna swallowed wrong and began to cough. It was never a good idea to laugh while taking a drink.

Jason smirked slightly and said, "Well, I do like to put on a show. A pleasure to meet you."

Brianthe laughed. "Your moves do you credit, A pleasure to meet you as well." She should send him a copy of the vid, just so he could see what she was talking about. Although she had a good idea he already knew.

River wondered what the moves in question might be, but she didn't ask.

Avis was thinking that very same thing, but maybe Jason would reveal more about that little mystery.

Sam brought Avis' whiskey and Jessica's and Jason's beer and then looked at River. "Now, how did you slip in here without me seein' ya? What can I get for you, my dear lady?

"I was here earlier, but inappropriately attired, so I had to run off and start over, hence my eventual lateness. Sorry!" River replied to Sam, but included everyone in the explanation of why she had rushed off. "I'd like a white wine spritzer please," she added as her preference for a drink.

"One white wine spritzer coming up," Sam said and went off.


Jason waited for a brief lull in everyone's conversation and he said, "Okay, everyone. Once again, thank you for coming. I invited you all here because I am new to the station and in the past few days I have gotten to work with most of you. Probably, given our circles, we will work more together too. When I walk down the halls, I don't want to just look at you and see the work you. I know there is more to you all than your jobs.

“In a few minutes a bit of food should be here, nothing too fancy, but a bit of a snack to keep our stomachs from growling while playing some poker. There is a guide to poker in your chair if you have never played before."

Avis nodded and kept it to herself that eight people playing poker at one time seemed like a lot. She also wondered if there would be betting and stakes. Without some sort of stakes, there was little point, as how could one bluff? You would get called every time. Still, she didn't voice any of these qualms; it was Jason's party.

He extended his hand over to a table with a deck of cards. While people were talking, he had reprogrammed things quickly for one larger table.

"Although there are eight of us, I think we can do this without too much fuss," Jason said, walking to a spot at the table and setting his beer down. "There are some basic chips for atmosphere, but we aren't playing for money. Although I am sure if you want to lose some, Yolanthe and her staff can arrange that afterwards. The stakes in this game are perhaps even more valuable. The winner of a hand gets to ask someone a question about themselves. A person cannot be called on twice in a row though. The questions must be tasteful, and if you see your question is causing someone obvious distress, ask them something different. Does anyone have any questions?"

"It sounds very acceptable to me," River offered an opinion, happy that the few rules weren't onerous, expensive, or likely to become awkward.

"Which type of poker?" Alanna asked. She'd played a bit in the field, but it had been a few years.

"Those are some unique stakes, but I'm in."

"Sure why not. Seems quite harmless really." Avis shrugged and went for a seat.

Annora pulled up a chair and began sorting her chips.

Settling into a seat, Tizo glanced over the poker guide. He had played the game some in the Academy, but it wasn't an activity he was real familiar with.

Jason smiled as people started taking their seats.

"We'll be playing the five card stud variant, no wild cards," Jason said, taking a seat. "We'll keep it relatively simple."

"Perfect. Thanks," Alanna said, taking a seat at the table.

Brianthe also took a seat, looking around at the others to try and determine who knew the game and who didn't.

“Shall we?” Jessica asked River. “This reminds me of the Academy,” she said. “Though, admittedly, there was more alcohol, and someone was liable to be in their skivvies by the end of the night.” She flushed a little with embarrassment. “The Commandant wasn’t too thrilled with us.”

"The night is still young Miss Mayhew", Jason said deadpan with just a slight smirk. "The night is still young."

Replying to Jessica's previous query, River, not having missed Jason's smirk, replied with an amused grin. "Yes, let's" she took a seat next to Jessica, hoping it wasn't going to be a problem if she had to ask questions.

To be continued...


Lt.(jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lt. Cmdr River Morgan
Acting CMO - DS5

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer

Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

Ensign Tizo Criteser
Security Officer- DS5

Lieutenant Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer- DS5

Ensign Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer - DS5


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