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History Lesson Pt 1

Posted on Mon Oct 15, 2018 @ 7:07am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

677 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Holodeck 7
Timeline: MD 14/ 20:00 hrs

Stepping onto the parade ground, she took in the scenery. An almost full moon reflected off the Hudson River. Small piles of leaves lay scattered beneath the trees along the perimeter. Per design, the artificial lighting was reduced to a minimum.

Breathing in the crisp Autumn air, she took off on a slow jog around the Plain. She’d just completed her third lap when a familiar voice broke the relative silence.

“Long time no see.”

Annora slowed to a stop before turning to face the speaker. Standing next to a memorial plaque was a middle aged gentleman with black hair. Underneath a partially zipped leather jacket she could see his usual attire of white dress shirt and black vest. This time however, he had skipped the customary neck tie.

“Mr Yao, didn’t expect to see you here.”

The man chuckled as he stepped closer.
“Is that any way to greet your friend and bartender?”

“Sorry, I forgot you can exist outside of the Dusty Dragon. It’s been a busy few weeks.”

The Dusty Dragon Tavern had been a popular location for cadets at West Point. While in Starfleet Academy, Annora worked with her roommate to create a holographic recreation. The program had since been modified to include the holographic Owner-Operator in the form of Sam Yao. While possessing a level of sentience, Sam was restricted to a few select holodeck programs.

“That’s understandable.”

Sam accessed the recent news feeds as a way to get caught up on station happenings.

“Treasonous Captains and multiple bombings on the station, to say you’ve been busy is an understatement. It’s times like this I’m glad my biggest concern is running out of a customer’s favorite drink or a brawl. So what brings you out The Point instead of my tavern?”

That was a loaded question, and Annora was sure Sam knew that. He may have been a hologram, but like all good bartenders he was keen on getting people to open up. She gazed out across the parade field and the many monuments that dotted the rest of The Plain.

“It’s partly because Chief told me not to return until noon tomorrow, but he didn’t tell me what to do with my free time.”

She shrugged.
“When I found out the holodeck was available, it just seemed natural to run this program. Don’t tell him, but he was right. I’ve spent too much time in the office and need to clear my head. An easy run around The Plain seemed like the best method. Maybe it’s because I’ve spent more time here than anywhere else during my career. I guess I was looking for inspiration and thought a trip down memory lane might trigger a useful memory or a lesson I’ve tucked somewhere in the recess of my mind.”

He followed her gaze.
“Is it working?”

The security officer turned her gaze from the statues to Sam.
“Not really. I can still sing the Alma Mater, but somehow I don’t think that will be useful in this situation. ‘So your station’s been besieged by terrorists’ was not a course offered here.”

She allowed herself a slight smile at that last statement.
“Or if it was, I never took it.”

Both remained silent for several minutes, listening to the Hudson roll past. Finally Sam broke the silence.
“I’m a bartender not a psychologist, but that seems like a smart plan. If you don’t mind me asking, why’d you chose The Plain?”

“You mean instead of the classrooms or other landmarks?”

Annora left the sidewalk, strolling past the monuments to Generals Patton and Eisenhower. She stopped on the other side of the parade ground. Near the flagpole was a monument to Brigadier General Sweeney, the highest ranking MACO casualty of the Romulan War. About equidistant on either side were the Thayer and Sedgewick monuments.


Lt J.g. Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer


Sam Yao (Hologram) NPC
Owner Operator; Dusty Dragon Tavern


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