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Mandatory Fun

Posted on Sun Oct 14, 2018 @ 8:58am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro
Edited on on Sat Nov 7, 2020 @ 7:51am

515 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Seucrity Office/ Holodeck 7
Timeline: MD 14/ 19:47 hours

Annora hadn’t been that busy since the final push of the Romulan War. While Starfleet Academy kept her busy as well, that was a different kind of busy. In the days since the Commander rightfully chewed out the Senior Staff, Annora was either on duty or catching a few hours sleep. It was too early to tell if the long hours would pay off, but she had to at least attempt a solution to the various security problems plaguing the station.

She’d just closed a comm channel when Chief Petersen knocked on the door frame.
“Any luck with your request?”

She motioned the Chief further in.
“Actually yes. Command Sylar has agreed to come to the station to evaluate our security protocols and procedures.”

Annora had served under the Commander while on the Sundsvall. As a Vulcan and an outsider to DS5, she should prove to be an effective and impartial evaluator.

Petersen moved into the office but remained standing.
“That’s encouraging to hear. Always helps to have connections. However, that’s not the main reason I stopped by. You’ve been spending too much time in the office.”

He held up a hand to quell the protest he knew was coming.

“Respectfully Lieutenant, save your excuses. I’ve heard them all. I know we’re in crisis mode, which is all the more reason to take a break.”

Due to his rank and position, he was one of the few enlisted who could chastise her. Knowing that, Annora chose not to object.
“Fine, what do you suggest?”

Petersen shrugged.
“I’ll leave the specifics up to you, but I don’t want to see you back until Noon tomorrow. Don’t worry, we’ll let you know if anything requires your attention.”

With no clear plan, Annora changed out of her uniform before taking a leisurely stroll through the Promenade. Her trek took her past the holodecks, of which a few were not in use. Entering one, it didn’t take long to select a program.

“Computer, load program West Point 2. Season, late Fall. Time of day, early evening. Also replicate an appropriate PT uniform.”

Once the program was ready, she changed into the black athletic shirt and gray pants. The West Point logo of a sword and helmet over top a shield was emblazoned in gold across the back of her shirt. The standard MACO logo was situated over the left breast. While she hadn’t been at West Point for close to a decade, it just felt right to wear the PT uniform.

Stepping onto the parade ground, she took in the scenery. An almost full moon reflected off the Hudson River. Small piles of leaves lay scattered beneath the trees along the perimeter. Per design, the artificial lighting was reduced to a minimum.

Breathing in the crisp Autumn air, she took off on a slow jog around the Plain. She’d just completed her third lap when a familiar voice broke the relative silence.

“Long time no see.”


Lt Jg Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer


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