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Definitely Busy

Posted on Thu Aug 30, 2018 @ 2:29pm by Lieutenant Alanna Wells

407 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Chief Science Officer's Office
Timeline: MD6

Alanna was almost giddy with excitement by the time she got back to her office. Official sanction by Starfleet Command and Starfleet Sciences for her department to take over the cataloging and exploration of the Pangaea caverns. Specifically, those that led to portals into the past. And she, as Chief Science Officer, was in charge.

It was a dream come true. To explore ancient worlds and civilizations without leaving home. Or, her home while she was on DS5. But to have the unprecedented opportunity to catalog and explore, to actually see the past instead of just read about it. She spun around, unable to contain herself. Fortunately, no one was around to see it.

And now, the stations Marine Detachment was on board to help her with security. It was all coming together. Even Draxx' ship would be invaluable in protecting the scientific research. She didn't trust him as far as she could throw him, but the alien tech on his shuttle was going to be invaluable in increasing security. At least, as much as she could trust. It was most likely bugged in some way, so she would have to be very careful to isolate anything she used. But he had managed to almost get to the surface without being noticed. Just knowing how he did it would help her.

"Computer, find me every map available for Pangaea. Compare it to the information gathered to date. Show it on my computer."

Before she could begin, she needed to now what had been mapped so far, and where the patterns lay. If there were any patterns.

"Computer, find me all information on the Fey." She would need that, too.

While the computer looked through all its data, she went to the replicator and got herself a plate of mixed fruit, three walnut brownies, and a glass of milk. Hey, it wasn't the most nutritious of meals, but she would enjoy it while she worked.

The computer beeped and she went to see what it found.
Several sections of the tunnels were market as explored. Several were marked as too dangerous, and most was simply blank. Well, it gave her a lot to do over the next few years.

She saved the information for later retrieval and began to read what little there was about the Fey.

There wasn't much there, either. Well, at least it would keep her busy. Maybe not out of trouble, but definitely busy.


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