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Checkmate, Part I of IV

Posted on Wed Aug 1, 2018 @ 3:00am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Commander Caleb Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant JG Lucius & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & First Lieutenant Gordon Blue & Ensign Braith & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca

1,119 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: DS5 Local Space
Timeline: MD08 1330

Previously on End Game

"Tractor beam holding steady for the moment, sir. I'm guessing that section is our target for the boarding party?"

“Yes. Get over there, Lieutenant,” Caleb said. “We won’t be able ta hold ‘em forever. They’re bigger’n we are. Unless we get help, they’ll break free. Ya might be on yer own.” He wanted her to be well aware of the risks. “Do what ya need ta.” Caleb looked over to Liam “What about the other sections?”

"Sir," Liam said as Annora left the bridge. "There's a hail from Section B. Putting on screen."

A dishevelled looking Trill appeared on screen standing in the centre of the tiny auxiliary bridge, which was bathed in the dark red light of a red alert. "Sir, we surrender unconditionally. But the mutineers have triggered this section’s self-destruct sequence and we can't shut it down! The warp core will blow in two minutes!"

And Now the Continuation

USS Ararat Bridge

Caleb Ryan turned to his remaining crew. "Options?" he asked urgently.

"Two minutes? How many of them can we beam over?" She had a twenty percent chance of shutting off the self-destruct with the worm she'd placed in the main section. At this point, any chance was better than none. Then she had another idea.

While she waited for the Commander's response, Alanna sent a code to the Svikiri science and astrometrics to activate. But instead of shutting off the self-destruct, the order was to set the main section to self-destruct as well. She hoped in that way to force the mutineers to shut off the command for all sections. The order would take one minute -- if it worked.

“Damn it!” Caleb cursed. “All remaining transporter rooms, start beaming people off of that section!” That was going to leave them vulnerable when they lowered their shields to beam. “All other ships, assist, and someone get another tractor beam on the main section!”

"Sir, permission to join Lt. Tessaro," Liam said suddenly. "There's a lot of frightened people on that ship, and a lot fewer mutineers. Someone who can help her sift through everyone she comes up against would be useful." He didn't state it, but he also didn't like the idea of her having no back up.

Caleb looked at Liam and considered. “Fine. But stay outta her way, Counselor,” he said. “It’s gonna get hot over there.”

Amia looked at her bump and sighed. She was no use on this mission now. She wanted to be back in Sickbay on the station where the wounded would start arriving eventually, but then again, there would be a whole swathe of them here first. She stood up and looked at Caleb. "Should I go down to sickbay and get a med kit? I could at least tend to some of the first wounded to come in," she asked.

Caleb frowned. “Ah need a helm officer,” he reminded her. But this had been a war game designed to test the Svikari’s weapons and shields. The Ararat hadn’t even brought along a medical crew, much less a full relief. They were running just more than a skeleton crew, and many of spare crew had gone over with Annora to retake the Svikari.

“Go,” he told Amia. “Best use of your talents,” he admitted. “What’s the status on that warp core?” Caleb asked. “We need to drop shields and start beaming over those persons!” It was a risk. It would leave them open if the Svikari decided to turn and attack, rather than run. Where were the other ships?

Amia nodded respectfully to Caleb and went to find Sickbay so she could start organising to take and treat casualties.

USS Ararat Transporter room

Upon arrival in the transporter room, Annora saw the first half of the boarding party geared up and waiting on the transporter pad. The second wave was standing off to the side, waiting for their turn. In front of the control panel stood Petty Officer Petrillo, who had Annora's gear in hand.

"Here you go, ma'am. Ready when you are."

Annora donned the light body armor before buckling the equipment belt around her waist. Due to the confines of the transporter pad, rifles were kept at a low ready, but would be quickly raised once aboard the other ship.

"Alright. Time is of the essence, so I'll keep this brief. Our mission is to regain control the bridge. We go in hard and we go in fast, while at the same time keeping an eye on our six."

"Thought you might need an extra hand, and a living lie detector is always useful." Liam shrugged at the security lieutenant.

"Gear up and join us on the transporter pad."

It was an unexpected but welcome addition to the team.

USS Svikiri A

"Self destruct sequence has been activated, Captain Tetsuro!" Lieutenant Hensor shouted over the continuous tones of the blue alert klaxons. "Section A will go in about two minutes," he reported.

He was trying to coordinate with the engineering team in regards to getting some form of navigation or stellar charting back online. Without any of it, they were dead in the water, and their plan was going to be over before it began.

"I'm detecting transport signals on Deck 13, Subsection B," Hensor said. "It must be the Fleeters. They're trying to regain control of the ship," he announced.

"Thank you for stating the obvious," Lieutenant Robert Aldrich responded from the Tactical station. "I'll dispatch a team to head them off. You keep working on getting our damn engines back online, or at least a way to knock out the Ararat," he said as he grabbed his weapon and proceeded to the access hatch on the far side of the bridge.

Ensign Nicholas Bolero stepped through the hatch after Aldrich. “You think we can really pull this off, Lieutenant?” the security officer asked, running a hand through his disheveled dirty blonde hair, his blue eyes checking the setting of his phaser. “They outnumber and outgun us.”

To Be Continued...

Commander Maritza Soran

Lt (JG) Leonora Dell
Operations officer

Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca
Assistant Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Cmdr Amia Telamon

Lieutenant JG Lucus
Chief Engineer
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant JG Annora Tessaro
Asst Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Counselor

The Mutineers
NPCs by Thom


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