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Who Is Nick Bolero? (Part 2)

Posted on Mon Nov 5, 2018 @ 3:08pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

1,308 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Security Office/Interrogation Room
Timeline: MD 9 1415

Ash turned his attention back to Annora. “Pierce got wind of this Free Earth movement and wanted to know more, know what they were up to, so I went in.”

Commander Ryan didn't seem surprised, which lent some credibility to the story. A quick search for Ash Danrisa pulled up a standard Starfleet service record. He had served as an Intel officer on various postings throughout Starfleet but was currently listed as on personal leave. Comparing that with the Commander's showed they served together on the Nemesis. As for Commodore Pierce, he had been cashiered out of Starfleet after the Dominion War. Not too surprisingly, he started a private security/intel company. More recently he was reinstated and given command of the Nemesis, which was officially listed as a border patrol vessel, utilizing high tech sensors to act as a sort of listening post.

She had to give Ash props for sticking with his cover story as long as he did, but was a bit upset he didn't come clean earlier. At least someone in Starfleet knew about Free Earth. It would hopefully make the investigation a bit easier.

"I see, and no one thought to warn us that members of a xenophobic terror group would be visiting the station?"

“I was mostly fact finding,” Ash explained. “Get in close with the organization, determine leadership, that kind of thing. This was their first public act. I never thought it would be something so big. I didn’t even know Captain Tetsuro was involved. Everything was very early stages.What we do know is that they rose up in the aftermath of the Dominion War. War weariness, the corruption in Starfleet that was Admiral Leyton’s attempted military coup, imposing martial law, Section 31, many were leaning more and more isolationist, tired of Earth’s increasing ties to other species, like the Bajorans, dragging them into war. They were also burdened by the cost of rebuilding Cardassia, when they had started the war. They made common cause with many of the remnants of disaffected movements like Terra Prime and Earth First. And my favorite, the Human Purity League.” Ash gave a little eye roll before continuing, “But I never expected them to be as organized to pull off something like this.”

Terra Prime was a name Annora hadn't heard in a while, and didn't expect to hear again. While Captain Archer had stopped their major terror attack, there were still followers around by the founding of the Federation. However, they were mostly overshadowed by the coalition's efforts against the Romulans.

"Terra Prime almost blew up Starfleet Command in order to force all non-Humans off Earth. Any clue what this current groups goals are?"

“Someone is forming a coalition,” Ash said. “Like-minded disaffecteds, various scattered and disorganized groups meeting over holonet accounts, getting them organized. We honestly didn’t expect anything this organized from them. They must be farther along than our intel suggested.”

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Annora digested the information. "Never a good sign when the other side has a significant advantage over the spooks. At least we have an idea of what we're dealing with now. I'm assuming this is where you disappear back into the black hole of Intel?"

Ash smiled handsomely. “Well, I might be able to spare some time, Lieutenant,” he said to Annora. “We do have a coffee date.” He grew a bit more serious. “I imagine my handler will swoop in soon and, yes, I’ll return to the Nemesis until we figure out just how badly my cover has been compromised. I’m frankly surprised she hasn’t shown up yet.”

“Jera?” Caleb asked.

Ash nodded.

Caleb sighed. “She’s probably here somewhere then.”

Ash grinned. “She is good.”

“Just glad she’s on our side.”

He had a point. Annora had sort of agreed to a coffee date even before the revelation of his true identity.

"How could I say no to coffee with an undercover spy who provided valuable assistance. Let's go before this Jera person catches up to you."

Ash smiled and lifted his manacled hands. “So I’m free to go?” he asked.

“That’s up to the lieutenant,” Caleb said with a smirk.

Ash sighed. “Really? We’re going to play that game, Caleb?”

“Ah’m a father, Danrisa,” Caleb said. “Ah think mah daughter’s safer if yer locked up.”

Ash grinned. “Zandy’s all grown up now?”

Caleb gave Ash a level look, and Ash held up his hands again. “Fair,” he said. “She’s way too young and inexperienced for me anyway,” he said, flashing Annora a handsome smile.

She could see how Intel liked Ash. His outgoing personality drew people to him. Reaching down, Annora unlocked the cuffs and set them aside.

"Is that better?"

“Much,” Ash said appreciatively. “Thank you, Lieutenant.” He gave her that charming smile again and stood up.

“One more thing before Ah leave ya to the Lieutenant’s tender mercies,” Caleb said.

“I’ve told you about everything I know about Free Earth,” Ash said.

Caleb shook his head. “Not Free Earth. Miranda.”

Ash’s face completely shut down, growing serious. “We can’t talk about Miranda.” His eyes flicked to Annora.

“Ah need ta talk ta her. She’s linked ta somethin’ goin’ on with station security. An’ she’s linked ta Dys.”

“Fuck…” Ash said, rubbing his face. “That means you’re not going to take no for an answer.”

Caleb’s face was stony and he crossed his arms.

Ash looked to Annora. “That usually means he’s trying not to throttle me,” he said with a wry chuckle.

“Since the death of the arms dealer Torm, there’s been lots of scramblin’ for territory, the others grabbin’ as much of Torm’s business as they can. Daimon Dys is in that scrum,” Caleb said. “An’ imagine mah surprise when Ah find out that Miranda is too. An’ since Ah’m fairly certain ya’ll jus’ didn’t up an’ raise the dead, Ah guessed ya’ll put Phase 2 inta motion.”

“Damn it, Caleb! You’re just going to shit it out all over the table here? In front of her?” He looked to Annora.

Caleb straightened from the wall. “Computer, shut down recordin’ an’ secure the room.”

Acknowledged, came the computer’s reply. There was an audible thunk as the door locked and sealed. Then the lights dimmed and the seams between the wall panels started to glow a soft blue. The room was now completely shielded. No signal would be getting in or out.

“She isn’t read in, Caleb!”

“Then read her in.”

“I can’t. I don’t have permission. Hell, I don’t even have permission to talk about Miranda with you!

“Read. Her. In.”

“Damn it, Caleb! You don’t think straight when Dys is involved!”

Caleb leaned forward on the table and stared right at Ash. “Do ya blame me?” he snapped. “What if this was Enrily Graeca?”

Ash went a bit pale. He straightened up and paced away from the table, running his hand through his disheveled blonde hair. “Point,” he had to admit. “Still, Pierce will--”

“Ah don’t work for Pierce anymore,” Caleb said.

“You know how much he values loyalty.”

“Yes. But Ah don’t work the shadows anymore like ya’ll. Ah don’t dance on the line anymore.”

“You sure, Black?” Ash asked, raising an eyebrow. “Because this is pretty much a tango right now.”

Caleb glared.

Ash slid back into his seat and gave Annora a defeated smile. “Isn’t he something?”


Cdr. Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer

Ens. Nick Bolero/Ltcdr. Ash Danrisa
Svikari Security Officer/Nemesis Undercover Intelligence Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lt. Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer


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