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Checkmate, part IV of IV

Posted on Wed Aug 1, 2018 @ 3:02am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Commander Caleb Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant JG Lucius & Lieutenant Alanna Wells

1,730 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: DS5 local Space
Timeline: MD08 1345

Previously on End Game

"Ten..." Lucius ran his hand over the tubes. "Nine..." He found, very quickly, that only one bolt was larger than the others. "Eight..." He tried to get the clamp into place. "Seven..." Because the ring was larger, there was less room for him to place the clamp. "Six..." He was starting to panic. If he couldn't get this done it would be way too late for him to transport off. If this didn't work he was going to blow up with this ship. "Five..." He tried forcing it on and slipped, cutting one knuckle open. "Four..." The clamp finally popped into place. "Three..." Lucius tightened it as fast and as tight as he could. "Two..." He closed his eyes, praying this would work. "One..." The injector failed. Lucius took a deep breath and let it out again in a huff of relief.

Around him, people started cheering. The Bolian slapped him on the back in a gesture of camaraderie. "You did it. You saved us!"

And Now the Conclusion

USS Svikiri A section - The bridge

Approaching the bridge, the mental miasma of anger, frustration, outrage, and panic that the mutineers were giving off grew stronger, together with an undercurrent of fatalistic resignation. The doors were closed, with no guards outside.

Ash pushed back against the emotions around him. He had never been known for his strong mental shielding, however. “I have the codes,” he said, slumping against the bulkhead next to the door. He flashed Annora a smile that was half grimace of pain. “Want to grab a coffee after this?” he asked the beautiful security officer.

Captain Tetsuro remained in his captain's chair as he received the latest updates on the boarding parties’ movements. He had prepared for this scenario. He would have been an idealistic fool to not have anticipated that the Federation would fight hard to maintain their power.

From the Operations console, Lieutenant Hensor monitored the invaders. It was obvious that the defenders had been betrayed by someone within their own ranks. How else would the invaders have been able to make it as far as they did with little to no resistance? Now they stood outside the sealed doors to the bridge. From over his shoulder, Hensor could hear the captain whispering something in Japanese. A Shinto prayer, or norito, as Captain Tetsuro had referred to them in the past.

It was fitting. This was the end, and the remaining defenders on the bridge were prepared to take the final step.

"Gentlemen," Captain Tetsuro said as he stood from his chair and faced the remaining loyal crewmembers. "It has truly been my honor to stand with you against the forces of darkness and oppression," he said softly, but clearly. "We face a crossroad where we must decide to turn back on our convictions and surrender, or...remain true to our cause," the commanding officer said to his crew.

The silence of the officers within the room confirmed what he knew to be true: There would be no surrender to the invading forces.

"Mr. M'kru, send the final transmission to the designated coordinates. Mr. Hensor," the captain said as the operations officer carried out his orders, "deactivate all environmental functions for the bridge and activate the final protocol," he said gravely as he returned to his chair. He knew it would take roughly forty-eight seconds for the gas to enter the bridge and to fill the lungs of the crew members. Undoubtedly, the invaders would attempt to force their way onto the bridge to stop them. However, it would take at least seventy-three seconds for them to blast through the sealed door. More than enough time for life to slip away from him and his remaining loyal officers on the bridge.

[Other side of the bridge access doors]

While glad Ash had the necessary codes, Annora wasn't sure what he was getting at with the coffee. In the end, she decided to go with it. "Sure, if we get out of this alive. We'll have coffee in celebration."

Reaching into her belt, she pulled out a stun grenade. "If I had known we'd be putting down a mutiny I would have brought more. We unlock the door, toss the grenade in. As soon as it goes off, we charge in. If anyone is still conscious and trying to resist, stun them. After that, let's gain computer control ASAP."

The concussion grenade was tossed onto the bridge effortlessly and activated, just as it was designed to do. However, its effect on the combatants on the other side of the door was negligible.

In the several minutes it took Ash and his new compatriots to override the bridge door's security measures, the surviving crew members of the Svikiri had already deactivated environmental controls and allowed a particularly fast-acting and lethal chemical agent seep onto the bridge and into their lungs.

The bridge was strewn with the slumped over figures of former Starfleet officers. In the middle of it all was the body of the ship's Captain Tetsuro, sitting upright in his chair with his eyes gently closed.

“Damn it!” Ash grunted, coughing and stumbling across the bridge. “Get environmental back online!” he yelled at the others as he hurried over to Tetsuro Hayashi. He tugged off one of the black gloves he wore and grabbed the old Japanese captain by the collar. He shoved his bare hand against the side of the captain’s head.

“No you don’t, old man,” Ash muttered as he tried to seek out even a feeble connection to the dying man’s mind. Hayashi had information on who was behind all of this. Ash knew how dangerous it was to be in the mind of a dying man, and he wasn’t a strong psionic, but he needed that intel!

Captain Tetsuro's body had already begun surrendering to the toxin that seeped into his body. His consciousness was slowly fading away with only the briefest glimpse of his career within Starfleet, the loss of his family during the fall of Betazed, and a rather sharp image of Captain Tetsuro meeting with Hilliard Braxton, Federation Envoy to the Obsidian sector.

It was a brief glimpse, but it showed the elder captain shaking hands with the diplomatic figure with smiles on both of their faces along with the schematics of the Svikiri on a viewscreen just over Braxton's shoulder. As Tetsuro continued to lose more and more brain synaptic impulses, one emotion remained strong amongst the others: revenge.

Ash tried to hold on to the man’s last memories, but the impulse of revenge battered against his shields. It was too dangerous. He could get pulled down with the dying man. Ash released Captain Tetsuro’s mind as the man slipped away, and Ash fell to the floor, leaning against the helm chair, breathing heavily, his head throbbing.

“Damn it!” Ash muttered. But he had a name, at least. He wasn’t sure if Hilliard Braxton had been in on this mess, or if it was just some random synaptic firing, but it was a thread to pull.

Once the grenade went off, Annora rushed the bridge with the others right behind her. "Security! Hands up, nobody move!"

Her barked orders we unnecessary as the bridge crew were all slumped over in their chairs. She heard Ash say something about the environmental controls. "Reyburn, Green, get those controls back online. Now!"

The air was filled with a light mist. What exactly it was Annora wasn't sure, but figured it was the remnants of whatever killed the bridge crew. She had met some tough criminals during her time in uniform, but mass suicide like this was a new experience. Usually it was a crippled ship or wounded fighter taking others down with them in a final act.

Whatever had been used was still present in enough quantities to have an effect. "Tessaro to *cough* Stretlun. Avoid..."

She shook her head, trying to clear the fog that had suddenly muddled her thoughts. "Avoid the bridge *cough* without respirators."

Liam was starting to feel lightheaded as they frantically worked to get the environmental controls back on line. He had limited knowledge. Everyone around was feeling frustrated and determined this wasn't how they were going to go out, although some relief was present that they had managed to secure the bridge.

Several agonizing minutes later, the welcome sound of the environmental system kicking on filled the bridge. The normally silent fans could be heard whirling at a high speed in an attempt to clear the air. While Green worked on another system, Reyburn kept an eye on the life support readings. "Readings show no further trace of the toxin."

At the all clear, Annora took several slow deep breaths before tapping her comm-badge. "Stretlun, what's your status?"

"Situation is contained, ma'am. The prisoners are being held in Cargo Bay 2. "

It was a welcome report from the Boslic security officer.

"Understood. We have gained control of the bridge, so stand by for further orders."

Switching focus, she contacted the Ararat. "Tessaro to Commander Ryan. We have control of the bridge and all of A section. The bridge crew are all dead, as are a few others. The rest are under guard. Request further orders."

“Good job, Lieutenant,” Caleb said from the Ararat, watching as the section dropped out of warp and slowed. He motioned his own helm to follow. “Prepare your team and the prisoners to beam back. I will have what security we have waiting.”

Ash reached out when Annora passed him, grasping her hand. He coughed a bit. “Looking forward to that coffee, Lieutenant,” he said. “Though I might have to delay it. I think I’m going to end up in sickbay for a while,” the handsome man said with a pained smile.

"Roger that Commander. We're on our way. Request a med team meet us upon transport."

After ensuring the "A" section was fully stopped. Annora headed for the turbolift. Along the way she passed the others, including Ash. "Don't worry about it. The coffee will still be there."

Upon leaving the bridge, she contacted the others and told them to prepare the prisoners for transport.



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