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First Impressions

Posted on Tue Aug 28, 2018 @ 4:10am by Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Civilian Eris Tah

966 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: PMA Office, Promenade
Timeline: MD09 1200


Geral waved for his aid/guard to wait as he arrived for his meeting with the head of the station's Merchant Association. With only reports to go from he was prepared for whatever games this Andorian planned on playing, if any. His plan was to be cordial and understanding. Even though his organization had had a presence on the station for some time, he was the new one in town.

Stepping up to what appeared to be a receptionist he introduced himself warmly. "Hello, my name is Geral Lasuma and I am here to see Eris Tah."

The mousy loooking human girl on reception got up. 'Madam Tah is expecting you.. Please follow me. Can I offer you refreshments?

Smiling warming at the timid looking young woman. "Yes thank you. Bourbon...straight."

Lasuma was taken to a glass walled office with a design that made the word 'minamilist'' seem over elaborate. The office was quite cool, maybe sixteen degrees. At the glass and chrome desk sat a tall andorian woman witth a severe bob, who radiated a noticeable level of sangfroid. But she looked up, witth a smile that didn't quite manage warm. "Mr Lasuma.. A pleasure. Please take a seat."

Geral had immediately taken in the surroundings and got the impression that this woman was a by the book type. Most of the time, those operating the merchant associations used their position to pad their lifestyle making them easy to control. This one however gave no hint of materialism. The open nature of the office only added to his feeling she handled things 'above board'.

"Thank you, and thank you for seeing me on such short notice. I must apologize for Boran, man I had operating my establishment. His dealings have caused me some...embarrassment. Needless to say I have removed him and he is on his way back to Bajor."

The human girl came back with his drink, eyes lowered and set the glass on the table with a loud click. Tah didn't give her so much as a glance. "Good help is impossible to get. Now, how can the PMA be of service?"

Glancing up to the woman with a nod as he picked up the glass, swirling the whiskey. "Well as my establishment, under my employee's management, is a current member of the association I wanted to let you know that Lasuma's is expanding. I have already bought out the shops to either side of me and renovations to merge the three spaces into one shop have already begun."

Tah nodded knowlingly. "Some of your contractors are members. They mentioned there had picked up work from you. I trust Civilian Affairs hasn't given you any issues with the infrastructure changes."

Lowering his glass of replicated bourbon holding it is lap. "I think they had bigger issues so a linking the three storefronts into one was not a major problem." Anding with a little shrug, "The other cosmetic changes...they let my people handle.

"At any rate...I wanted to formalize my personal relationship with the local merchants association."

"Of course," Tah glanced at the mousy human again, who produced a padd barely thicker than a pane of window glass. "Our membership details, roles and benefits are all there, with options for three month, six month and full year terms."

Shaking his head as he wrinkled his chin. "I hate short term agreements. How about a more lasting contract...say a 5 to 10 year agreement?

Tah raised a frigid eyebrow. "You have confidence in your staying power. Very good. Shall we say five years membership, with a five percent discount on the yearly cost?"

Normally he would have pushed for a larger discount, but with the recent unpleasantness his profits were guaranteed to rise during the recovery. Especially as he had been one of the lucky few to remain undamaged.

Nodding slowly, "Agreed. I would also like to call a meeting of the association. I have extensive resources, supplies, etc. at my disposal and while the stations crew is naturally responsible for repairs to the facility, merchandise or funding is not so easily acquired. I would like to offer my assistance to whoever needs it."

Well, this one was keen. "We have our quarterly meeting of members in three days. Everyone is welcome to attend. I'll add your proposal to the agenda as soon as your paperwork is finished."

Tilting his head ever so slightly as he thought, ~Bureaucracy is bureaucracy.~ "Very well. In three days then. If you will have your staff send me any paperwork with the time and the full agenda for the meeting, I will put it on my calendar."

"Excellent." She stood. "Welcome to the Promenade Merchants' Association, Mr Lasuma. Is there anything else we can do for our newest member?"

Forcing down the last of his replicated excuse for bourbon he stood. "I think everything is well in hand and I will return the membership paperwork as soon as possible."

"Thank you. And on behalf of the PMA, I wish you newly expanded endeavour every success. IF there is anything I can do for you in future, you only have to ask."

"Thank you for your time; see you again at the meeting." With that he walked out of her office.

Stopping by the receptionist's desk, placing the glass on it. "Thank you for the drink...keep up the good work." Walking out he didn't bother to look back but compimenting a person constantly being demeaned was a seed that might grow into an advantage.

The mousy little human gave him a brief flicker of a smile before riveting her eyes back down at the desk, as if she was fearful of being caught.


Geral Lasuma
Owner/Operator - Lasuma's

Eris Tah
Secretary, Promenade Merchants' Association


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