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Colony Proposal (Part I of III)

Posted on Sun Feb 17, 2019 @ 10:48pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval & Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni & Civilian Sha'rae Astare

1,511 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Lasuma's yacht
Timeline: MD 05 1030


After submitting his request to establish a combination of entertainment and mercantile space at the research station he had expected to have to meet with everyone in some Starfleet meeting room. To his surprise he was asked to host it on his yacht.

Food had been prepared to cover the various species that would be attending, and soon his guests would be arriving. He had created a casual setting where everyone could relax and not be staring at each other or fidgeting at some conference table. This could be the first test of his budding relationship, but he was making a request, and as with any request there was a chance of a negative outcome.

Sha'rae was staged just inside the yacht's entrance to greet and direct those attending the meeting and direct them to the lounge area.

Yolanthe arrived first, dressed in a her usual simple flowing trousers and black top, though wearing a pair of strappy four inch stilettos that meant she towered over the merely above average Sha'rae by a foot. She nodded to Lasuma's employee. "Straight inside?"

Sha’rae motioned her to her right. "Straight that entrance. Make yourself comfortable."

Qinee wasn’t far behind Yolanthe, wearing a full length flowing dress in the gaudiest of primary and clashing colors and dripping with her usual jewelry. Like most Ferengi, she was very short compared to Yolanthe and Sha’rae. She waved her security to the side of the room, her female assistant trailing her like a shadow, carrying a padd. She gave Sha’rae and Yolanthe a scraggle-toothed smile. “Felicitations,” she greeted.

The first hint of the next arrival was a fruity and floral scent in the air that scent shivers of pleasure through everyone. Qinee glanced around the room a bit hungrily, but she didn’t see that fine slice of Hoo-man Dorian. She glanced at Sha’rae, wondering if the woman knew oomax.

With a gesture Sha'rae directed the Ferengi down the passage to the lounge area.

And then Tianys swept into the room, wearing the gauzy, thin white Tholian silk gown that clung to her curves, making it obvious she wore nothing underneath. This was her ‘out in public’ dress, though, and so not nearly as translucent as the things she wore inside the Lotus Lounge. She smiled at Yolanthe and Qinee, who was rather a regular at the Lounge.

Alanna felt under-dressed as she arrived. She felt she should wear her Starfleet uniform, but she would much rather have preferred to wear civilian clothes in deference to the others. With the different groups involved, she knew that at least one person would be uncomfortable around a Starfleet officer.

"Hello," she said, smiling at Sha'rae. "I'm Alanna Wells. Could you please direct me to the meeting?"

Having received an invitation to this meeting from the Bajoran, Charghwl’IH had decided to attend. Not only to get a feel for a few of the players on the station, but to make his presents known as well. The new Klingon ambassador with his House escort mounted the ramp to the yacht. Hearing the name Maritza had referred him to, he motioned to his guard to remain. ""And I."

Looking passed the lieutenant to the bold voice behind her and seeing the Klingon, Sha’rae nodded to them both, her warm smile ever present. "Mr. Ambassador, you honor us. Lieutenant Wells, right this way." She showed the pair to the lounge where the earlier arrivals were mingling, then she returned to the entrance to greet the stragglers.

In the stateroom, Yolanthe looked around. Her invitation had spoken vaguely of business opportunities, and with her current difficulties she hadn't wanted to pass it up. But seeing the other women in the room, she now wondered what knew scheme Geral Lasuma was plotting. Which made her wonder where their host was. "Does anyone know what Lasuma wants?" she asked the gathered women, just as the huge Klingon entered.

Charghwl’IH glanced down at the women as he stepped passed to the table, lifting the bottle of bloodwine, shocked at the vintage. Battles had been fought over such a prize. Setting it down, he pour one of the younger bottles and turned. "You don't know why you are here?”

"Oh, I know what I was invited to," Yolanthe replied. "I just don't know what he wants, and I trust him as far as I could shotput a shuttlecraft in heavy gravity."

Tianys held a cold glass of water. She sipped it, impressed by its purity. Apparently Lasuma had done his homework. “He wasn’t exactly specific, was he?” she agreed with Yolanthe, her scent wafting around her, tingling pleasure through those who inhaled it.

Alanna looked around at the others who had gathered, surprised at those who had also been invited to this meeting. It would definitely prove interesting.

Charg, replying to the oddly colored woman as he lift his glass, said, "And yet you are here."

Yolanthe, beginning to feel the effects of Tianys' pheromones, looked down at her shoes, which was a mistake because she turned a shade of pink. "I was asked nicely."

Slightly puzzled as he sat, Charg said, "Whoever you spoke with must have been a cunning linguist to get you to meet with someone whom you say you do not trust."

Yolanthe gave him a long, suspicious stare.

Geral entered from another area of the vessel and greeted everyone warmly. "Greetings, everyone, and thank you for coming. I'm sure there is some curiosity as to why the collection of guests here today. The simplest explanation is, as the expression goes, to kill two birds with one stone. Those of you with official status, you are all here about a proposal concerning the research station on the surface. The merchants here today, you get a twofold proposal. Originally each of you received an invitation for a business proposal between your businesses with Lasuma Enterprises. However, I thought some you might interested in participating in my planetary surface proposal, if approved, so I thought why not combine the meetings?

“That all out of the way, I see that we are still missing Commander Soran. While we wait, if the rest of you will excuse me, I would like to give my fellow merchants something to consider. Any objections?

The Klingon ambassador lifted his glass. "Do what you need to do. The rest of can eat and drink our fill."

Alanna had no objections, but decided that she would let the Klingon speak for all of them.

Nodding his head graciously, as he was confident no one would counter the Klingon, Lasuma said, "Thank you, Mr. Ambassador."

Turning to the other merchants, he said, "I'll be quick, just to give you all something to consider. The details," he waved with a gesture, "can be worked out later if any of you are interested.

"As you all probably know. Lasuma Enterprises has its own transports criss-crossing the quadrants. My organization has trade within Klingon, Romulan, Ferengi, even Cardassian space. We have deals throughout the Federation with both allied and nonaligned world. The reason I bring this up is that my ships now make regular runs here. Most of you get your supplies from off station so you have not only material but transportation expenses. With my network, and my ships bringing in items for my shop and clients, I can offer you a significant savings on your transport expenses. Say...a fifty percent reduction to your transport bottom line.

"It's a win-win. You save latinum and I make a little latinum. If things should..." He paused as Maritza, followed by Sha'rae, entered the lounge before cutting things short. "Just something for you all to consider while we all discuss my other proposal. Commander Soran, please take seat. Can I get you anything before we get started?"

Maritza looked around at the other guests, Dr. Wells, and the usual suspects from the Promenade, and two ambassadors. "What is this about?"

Now it was time for him to be confused. With a wrinkled brow he glanced from Sha'rae to Wells and back to Maritza. "You weren't informed what this meeting was about?"

"That you wanted to talk to me about the colony," Maritza said coolly. "Not that this was going to be a group discussion."

Not a very good place to start. "I'm sorry if there was any misunderstanding, but I understood the colony or research station to be a joint venture, not just the Federation’s. As such, it only made sense to have not only the current parties and those with possible interests involved."

"I see." She glanced at Qinee, wondering if the Ferengi had put him up to this. "Very well." She took a seat, looking stiff. "What did you have in mind?"

To Be Continued...

Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer

Tianys Dalav’ni
The Lotus Lounge

Geral Lasuma
Owner - Lasuma Enterprises

Klingon Ambassador


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