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History Lesson Pt 2

Posted on Mon Oct 15, 2018 @ 7:08am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

677 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Holodeck 7
Timeline: MD 14/ 20:00 hrs

Annora left the sidewalk, strolling past the monuments to Generals Patton and Eisenhower. She stopped on the other side of the parade ground. Near the flagpole was a monument to Brigadier General Sweeney, the highest ranking MACO casualty of the Romulan War. About equidistant on either side were the Thayer and Sedgewick monuments.

Sam followed Annora, but let her speak first.
“I guess because The Plain was the sight of so many milestones. Of course there were the various parades and ceremonies that took place here.”

She pointed off to the left and then to the right.
“The Thayer monument was where previous classes would always hold their memorials during reunions. If you were having trouble academically, the night before a big test you would head out to the Sedgewick monument in full dress and under arms. After spinning the spurs you’d run back to your dorm. It was supposed to bring you good luck.”

Sam smiled at the thought of cadets all dressed up and running across campus at night.
“That’s a fascinating tradition. I wonder how that started?”

“That I don’t know. I’m guessing it’s been around almost as long as the statue. The parade ground was also where they gathered all us Cadets to watch the Coalition vote on war with the Romulans. Once all the victory parades were over upon our return to Earth, we gathered for a midnight vigil. Until four years ago that was the last time I stepped foot on campus.”

While posted in San Francisco with Starfleet, she never really had a reason to return to West Point. When she arrived back on Earth in 2388, she made it a point to return to her old stomping grounds.

Sam looked over the various statues and monuments.
“In my opinion, all this experience makes you uniquely qualified for the job. No offense to your predecessor, but they don’t have the experience and training you have. You were in the service for about two years before ever stepping foot here. You also fought in the Romulan War, which from my understanding required a lot of innovation. More recently you studied at Starfleet Academy to work as a security officer. Tell me this, what’s your gut feeling about the attacks?”

Annora briefly closed her eyes in an attempt to clear her mind.
“I don’t think they’re connected, at least not directly. If Free Earth was behind the bombings, I’d expect them to claim responsibility. That’s how most groups like them operate. Someone else had a reason to bomb the embassies and felt we’d assume it was connected to Free Earth. Who that is, I don’t know but that’s my theory. As for the Svikiri, I fully expect the bulk of that investigation to be taken out of our hands by the Brass. While the investigation is still open, I feel we were just a target of opportunity. The bigger picture is beyond our jurisdiction.”

Now they were getting somewhere. Sam briefly wondered if he had some psychology programing integrated into his program.
“Sounds like a plan. I assume you’ve taken steps to improve station security?”

Shooting him a look, Annora answered the question.
“Of course, and the most experienced investigators are looking into any and all leads regarding the bombings. I’ve also requested additional security staff and have set in motion an outside review of policies and procedures.”

“Well there you go. Sounds reasonable to me. I’m not saying you should slack off, but at the same time you should trust in what you’ve done and relax just a little.”

Sam motioned towards the other end of campus.
“Now what do you say we head to the Dragon and get some drinks?”

“Sure, but I need to do one thing first.”

Jogging over to the statue of General Sedgwick, Annora gave the spurs a good spin.


Lt J.g. Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer


Sam Yao (Hologram) NPC
Owner Operator; Dusty Dragon Tavern


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