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This better be good.

Posted on Thu Apr 4, 2019 @ 7:40pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian Melvyn Raddon

2,004 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Commander Soran's Office
Timeline: MD 05 1400


When Ray Raddon was escorted into Soran's office, there was no chair waiting for him. There was Lieutenant Wells however, and Commander Soran herself, looking displeased.

"Mr Raddon. Your organization built an illegal research facility, engaged in unauthorized temporal research and two people are dead. You better have a good explanation."

She waited until he drew breath to respond, then deliberately cut him off. "Do you have anything to add, Lieutenant Wells?

"No, I think you covered it," Alanna said, smiling sweetly at Raddon.

Raymond's attention was drawn to a nearby reflective surface on the wall. He took a moment to adjust his tie appropriately before turning back towards the still fuming Trill woman. He smiled as he began to casually pace around the office, taking in the sparse decor that seemed to fill the room rather add any definition or color to it.

"Soran. . .I believe you said your name is?" Raymond said as he turned towards the Commander. "I don't believe we have met, it's a pity that you haven't taken the time to come to our office to introduce yourself." He said with an obvious sense of entitlement. Since the dissolution of Bradshaw Industries, the Raddon Corporation had become one of the largest civilian companies on the station. He took it as a personal affront that the woman had not made herself known in a more respectable fashion.

Alanna heard plenty about Raddon since arriving on the station. Little of it good. She'd never met the man simply because their fields of operation did not coincide. Until Pangaea. He hadn't spoken with her about his research facility, either. The paperwork appeared to be above board, but there were too many special conditions that would have raised red flags if it had crossed her desk. She'd have to make sure that no one but her had the authorization to sign off on Pangaean research from now on. As he was ignoring her, Alanna chose to remain quiet and observe. For now.

"I have more to do than make social calls on my tenants, Mr Raddon. I am waiting for an explanation of why you have breached your tenancy terms, and why two people are dead."

The two escorts for Mr Raddon remained outside the office while Annora followed the man inside. For the moment she was simply an observer, but was prepared to provide assistance as needed.

Raymond recoiled at the Commander's choice of words. "Hmmm. . .tenant I just. . .I just don't like that word." He said as he continued to casually walk around the office. "It's so. . .subordinate and dismissive." He said. "Certainly not an accurate description of a company that provides so much of your dilithium needs." He said with a smug sense of satisfaction.

"A very particular need that your diplomats and that Commodore Pierce are currently trying to rectify as we speak." He said. "It would be unfortunate for all sides if my company were not able to recover its lost assets and continue its very lucrative relationship with Starfleet." he said calmly.

"As far as the incident on the planet, that is still being investigated by my company. As per our protocol, we had launched an internal investigation to determine the cause of the explosion as well as to learn who all was involved. That vital investigation that has been significantly hindered by the..." He began to finish the sentence, but stopped as he looked directly towards Lt. Tessaro. ". . .the heavy-handed actions of your personnel." He said while shifting his gaze from Tessaro back to Soran. "Had you exercised some restraint, then we all would have the answers you are currently seeking." He said to the Commander.

"You seem to be unaware that I'm in charge of all research on Pangaea, Mr. Raddon," Alanna said quietly. "I look forward to reading the report on your findings when your people conclude their inspection. I'll be happy to compare it to my own investigation and that of the station's security and Intel departments. However, you should know that I've been able to recover a fair amount of data from your main computer. I have enough evidence to ban you from the planet indefinitely."

"Do you now?" Raymond said, finally turning his attention towards the Science Officer that he had been ignoring since entering the room. "That sounds like a strong accusation coming from Starfleet." He said as he locked eyes with her.

"A very strong accusation of guilt imputed to an entire corporation. But that can't be correct because. . ." He said he pretended to ponder his next thought. ". . .because you . . .were an eye-witness to the fact that Supervisor King deliberately attacked a Starfleet Officer and then fled the scene once his unauthorized actions had been discovered." He said, turning back towards Soran.

". . .and yet, here I stand being threatened by the Station Commander when the actual perpetrator the actual criminal is still running free with absolutely no accountability." He said distastefully as he stepped closer to the Trill.

"Unless of course someone in this room has evidence that a Senior Corporate Official authorized or directed Supervisor King to engage in such dangerous experiments. . .I'd be very careful about tossing around such inflammatory accusations." He said.

"By no means do I compare myself to the extensive knowledge and expertise of a Starfleet Academy graduate, but. . ." He said looking around the room.". . . this little dog and pony show appears to be a convenient cover-up for your inability to actually catch the person responsible." He pointed out. "Turn my company into a sacrificial lamb so that you can hang a banner on the Promenade saying 'Mission Accomplished' I suppose?" He stated sarcastically.

"Now. . .I wonder how that will play out with the citizens of this station? Especially the more. . .how should I put it. . . ah, the more ideologically motivated. . ." He said as that smug grin returned to his face.

Alanna couldn't help chuckling at his performance. It was quite good, but she knew better. The actions of Mr. King and her own findings clearly indicated that Raddon not only knew what the facility was doing, he ordered it.

Soran put her palms together and pressed her fore fingers to her lips for a moment. "Now who's making threats." she observed. "Since it appears to have escaped your notice, I am the commander of this station. And as such I have ultimate authority over this station, and Pangaea. If Doctor Wells wants you banned from Pangaea, I will do that. I do not believe for a moment that a temporal research facility was able to be built and funded in your name without your knowledge, and therefore I hold both you and your father responsible for the facility, the deaths, and the injuries.

"And given you've had to be threatened in to my office, shown not an ounce of contrition or remorse for what is either incompetence, negligence, or deliberate malfeasance whilst you are here, I am not inclined to be generous or lenient."

Alanna watched Raddon carefully as he spoke. "I do not speak for Commander Soran, but as I said, I do have enough evidence to have you and your associates permanently banned from the planet. I've sent a preliminary report and recommendation, along with my findings, to Starfleet Sciences. It can be reinstated, pending further investigation." But she doubted it. She knew that the more time Raddon had to investigate, the more time he had to cover up what he'd been doing. Or to shift blame.

Raymond laughed aloud. "Your preliminary report?" He asked with an obvious rhetoric tone. "Would that be the same preliminary report of a major explosion that you somehow completed, reviewed, fact-checked, and submitted to Starfleet Science in less than 12 hours after the incident occurred? Is that the preliminary report that you somehow managed to complete without interviewing a single employee who was actually there?" He asked rhetorically as he quickly pivoted back towards Commander Soran.

"While your subordinate attempts to babble a coherent response, let me remind you that even as a corporation, we still have fundamental rights of Due Process, Commander." He said indignantly. "Revoking our charter with only this preliminary report would be an egregious violation of those rights." He pointed out.

For a woman who felt so comfortable reminding him of various rules and regulations, it would be interesting to see how she would handle this hand that had been dealt. She could simply enforce her will through the use of her authority; however, that would only feed into the growing narrative of Starfleet's anti-Human bias onboard the station.

Maritza looked at Raddon. She was going to have to have the office sanitized once he oozed out. "Your 'rights' are subject in all ways to the needs of the service," she reminded him. "And I could have you thrown off that planet and off this station in a heartbeat. But yes, revoking your charter without full investigation would be premature.

"I am however suspending the Raddon research license and clearance for any of its personnel to access Pangaea immediately, pending that investigation." She said calmly. "If you or any of your personnel need to go to the site, you will be escorted by security."

She knew he would probably blow his top, but she was going to stand her ground. "By all means, make a fuss if you like. I will consider it a request for me to begin Due Process against your holdings on the station as well. There are enough rumors about the Dilithium Chamber, and that incident in your storage bays that would justify it."

Alanna nodded in agreement. "In addition to a security escort, there will be additional personnel assigned to oversee any cleanup or investigation you conduct on Pangaea."

"Mark my words, Maritza" Raymond said, doing away with any sense of deference or respect to the Trill. "This is not a war that you are anywhere near equipped to fight." He said venomously as he turned and exited her office, gruffly walking past the Security Chief.

Soran signaled that she should let him past. Once he was out of her office she sat back and folded her arms out of a need to stop herself from throwing something after him. "Well, that went well." she said in a tone the indicated the exact opposite was true. "Any comments, ladies?"

Alanna replicated a glass of wine for each of the women. "That man...doesn't listen, does he? He's clearly used to speaking and having everyone jump to do his bidding. I'm glad I don't merit his attention." She handed the other two their glasses. "I know we're on duty, but I think this is in order."

Watching Raymond leave, Annora wondered what the eventual fall out would be. Accepting the glass of wine, she gave her impression of what had transpired. "If there's anything to work in our favor, it's that we didn't have to forcibly serve the search warrant. It took some persuading, but they allowed us into the offices to gather evidence. Do you still want to talk with the Elder Mr Raddon when he returns?"

"I think we've said all that needs to be said," Maritza said grimly. "Though he may want a word when he gets back. Let me know if there's any spike in racially charged incidents on the Prom. Dr Wells?"

"Yes?" Alanna asked.

"Any further concerns, or can I leave you to your investigations?"

"I have nothing further Commander."

Annora raised her glass.
"To weathering the latest storm."

Alanna, too, raised her glass as well. "To weathering the storm."


Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer
Deep Space Five

Raymond Raddon
Chief Operating Officer
Raddon Corporation

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer

Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer- DS5


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